A science fiction by Haruki Murakami which seems to zoom off in all directions at the same time.

The book starts with a man walking into an office about a job. And in the next chapter, it flips over to a man who is about to get his shadow amputated from him, while he goes into a walled city which is "The End Of The World".
Each chapter brings the reader back and forth from each world. One where a man accepts a job which suddenly turns dangerous as rival factions will not hesitate to resort to violence to attain their goal. The other where a man loses his self to become part of the Perfect World in the walled city.
As the reader goes on, the plot moves breathlessly quickly for one chapter, while the next slowly and subtly yields its secrets.
Ultimately, the reader is drawn to the mystery of the two worlds. And to the secret of immortality.
Engrossing and exhilarating.
4 1/2 out of 5 for the amazing insight into what might be.