It's all a WHOLE deal of FUN and MESS! It's really a GREAT feeling!!! BUT... You would be soaking WET by the end of the party and you can't sit in a car or you'll wet the seats... The air-con's gonna KILL you... And your skin would start to peep off due to the STRONG detergent used in the foam...Originally posted by maverick08:well i haven't been to any foam party b4.. but it really sounds very interesting to me..
Originally posted by Devil1976:It's all a WHOLE deal of FUN and MESS! It's really a GREAT feeling!!! BUT... You would be soaking WET by the end of the party and you can't sit in a car or you'll wet the seats... The air-con's gonna KILL you... And your skin would start to peep off due to the STRONG detergent used in the foam...PPP
So far ONLY at Papa Joe's! Be careful if might catch a cold!!! Grab a towel new clothings and PARTY ON!!!Originally posted by maverick08:well then dun drive la.. can always ride then the wind will blow u dry..FOC
so which foam party have u attended b4??