This is THE series.
sorry hobbit fans, but this series beats Tolkien's series hands down.. while Tolkien's series is so elaborate that it leaves nothing to the imagination, this series allows you to think, to imagine, to wonder, to revel in.. and it grabs you and entices you into the universe which centre is Dune...
it starts with Dune

Arrakis.. Dune.. Desert Planet..
The first in the series of 6 books starts on the Planet Caladan. Where the most popular of the nobles in the Landsraad, Duke Leto Atreides of House Atreides, has been commanded by the Padashah Emperor, Shaddam IV, to take over the running of Arrakis, the only source of the Spice Melange.
The Duke knows it is a trap but he goes anyway because if he is able to, untold riches and power would come from the running of Arrakis.
However, those whom the Atreides are replacing are the Harkonnens, with Baron Vladimir Harkonnen of House Harkonnen as the leader, he is the sworn enemy of House Atreides, and has vowed to bring down House Atreides and steal the Ducal Signet ring for himself.
Thus the slow tragedy starts which will span the next 5,000 years and move humanity to making the harshest of decisions.
The whole lever of it all is the Duke's son, Paul Atreides. The consort of the Duke, the lovely Jessica, has been ordered by her order, the Bene Gesserit, to bear only daughters but her love for the Duke overcame the order and she bore him a son.
The order of the Bene Gesserit was manipulating bloodlines for millenia to create the Kwisatz Haderach, the Super-Being and was one generation from achieving that goal when Jessica disobeyed her orders.
A series of betrayals, plans within plans, and the whole known universe is shakened when Paul realises his fate would bring the whole of humanity to its knees. But unable to stop it, he marches on to its bloody and horrific conclusion.
... The Sleeper has awakened!