i'm sorry, but is Nirvana ��世界?
Thank you
sometimes i would think, in human realm is harder and harder to realize dharma... the mud is so thick and viscuous that the lotus seed doesn't seem to grow. Work and study takes up most of human's time....
In dharma, mud is lotus. Therefore it's so very need of dharma in a mud that does not recognizes its lotus. Study is a need for secular knowledge and acomplishment of parents and nation pursuit of a learned personality. Dharma goes into the source of this secular knowledge serves to disengage one attachment over it so that yr life even though is not supreme lotusly sweet, to the least is allow one to recognize life beyond secularism as affinity/condition in its is emptiness. In study, one needs a calm mind, dharma helps one develop peace and free up more space so that one concentration in study will not be affected but improve its health. For both teachers and student in secular education, one should contemplate that languages relates to grace, compassion, filial piety, friendliness congeniality; Maths is the sum of cooperation to achieve balance and functionality; Science is the quality of ones alchemy; Geography is nature beauty; History is eulogies and beauty of culture; Art is design and presentation for occasions; Home econ is the joys of family meal etc
As far as work is concern, in general, it's destiny of the past and dharma is about recognizing this destiny and be naturally & calmly let it move on. One of many very good example was this Germany employer in China.
邬余庆è€�居士曾ç»�告诉净空法师一件真实的故事,是他亲眼所è§�的。抗战以å‰�,他在上海å�šå°�生æ„�,当时上海有一ä½�富商,本æ�¥æ˜¯å�šå°�工的,他的è€�æ�¿æ˜¯å¾·å›½äººï¼Œåœ¨ä¸å›½å�šç”Ÿæ„�,战争爆å�‘时,这ä½�å¾·å›½äººå°±å›žå›½äº†ã€‚å› ä¸ºè€�æ�¿è§‰å¾—他人很好,很è€�实å�¯é� ,就亲手把在上海的财产事业交给他。以å�Žè¿™ä½�德国人å†�也没有消æ�¯äº†ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥è´¢äº§éƒ½ä¸ºä»–所有了。他也很会ç»�è�¥ï¼Œå°±ä»¥è¿™ä¸ªåŸºç¡€å�‘了起æ�¥äº†ã€‚
他娶了太太,也生了儿å�ï¼Œå› ä¸ºå®¶é‡Œå¾ˆå¯Œæœ‰ï¼Œå„¿å�é�žå¸¸éª„傲,是个顽皮的å©å�,父æ¯�ä¹Ÿæ— æ³•æ•™å¯¼ä»–ã€‚å„¿å�å��å²�的时候,æ£åœ¨å¿µå°�å¦ï¼Œæœ‰ä¸€å¤©ï¼Œè¿™å°�å©æ”¾å¦å›žå®¶ï¼Œåœ¨è·¯ä¸ŠæŽ‰äº†å��å�—钱(当时的å°�å©èº«ä¸Šå¸¦é‚£ä¹ˆå¤šé’±ï¼Œå®žåœ¨ä¸�是容易的事),刚好他父亲的一ä½�è€�朋å�‹è§�到了,就æ�¡èµ·æ�¥è¯´ï¼š‘å¼Ÿå¼Ÿï¼Œä½ å�«æˆ‘ä¸€å£°ä¼¯ä¼¯ï¼Œæˆ‘å°±æŠŠé’±è¿˜ç»™ä½ ã€‚’è¿™å°�å©å�´è¯´ï¼š‘ä½ å�«æˆ‘一声伯伯,我å†�ç»™ä½ å��å�—钱。’ç”±æ¤å�¯çŸ¥è¿™ä¸ªå°�å©çš„家教。
è¿™ä½�富商有一次å�šç”Ÿæ—¥ï¼Œå®¾å®¢é�žå¸¸å¤šï¼Œåœºé�¢å¾ˆé“ºå¼ ,也很çƒé—¹ï¼Œä¸€åˆ¹é‚£ä¹‹é—´ï¼Œä»–çª�然看到自己儿å�çš„é�¢è²Œï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ä»¥å‰�é‚£ä½�德国商人。他立刻就觉悟,就明白了,儿å�原æ�¥æ˜¯æ�¥è®¨å€ºçš„,财产是儿å�的,ä¸�是自己的。这个人很è�ªæ˜Žï¼Œå¾ˆäº†ä¸�起,当场就å�‘大家宣布,所有的财产都归儿å�çš„ã€‚å› ä¸ºä»–è¦è§‰å¾—快,知é�“这个å°�å©æ˜¯è€�æ�¿è½¬ä¸–æ�¥çš„,所以把财产全部交给å©å�。邬è€�居士认识æ¤äººï¼ŒçŸ¥é�“这个人很è�ªæ˜Žï¼Œæ˜Žäº†‘å› æžœæŠ¥åº”ï¼Œä¸�毫ä¸�爽’,是别人的就è¦�归还,所以什么都ä¸�必说,将ç»�è�¥æ‰€èµšçš„都归给儿å�,这个结就到æ¤è§£äº†ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œä»¥å�Žå°�å©å¯¹ä»–还ä¸�错。
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
i'm sorry, but is Nirvana ��世界?
Thank you
æž�ä¹�世界 or Land of Ultimate Bliss can also not necessary stereotype it to be Amitabha Buddha’s pure land. if u break the word, it's meaning of Nirvana. but must understand it thoroughly and not to mistake it to be a heavenly place.
�� Ultimate Bliss means:-
Ordinally happiness � when ended, suffering occur there after.
Know that suffering is real, and happiness is false. As suffering don't become happiness, but happiness can become suffering.
Example, when eating good food. Eating your favourite food is happiness. But, if you were to continue to eat bowl after bowl of the same food, it becomes a suffering. This is how happiness become suffering. happiness if continuous become suffering. But suffering if continue does not become happiness.
Example, when hungry, i am experiencing suffering. If one continue to stay hungry for 7 days, one will experience more suffering, not happiness. So suffering is real, and happiness is false.
Now neither suffering nor happiness is a good experience/realm. But one cannot sustain this state as time waits for no man.
Example when we are born, we are already walking towards the deathbed. Who can stop moving? None.
But it's said that in Nirvanic Bliss(Ulitmate Joy ��), there's no all above three forms of sufferings.
In this samsara world there's duality. Suffering and joy is Prejudiced view for one side or the other. If Ulitmate Joy has no suffering, then Joy is also gone. As it's on the same side with suffering. One gone, the other is gone too. It's when both suffering and joy is ended that bring forth the Ulitmate Reality of Nirvana (aka 極樂, Ulitmate Bliss). Thus called True bliss/joy. If there's joy, then joy is suffering and False. Ulitmate Joy is indeed inconcievable! Inconcievable mean cannot be said, nor cannot be think nor cannot be percieve.
Samsara is dimension of matter/karma controlling, you can't have your own wish or doing, hence suffering. Nirvana is a state/dimension of Mind/will/vow controlling, hence no suffering. There's this Utimate reality Buddha discovered.
世界 means:-
When the Mind is Pure, the Land is pure.
that say:-
All beings do not see mountains and waters in the same way. Some beings see water as a jeweled ornament, but they do not regard jeweled ornaments as water. What in the human realm corresponds to their water? We only see their jeweled ornaments as water. Some beings see water as wondrous blossoms, but they do not use blossoms as water. Hungry ghosts see water as raging fire or pus and blood. Dragons see water as a palace or a pavilion. Some beings see water as the seven treasures or a wish-granting jewel. Some beings see water as a forest or a wall. Some see it as the Dharma nature of pure liberation, the true human body, or as the form of body and essence of mind. Human beings see water as water. Water is seen as dead or alive depending on causes and conditions. Thus the views of all beings are not the same.
i say if you are sitting next to a Buddha, be it Shakyamuni or Amitabha, what we, ordinary people see is samsaric environment. while what the Buddha see is pure land as described in Amitabha pureland sutra. a defiled mind see a defiled land. a pure mind see a pure land.
it is not wrong to say that "Pureland is as real as this defiled world".
Originally posted by sinweiy:æž�ä¹�世界 or Land of Ultimate Bliss can also not necessary stereotype it to be Amitabha Buddha’s pure land. if u break the word, it's meaning of Nirvana. but must understand it thoroughly and not to mistake it to be a heavenly place.
�� Ultimate Bliss means:-
Ordinally happiness � when ended, suffering occur there after.
Know that suffering is real, and happiness is false. As suffering don't become happiness, but happiness can become suffering.
Example, when eating good food. Eating your favourite food is happiness. But, if you were to continue to eat bowl after bowl of the same food, it becomes a suffering. This is how happiness become suffering. happiness if continuous become suffering. But suffering if continue does not become happiness.
Example, when hungry, i am experiencing suffering. If one continue to stay hungry for 7 days, one will experience more suffering, not happiness. So suffering is real, and happiness is false.
Now neither suffering nor happiness is a good experience/realm. But one cannot sustain this state as time waits for no man.
Example when we are born, we are already walking towards the deathbed. Who can stop moving? None.
But it's said that in Nirvanic Bliss(Ulitmate Joy ��), there's no all above three forms of sufferings.
In this samsara world there's duality. Suffering and joy is Prejudiced view for one side or the other. If Ulitmate Joy has no suffering, then Joy is also gone. As it's on the same side with suffering. One gone, the other is gone too. It's when both suffering and joy is ended that bring forth the Ulitmate Reality of Nirvana (aka 極樂, Ulitmate Bliss). Thus called True bliss/joy. If there's joy, then joy is suffering and False. Ulitmate Joy is indeed inconcievable! Inconcievable mean cannot be said, nor cannot be think nor cannot be percieve.
Samsara is dimension of matter/karma controlling, you can't have your own wish or doing, hence suffering. Nirvana is a state/dimension of Mind/will/vow controlling, hence no suffering. There's this Utimate reality Buddha discovered.
世界 means:-When the Mind is Pure, the Land is pure.
that say:-
All beings do not see mountains and waters in the same way. Some beings see water as a jeweled ornament, but they do not regard jeweled ornaments as water. What in the human realm corresponds to their water? We only see their jeweled ornaments as water. Some beings see water as wondrous blossoms, but they do not use blossoms as water. Hungry ghosts see water as raging fire or pus and blood. Dragons see water as a palace or a pavilion. Some beings see water as the seven treasures or a wish-granting jewel. Some beings see water as a forest or a wall. Some see it as the Dharma nature of pure liberation, the true human body, or as the form of body and essence of mind. Human beings see water as water. Water is seen as dead or alive depending on causes and conditions. Thus the views of all beings are not the same.
i say if you are sitting next to a Buddha, be it Shakyamuni or Amitabha, what we, ordinary people see is samsaric environment. while what the Buddha see is pure land as described in Amitabha pureland sutra. a defiled mind see a defiled land. a pure mind see a pure land.
it is not wrong to say that "Pureland is as real as this defiled world"./\
welly advice.
As for Samsara is not so very correctly interpreted. Samsara means 'can endure/tolerate', it means that beings other than liberated beings who are living in a condition of suffering but they deemed it as true happiness and subscribed to this false happiness as though it's true happiness, and continue to endure until they see stars on last breath, and still strongly perceive that this is usual way of life. Such as highly educated scientists and common folks who did not attempt or challenge themselves in other perspective like dharma /\
Originally posted by sinweiy:æž�ä¹�世界 or Land of Ultimate Bliss can also not necessary stereotype it to be Amitabha Buddha’s pure land. if u break the word, it's meaning of Nirvana. but must understand it thoroughly and not to mistake it to be a heavenly place.
�� Ultimate Bliss means:-
Ordinally happiness � when ended, suffering occur there after.
Know that suffering is real, and happiness is false. As suffering don't become happiness, but happiness can become suffering.
Example, when eating good food. Eating your favourite food is happiness. But, if you were to continue to eat bowl after bowl of the same food, it becomes a suffering. This is how happiness become suffering. happiness if continuous become suffering. But suffering if continue does not become happiness.
Example, when hungry, i am experiencing suffering. If one continue to stay hungry for 7 days, one will experience more suffering, not happiness. So suffering is real, and happiness is false.
Now neither suffering nor happiness is a good experience/realm. But one cannot sustain this state as time waits for no man.
Example when we are born, we are already walking towards the deathbed. Who can stop moving? None.
But it's said that in Nirvanic Bliss(Ulitmate Joy ��), there's no all above three forms of sufferings.
In this samsara world there's duality. Suffering and joy is Prejudiced view for one side or the other. If Ulitmate Joy has no suffering, then Joy is also gone. As it's on the same side with suffering. One gone, the other is gone too. It's when both suffering and joy is ended that bring forth the Ulitmate Reality of Nirvana (aka 極樂, Ulitmate Bliss). Thus called True bliss/joy. If there's joy, then joy is suffering and False. Ulitmate Joy is indeed inconcievable! Inconcievable mean cannot be said, nor cannot be think nor cannot be percieve.
Samsara is dimension of matter/karma controlling, you can't have your own wish or doing, hence suffering. Nirvana is a state/dimension of Mind/will/vow controlling, hence no suffering. There's this Utimate reality Buddha discovered.
世界 means:-When the Mind is Pure, the Land is pure.
that say:-
All beings do not see mountains and waters in the same way. Some beings see water as a jeweled ornament, but they do not regard jeweled ornaments as water. What in the human realm corresponds to their water? We only see their jeweled ornaments as water. Some beings see water as wondrous blossoms, but they do not use blossoms as water. Hungry ghosts see water as raging fire or pus and blood. Dragons see water as a palace or a pavilion. Some beings see water as the seven treasures or a wish-granting jewel. Some beings see water as a forest or a wall. Some see it as the Dharma nature of pure liberation, the true human body, or as the form of body and essence of mind. Human beings see water as water. Water is seen as dead or alive depending on causes and conditions. Thus the views of all beings are not the same.
i say if you are sitting next to a Buddha, be it Shakyamuni or Amitabha, what we, ordinary people see is samsaric environment. while what the Buddha see is pure land as described in Amitabha pureland sutra. a defiled mind see a defiled land. a pure mind see a pure land.
it is not wrong to say that "Pureland is as real as this defiled world"./\
Thank you
They are all very logical and applies to many aspects of life too
Say, you yourself can control how others respond to you by altering your thinking or response and the way you do it. You can see or feel the effects
the see see, the blind no see see. And how could you be not lotus
Originally posted by bycai:welly advice.
As for Samsara is not so very correctly interpreted.
heard before Samsara means 'can endure/tolerate'能�, but which part not correct? part of the meaning is interpretation by our old master 净空�法师 which i jotted.
An apple, one can say it's red or green, one can say it's sweet or sour at times, it's round but not so round etc. so all correct , just from different angles.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:I had a dream where everyone in a family were having problems – getting into gambling debts, etc. One of the brothers also used to be a criminal but to everyone’s surprises he suddenly turned his mind, left his home, and seated in the meditative lotus posture in middle of a pool of mud, attained the final nirvana right there and passed away.
When I woke up I immediately understood: the world is surrounded by beings pursuing the path of the unwholesome and being chained by afflictions – craving, aggression, delusions and all manners of attachments, leading to endless rebirths in the six realms. But no matter how unwholesome and defiled your environment and companions seem to be, and no matter what you have done, or how afflicted you were, there is always the opportunity to repent, turn around, head on a very different direction, strive and be the one who is like a lotus growing out of the mud, be one who is undefiled in a world full of defilements.
Strive on and walk the path against the worldly stream. Enter the stream that leads to Nirvana, and attain Nirvana in this very body, in this very world. Be the light shining through darkness.
THanks, very nice message... i really agree with it. There is always possibility of using the Dharma in a very flexible way to wake up no matter what your circumstances.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
heard before Samsara means 'can endure/tolerate'能�, but which part not correct? part of the meaning is interpretation by our old master 净空�法师 which i jotted.An apple, one can say it's red or green, one can say it's sweet or sour at times, it's round but not so round etc. so all correct , just from different angles.
Bodhisavatta has issue on duality as well, so samsara can be the posn of bodhisavatta. And tis Samsara is more specific referring to sentience of six realm tat unlike stream enterer & above has surpassed tis samsara world. old master 净空�法师 has solely engaging into pureland, means bringing ones samsara to pureland
悲è�¯ç¶“云:云何å��娑婆?是諸眾生å¿�å�—三毒å�Šè«¸ç…©æƒ±æ•…å��å¿�土,亦å��雜會,ä¹�é�“共居故。ã€�法è�¯çŽ„贊二曰:「梵云索訶,æ¤äº‘å ªå¿�。諸è�©è–©ç‰è¡Œåˆ©æ¨‚時,多諸怨嫉眾
苦å�€æƒ±ï¼Œå ªè€�勞倦而å¿�å�—æ•…ï¼Œå› ä»¥ç‚ºå��。娑婆者訛也。(ä¸ç•¥ï¼‰æ˜¯ä¸‰å�ƒå¤§å�ƒä¸–界,號為娑婆世界。ã€�探玄記四曰:「娑婆者æ¤äº‘å ªå¿�,悲è�¯ç¶“云:æ¤ä¸çœ¾ç”Ÿè²ªçž‹ç—´ç‰
娑婆,皆訛也。æ£è¨€ç´¢è¨¶ï¼Œæ¤äº‘能å¿�ï¼Œæˆ–äº‘å ªå¿�,一言雜會世界。ã€�
every time i see this word, i cannot help but be reminded of quantum physics