How the forex trading Brokers getting them commission
Broker have 2 category..
1st: Straight through processing...
their gain thru spread currency by liquidity provider offer and comission by post u trade..
2nd: Market Maker (we call bucket shop)
their gain when u lose trade..
This is one of STP broker i used... U can learn more about forex using automatic copytrade system. just follow the best trader:
EURUSD bid ask spread should not be more than 2 pips...
Come and Join Us on a 1 Hour Talk on Tuesday 4th November and Thursday 6th November, 2014
from 7:00 Pm- 8:00 PM
more information email me ..
forex just 1 company or?
which fx company u mentioned?
Comparing The Forex With Investing In Insurance :
Through spread
They get from a portion of the spread. Difference between asd and bid price