Hi guys, I recently just turned 18, and am very keen and curious about investing. Problem is, I don't know where I should start, or for that matter, how I should start. Could you guys give me some advice on how to start out, as well as recommend some articles, webpages, or even books that would help a beginner, like me, to shed some light on how to start out and acquire some knowledge of what is required in investing?
Just save up to 1k. go genting and huat another 1k back..
do u haf at least 50k oredi?
what can 50 k do?
Discover the Mental Habits and Strategies that made them the World’s Richest Investors
Warren Buffett and George Soros all started with nothing — and made billion-dollar fortunes solely by investing.
But their investment strategies are so different how could they have anything in common?
As Mark Tier demonstrates in The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros, the secrets that made Buffett and Soros the world’s richest investors are the mental habits and strategies that they all practice religiously. Mental habits and strategies that fly in the face of the conventional Wall Street “wisdom.” For example:
Buffett and Soros don’t diversify. When they buy they always
“buy as much as they can.”
They’re not focused on the profits they expect to make.
Indeed, their primary motivation is not the money at
Their beliefs about what makes markets tick are amazingly
similar — and diametrically opposed to academic theories like the
“Efficient Market Hypothesis” and the “Random Walk” which they both
view with contempt.
And all those research reports that Wall Street churns out —
they never read them. They don’t give a hoot what other people
think. (In fact, Warren Buffett says he only ever reads them when
he’s looking for a laugh.)
...and Transform Your Own
Investment Profits
Investment success lies in your mental habits and strategies, as Mark Tier demonstrates in The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros. In identifying the winning investment habits that led Warren Buffett and George Soros to phenomenal success, he has uncovered for the first time the mental habits and strategies that ALL successful investors share.
What’s more, every one of these winning habits is something you can easily learn yourself.
Whether you look for stock market bargains like Warren Buffett, trade currency futures like George Soros, scour the markets for undervalued takeover targets like Carl Icahn, invest in real estate, antiques or collectibles, use technical analysis, buy on dips or buy on breakouts, use a computerized trading system — or just want to salt money away safely for a rainy day. Harness the investment genius of the world’s richest investors by adopting the The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros and you, too, can make more money more easily than you ever thought possible.
In The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros you will discover how the mental habits and strategies that guided your last investment decision stack up against those of the World’s Master Investors. And then learn exactly what you need to do to harness their investment genius — and transform your own investment performance.
Before going into investment opportunity, seek expert advice such as the geomancy master to check whether you ve how much of potential wealth and luck in you. Once your potential is very promising, next, chart some charitable organs for investment so that some of it would go into these beneficiaries for good, as any winning of you is from the pocket of others.
if fengshui master say i 大富大贵 in future i can quit my job now and kiao kar at home wait for it to come?
3 Steps To Profitable Stock Picking
Stock picking can be a complicated process but does not have to be. Many investors have different approaches. However, it is wise to follow general steps to minimize the risk of the investments. This article will outline these basic steps for picking high performance stocks.
Step 1
Decide on the time frame and the general strategy of the investment. This step is very important because it will dictate the type of stocks you buy.
Suppose you decide to be a long term investor, you would want to find stocks that have sustainable competitive advantages along with stable growth. The key for finding these stocks is by looking at the historical performance of each stock over the past decades and do a simple business S.W.O.T. (Strength-weakness-opportunity-threat) analysis on the company.
If you decide to be a short term investor, you would like to adhere to one of the following strategies:
a. Momentum Trading
With this startegy look for stocks that increase in both price and volume over the recent past. Most technical analyses support this trading strategy.
Consider stocks that have demonstrated stable and smooth rises in their prices. The idea is that when the stocks are not volatile, you can simply ride the up-trend until the trend breaks.
b. Contrarian Strategy.
This strategy is to look for over-reactions in the stock market. Researches show that stock market is not always efficient, which means prices do not always accurately represent the values of the stocks. When a company announces a bad news, people panic and price often drops below the stock's fair value.
To decide whether a stock over-reacted to a news, and look at the possibility of recovery from the impact of the bad news. For example, if the stock drops 20% after the company loses a legal case that has no permanent damage to the business's brand and product, you can be confident that the market over-reacted.
With this strategy try to find a list of stocks that have recent drops in prices, analyze the potential for a reversal (through candlestick analysis). If the stocks demonstrate candlestick reversal patterns, I will go through the recent news to analyze the causes of the recent price drops to determine the existence of over-sold opportunities.
Step 2
Conduct researches that give you a selection of stocks that is consistent to your investment time frame and strategy.
There are numerous stock screeners on the web that can help you find stocks according to your needs.
Step 3
Once you have a list of stocks to buy, you would need to diversify them in a way that gives the greatest reward/risk ratio. One way to do this is conduct a Markowitz analysis for your portfolio. The analysis will give you the proportions of money you should allocate to each stock. This step is crucial because diversification is one of the free-lunches in the investment world.
These three steps should get you started in your quest to consistently make money in the stock market. They will deepen your knowledge about the financial markets, and would provide a sense of confidence that helps you to make better trading decisions.
go read up on all types of investments. stocks, forex, properties.
then learn what type of investor are you. conservative, moderate or aggressive.
you also got to know which type of investments interest you. then you know which topic to learn more indepth.
Trading For Beginners : http://www.marketmastery.com/TradingForBeginners.pdf
The Profit Button : http://www.marketmastery.com/TheProfitButtonBonus.pdf
Empower Advisory : http://www.empoweradvisory.com
TradeSmart University : http://www.tradesmartu.com
Intro to Technical Analysis : http://clickmover.com/rjo/download/Technical_Analysis_Guide.pdf
The 3 Best Technical Indicators On Earth : http://www.wallstreetdaily.com/wallstreet-research/pdf/WSD3BEST-1112.pdf
Top Gun Options : http://topgunoptions.com
Twitter : http://www.etoro.com/blog/social-trading/07112013/twitter-stock-now-available-etoro
Originally posted by imperfectiionx3:Just save up to 1k. go genting and huat another 1k back..
You can do that in Sg casino.
Damn stressed when you have no money .
yawn zzzzzzz? whats up guys?
You can look into alternative investments. Short term, low capital outlay.
What is Alternative Investments, how it can be part of your portfolio
No matter how godly you may be, e.g. making 100% profits a year, if your base is near $0, then in the end, you don't make much too.
The first step before you think of investments is how to get your seed capital. That is even more important than any other investment knowledge.
I got $200.
Can invest in what ?
Originally posted by M the name:3 Steps To Profitable Stock Picking
Stock picking can be a complicated process but does not have to be. Many investors have different approaches. However, it is wise to follow general steps to minimize the risk of the investments. This article will outline these basic steps for picking high performance stocks.
Step 1
Decide on the time frame and the general strategy of the investment. This step is very important because it will dictate the type of stocks you buy.
Suppose you decide to be a long term investor, you would want to find stocks that have sustainable competitive advantages along with stable growth. The key for finding these stocks is by looking at the historical performance of each stock over the past decades and do a simple business S.W.O.T. (Strength-weakness-opportunity-threat) analysis on the company.
If you decide to be a short term investor, you would like to adhere to one of the following strategies:
a. Momentum Trading
With this startegy look for stocks that increase in both price and volume over the recent past. Most technical analyses support this trading strategy.
Consider stocks that have demonstrated stable and smooth rises in their prices. The idea is that when the stocks are not volatile, you can simply ride the up-trend until the trend breaks.
b. Contrarian Strategy.
This strategy is to look for over-reactions in the stock market. Researches show that stock market is not always efficient, which means prices do not always accurately represent the values of the stocks. When a company announces a bad news, people panic and price often drops below the stock's fair value.
To decide whether a stock over-reacted to a news, and look at the possibility of recovery from the impact of the bad news. For example, if the stock drops 20% after the company loses a legal case that has no permanent damage to the business's brand and product, you can be confident that the market over-reacted.
With this strategy try to find a list of stocks that have recent drops in prices, analyze the potential for a reversal (through candlestick analysis). If the stocks demonstrate candlestick reversal patterns, I will go through the recent news to analyze the causes of the recent price drops to determine the existence of over-sold opportunities.
Step 2
Conduct researches that give you a selection of stocks that is consistent to your investment time frame and strategy.
There are numerous stock screeners on the web that can help you find stocks according to your needs.
Step 3
Once you have a list of stocks to buy, you would need to diversify them in a way that gives the greatest reward/risk ratio. One way to do this is conduct a Markowitz analysis for your portfolio. The analysis will give you the proportions of money you should allocate to each stock. This step is crucial because diversification is one of the free-lunches in the investment world.
These three steps should get you started in your quest to consistently make money in the stock market. They will deepen your knowledge about the financial markets, and would provide a sense of confidence that helps you to make better trading decisions.
Buy blue chip IPO
It costs only $2 to apply for the shares in an IPO.
MOST blue chips IPO debut above its IPO prices.
I bought Mapletree GCC, SPH Reit and OUE HT recently.
I got 6 lots from Mapletree GCC, 3 lots from SPH Reit and 8 lots from OUE HT.
The gains are $500+, $200+ and $100+ respectively.
The money is not a lot, just enough for some kopi.