Train Man - Hitori Nakano
This is a sweet-natured "Internet-generation" love story.
It unfolds over the most used forum in the world, 2-Channel in Japan. A geek stands up to a drunk geezer harassing women on a train (thus Train Man) and a girl who is sitting beside him is so impressed that she sends him a pair of Hermes teacups (hence Lady Hermes).
He's torn between his own crippling shyness and feelings of inadequecy and his attraction to her, holding his phone paralysed by the complexes only the otaku will know, he pours his heart out over 2-Channel.
Usually cynical and depressing, the rest of the 2-Channellers rise up to the occasion and give him the moral support, living vicariously through Train Man who is to them, everything they don't even dare to dream possible.
There can be miracles when you dare to dream, and find the courage to live the dream.
Engrossing read.. 4 out of 5.
didn't know got such a forum... wow