2002: Drawing of election boundaries, healthy to democracy?
GRCs: In 1988, legislation was passed to group constituencies into Group Representation Constituencies or GRCs. Three constituencies were grouped together and contested as one seat. Of the three candidates, one from a stipulated minority race was required. This resulted in a massive re-drawing of the boundaries producing 10 GRCs and 40 single seat wards, giving a total of 70 seats. The concept of Town Councils run by elected Members of Parliament was also introduced.
1988 is not the last time where the election boundaries have been redrawn to benefit PAP's grip on domestic politics. Bedok now falls under some Marine Parade GRC (which is like miles apart) because one of the General Elections, Bedok's vote for the ruling party actually went down to 50+%.. PAP found it wise to dilute such abberant signs of rebellion and mixed it with other GRCS showing healthier votes...
What do you people feel?
crazy monkey
wat to do ?
Nothing we can do on the micro view, but we can always talk about it. Share your views