got a new hangout up there...
heard tt ambience not bad..
but cant rber the name...
starts wif 'A' one...
anyone checked tt place out?
~~EviL AngeL~~
[/i:vel eindzel/]
more affectionately known as...
tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE
(that happens to love prata...and Quickly PearlTofu)
what type of ambience u toking off...
romantic type..... or dangerous type
frm: eden
It's Altivo Bar..mainly house and world music.
Heard from a friend, but i've never been there b4.
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
if you dun own a car...
it would be a bit the "Mah Fan" right?
i mean all the way up the MT?
Actually Altivo has been there for quite some time already, juz that recently more and more popular. THe place is nice, you can sit outside to enjoy the night breeze and view of sentosa, and feel like dancing? just go inside the disco. however, very hard to find parking lots on weekends. and mind you, the parking lots are pavements, whaha
anyone knows the cover charge fot altivo?