Usually just leave the drinks to the BABES.... I just sit around and wait for my 'mood' to come before I DANCE....
It's actually a little 'tiring' to dance when ya drink.... 1. Alcohol dehydrates the water from your body... So when you perspire while dancing you tends to get thristy or a 'dry throat' very soon... 2. Yes... like LeighAnn mentioned... Some fatty acids components in it....... Contributes to your fats on the long run.... 3. Makes you go toilet and HENCE lost even MORE water.... 4. Lose too much water can get HEAT STROKE when ya dance.... 4. AND... Your tummy.... It's actually NOT totally contributed by the fats... It's your LIVER SWOLLEN after drinking too much..... Ya... BURNT....
So if I really do wanna drink, I would usually choose non-liquor... BUT if I really feel like DRINKING.... Either I go for 1 or 2 bottles/glasses OR I don't DANCE at ALL.... <- OH NO!!!! That's TERRIBLE!!!!
"Give me a reason for being HORNY....."
ße COOL, NOT s¢rr¥....