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About Singapore Exchange
Singapore Exchange (SGX) is the Asian Gateway, connecting investors in
search of Asian growth to corporate issuers in search of global capital.
SGX represents the premier access point for managing Asian capital and
investment exposure, and is Asia’s most internationalised exchange with
more than 40% of companies listed on SGX originating outside of
Singapore. SGX offers its clients the world’s biggest offshore market
for Asian equity futures market, centred on Asia’s three largest
economies – China, India and Japan.
In addition to offering a
fully integrated value chain from trading and clearing, to settlement
and depository services, SGX is also Asia’s pioneering central clearing
house. Headquartered in Asia’s most globalised city, and centred within
the AAA strength and stability of Singapore’s island nation, SGX is a
peerless Asian counterparty for the clearing of financial and commodity
For more information, please visit: