though idea is not 'formed' in awareness... all that appear are sensations:
colours and so on... that these 'sensory patterns' appear to be any 'thing' is
based solely upon what 'ideas' are associated with the pattern... if the idea of
'snake' is associated with the pattern... the 'image' seems to be that of a
'snake'... if the idea of 'rope' is associated with the same image... it appears
to be a 'rope'... though of course the 'idea' itself is not seen... and all that
appears is the image...
that the image appears to be the 'thing' (the
idea known)... is 'illusion'...
all that is seen are colours (whatever
they are! grin)... and these 'colours' are inseparable from the seeing of
them... there is no distance between seeing and colours... all distance is
'apparent'... based in 'idea'...
all 'subjects' and 'objects' exist in
'idea' only...
as seeing and colour are one (inseparable) it is
impossible to say that 'seeing' is the ultimate subject and 'colours' the
ultimate object... for without colour there is nothing to be seen and without
seeing nothing can be seen...
same for all the senses/sensations
as for idea... how could an idea 'be', that was not known... and without
any idea to know... how could 'knowing' be? knowing/idea...
knowing/number/form/meaning... is also one...
together these
senses/sensation/knowing/idea are This Consciousness... manifesting this 'dream
of life'... moment to moment...
and this moment... whatever 'dream' is
appearing... is the only dream in town... there are no other dreams appearing in
any other 'parts' of consciousness... for Consciousness is One...
I am
entirely alone...
and yet... what abundance!
let's examine these ideas of 'matter' and
according to science the world is composed of
'energy/matter'... which at base is 'unknowing and unfeeling'... until it is
aggregated as 'brains'...
but how do brains become conscious?
how do the 'unconscious energy flows' inside the brain become magically
transformed into 'consciousness'... colours seen and sounds heard and feelings
felt and flavours tasted and odours smelled and ideas known?...
according to science, the only 'things' inside the head are 'dead atoms and
and how do these 'unconscious atoms' create exact images
of all the 'things' that are said to exist 'outside the head'...
according to science... light is invisible... it is simply a 'photon'
without any mass at all (impossible to see)...
when the photon strikes
the retina it is absorbed...
at which point the energy ceases to be
instead, it is transformed into electro-chemical energy that
is transmitted along the optic nerve (which is opaque)...
as this energy
flow moves along the nerve...
there is nothing to see... and no seeing
to see it...
until... at the end of the optic nerve... the energy flow
finally reaches the visual cortex... it is there (at the back of the head... in
complete darkness) that science says the energy flow is 'magically' transformed
into 'coloured patterns'...
according to science, these coloured pattens
are immaterial.. they have no substance... nor are they formed of 'light'...
they are formed of the "same stuff that all dreams are made on"
indeed all sensations are immaterial... even the feeling of 'solidity'
and 'weight' is immaterial... for, according to science, all sensations exist
solely as 'perceptions' inside the brain!
more magically... in the
instant they appear... these 'colored patterns' appear to be (for example)... a
'bright day', full of 'things' and 'people moving around... that is they have
'number', 'form' and 'meaning... seeming to be a world of matter and light...
with wide open spaces... blue sky and ocean shores... cities with sky
scrapers... all inside the supposed head!!!
science calls these images
'percepts'... the 'objects of perception'...
even more magically...
there is no separate observer of these 'percepts'... according to science...
'seeing' and the 'image' (percept) are one!
so how do the 'atoms in a
brain' know what to image?
according to science... no atoms in the head
can look outside the head to see what the 'outside world' looks like, or smells
like, or tastes like, or feels like, or sounds like...
according to
science, all supposed 'signals' are from the outside in...
and these
'signals' themselves know nothing of what they are... or where they have come
from... or where they are going... how can they tell the atoms in the head what
to 'image'!!!
at this point 'science' runs into a brick wall...
for no scientist can ever examine the 'percepts' in another person's
head... they cannot even see or feel or taste or smell or hear of know the
supposed 'physical world' directly... indeed no scientist can even see or sense
in any way the 'energy flows' that are supposed to be the ground of their own
all they can ever see are their own percepts!
this 'scientific hypothesis'... dead matter is the ground of being... giving
rise to multiple 'living consciousnesses' when it is aggregated as (human)
brains... each of which is magically able to give to itself sensory (immaterial)
images of other material objects within its proximity... the shape and location
and other attributes of which is conveyed via other 'unknowing particles'
(photons, atoms, molecules)... momentarily creating the impression of
'consciousness'... which consciousness dissolves when the brain dissolves...
notice how this is ALL story... and none of it can be tested... for it
is all based on ideas about 'the world'... a 'supposed world' that is ever
beyond the senses and the knowing.
for... on the scientific view... this
story (as every story) exists only as a 'percept'...
look around... all
that you now see is... on the view of science... an image in a supposed head
which you can never see or feel or know in any way... on this view... all that
is experienced is immaterial, insubstantial and ephemeral... wherein the
observer and observed are one...
the other hypothesis is that
'Consciousness' is the ground of being...
that the appearance of 'dead
matter' arises in living Consciousness... as in a dream...
wonderful... science says the same as religion...
'observer and
observed' are one.
since Consciousness is 'self evident' it requires no
other proof... or explanation...
IT plainly 'is'... no argument... no
debate... no 'idea' needed to 'define' or describe IT...
as for
science... it remains as valid as ever... in so far as the 'dream world' is
concerned... indeed it demonstrates the infinite depth and expanse and
complexity and simplicity and beauty that is... this 'world story'...
for which hypothesis is the better... there is an old saying called 'Occam's
which says that where there are two explanations of equal
possibility... the simplest one that has the least number of entities is the
best... smile
but don't take my word for it...
see for your
Self... smile
appears are colours and other sensations... these are no 'things' at all...
every 'thing'... is only its 'name' and 'form'... 'ideas'... known...
without substance...
a 'thing' which is 'unidentified'... is known by
the name 'thing'...
lest it is 'named'... it is no 'thing' at all...
the 'whole world'... every 'universe'... exists in 'idea' only...
all ideas are 'self referential'... All known as One... One with this
everything thought of as existing in the 'material universe'
exists in idea only...
an infinitesimal sliver of the 'known world'
appears instantaneously... in the conjunct of these sensations sensed... and
ideas known... arising now.. in and as this awareness...
apart from this
'sliver of awareness'... in which these words and this computer and other images
appear... there is no 'thing' apparent at all... any where or any when else...
for there is no 'where' but 'here' and no 'when' but 'now'...
any idea
that there is a 'world out there'... or a 'room surrounding me'... or a 'me to
be surrounded'... are just that... ideas...
all ideas are ever known...
for idea is inseparable from knowing... as colour is inseparable from seeing...
but there is no awareness of idea until it is imaged by these senses...
until the moment it appears...there is no awareness at all of knowing
'elephant' (the picture or the word... the same idea gives
meaning to both!)... and... as soon as the image appears... awareness of the
idea is immediately re-cognised...
see though... the image is nothing at
all 'like' the elephant known... the 'known elephant' does not have a head
bigger than its body or back legs that are smaller than its front legs!!!
see too that any elephant that appears to be a 'living' elephant is not
'like' the elephant known... for any apparent elephant appears in different
'shapes' and 'sizes'... depending on the 'perspective' from which it is
apparently seen...
the known elephant does not change shape... only the
image (appearance) changes
though 'cube' has never been seen...
yet it is known: an object having six sides that are identical in shape and
yet see... no such cube is apparent... see that it is impossible
to see all sides of a cube and that any sides seen are different shapes... which
constantly change... as the cube is apparently rotated...
as it is
impossible to see the 'known cube'... so it is impossible to 'learn' about
'cube' from 'observation'... 'cube' is simply 'known'... as it ever has been...
have a look at the 'objects' now apparent in awareness and see how they
appear to change shape and size as they are apparently viewed from different
angles... though the 'known objects' do not...
that which changes cannot
be 'like' that which does not change...
that which appears to change is
the 'image'... that which does not change is the 'idea'...
for the most
part... awareness of 'ideas' arises wordlessly... so that the 'elephant' is
known ('re-cognised') in the instant the image appears...
notice... as
it seems 'I scan a room'... the whole room and objects in it are re-cognised
instantly... 'wordlessly'... as 'familiar' (known)...
're-cognition' is
knowing... and knowing is... knowing ideas...
without any idea arising
of 'what it is'... there is no 're-cognition'... of any 'thing' at all...
the word is not the 'idea'... for different words in every different
language express the same idea... 'dog' in English and 'le chien' in French...
same idea... different symbols...
words are simply one image of the
'idea'... other images are those seen as 'pictures', as well as the images that
appear to be 'the thing itself'...
all 'things' are 'ideas' only... ever
known... as One...