Originally posted by Gackt247:
* Abaddon - The Destroyer (Hebrew)
* Adramalech - Samarian devl
* Ahpuch - Mayan devil
* Ahriman - Mazdean devil
* Amon - Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction
* Apollyon - Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend
* Asmodeus - Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally "creature of judgment"
* Astaroth - Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar
* Azazel - Taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics (Hebrew)
* Baalberith - Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil
* Balaam - Hebrew devil of avarice and greed
* Baphomet - Worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan
* Bast - Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat
* Beelzebub - Lord of the Flies, taken from the symbolism of the scarab (Hebrew)
* Behemoth - Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
* Beherit - Syriac name for Satan
* Bilé - Celtic god of Hell
* Chemosh - National god of Moabites, later a devil
* Cimeries - Rides a black horse and rules Africa
* Dagon - Philistine avenging devil of the sea
* Damballa - Voodoo serpent of God
* Demogorgon - Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals
* Diabolous - "Flowing downwards" (Greek)
* Dracula - Romanian name for son of the devil or dragon, which would also denote a "devilish" name--Romanian isn't too clear on which meaning, if not both, is correct.
* Emma-O - Japanese ruler of Hell
* Euronymous - Greek Prince of Death
* Fenriz - Son of Loki, depicted as a wolf
* Gorgo - dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
* Haborym - Hebrew synonym for Satan
* Hecate - Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft
* Ishtar - Babylonian goddess of fertility
* Kali - Daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees (Hindu)
* Lilith - Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him lust
* Loki - Teutonic devil
* Laurence - SGF peeled-banana-headed devil, boi boi lover and manager of dreaded gay boybands.
* Mammon - Aramaic god of wealth and profit
* Mania - Etruscan goddess of Hell
* Mantus - Etruscan god of Hell
* Marduk - god of the city of Babylon
* Mastema - Hebrew synonym for Satan
* Melek Taus - Yezidi devil
* Mephistopheles - he who shuns the light, q.v. Faust (Greek)
* Metztli - Aztec goddess of the night
* Mictian - Aztec god of death
* Midgard - son of Loki, depicted as a serpent
* Milcom - Ammonite devil
* Moloch - Phoenician and Canaanite devil
* Mormo - King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate (Greek)
* Naamah - Hebrew female devil of seduction
* Nergal - Babylonian god of Hades
* Nihasa - American Indian devil
* Nija - Polish god of the underworld
* O-Yama - Japanese name for Satan
* Pan - Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom
* Pluto - Greek god of the underworld
* Prosperine - Greek queen of the underworld
* Pwcca - Welsh name for Satan
* Rimmon - Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus
* Sabazios - Phrygian origin, indentified with Dionysos, snake worship
* Saitan - Enochian equivalent of Satan
* Sammael - "Venom of God" (Hebrew)
* Samnu - Central Asian devil
* Sedit - American Indian devil
* Sekhmet - Egyptian goddess of vengeance
* Set - Egyptian devil
* Shaitan - Arabic name for Satan
* Shiva - The Destroyer (Hindu)
* Supay - Inca god of the underworld
* T'an-mo - Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire
* Tchort - Russian name for Satan, "black god"
* Tezcatlipoca - Aztec god of Hell
* Thamuz - Sumerian god who was later relegated to devildom
* Thoth - Egyptian god of magic
* Tunrida - Scandinavian female devil
* Typhon - Greek personification of devil
* Yaotzin - Aztec god of Hell
* Yen-lo-Wang - Chinese ruler of Hell
Lol did you get all the demon's names from wiki?