paGn's Demolition 2001, a total gaming festival at Marina Mall!
Demolition 2001 featuring the
Clash of the Titans and the Launch of the
MechWarrior 4 Trial by FireIts all happening on 1st and 2nd June. Featured games are UnrealTournament, CounterStrike, Fallout Tactics and
MechWarrior 4!
Date: 1st June & 2nd June
Time: 10am onwards for both days
Location: Marina South Superbowl LAN center
Competition fees: FREE!
Spectators: FREE!
Transportation: FREE shuttle service provided on 2nd June
Whats Happenin:
1st June:
1. Clash of the Titans - 10 top CS clans in 5 v 5
2. Projector for spectators to watch the matches
3. Refreshments for spectators
4. Lucky draw for all present
5. Sale of carnival tickets - S$10
2nd June:
1. Clash of the Titans Finals - 4 teams in 5 v 5
2. Sale of carnival tickets - S$10
3. Lucky draw for ticket holders
4. Trial By Fire Opening day
5. Fallout tactics competition
6. Unreal tournament competition
7. Projector for spectators to watch the competition
Admission is free! But buying a carnival ticket for $10 gets you these benefits.
1. Seafood buffet meal for one person!!!
2. 1 Lucky Draw ticket
3. MechWarrior 4 Trial By Fire competition entry ticket for one
4. 2 hours of LAN game time at Superbowl LAN center
Direct all questions to
[email protected]
ICQ: 4353816* The world so big but no place for me *[This message has been edited by viper007 (edited 25-05-2001).]