一弹指三�二亿百�念,念念�形,形皆有识�- ��处胎�
Buddha ask Maitreya Bodhisattva, there are how many fine thoughts in sentient beings coarse thought. And within each thought, there are how many phenomenon, how many cognition?. Maitreya Bodhisattva answered, One flick a finger is equal to 32 billions of thousands of hundreds(or 320 trillions) of thoughts. and with each single thought, phenomenon is form (in a split moment) and within all phenomenon there's spiritual aspect of cognition i.e. �想行识. every thing including non-living things has spiritual aspect �想行识. as they are all from Dharmakaya. like H2o in water droplet and the vast ocean. if ocean has spirituality, so does water droplet.
我们知ä¸�知é�“?好åƒ�知é�“,å�ˆå¥½åƒ�ä¸�知é�“ã€‚å› ä¸ºç»�å�¬å¤šäº†ï¼Œè¯´è¿™ä¸ªæœ‰è¿™ä¹ˆä¸€ç‚¹å�°è±¡äº†ï¼Œç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯å¼¥å‹’è�©è�¨è·Ÿä¸–尊的对è¯�。世尊问è�©è�¨ï¼Œã€Œå¿ƒæœ‰æ‰€å¿µã€�ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯è®²å‡¡å¤«ï¼Œå‡¡å¤«å¿ƒé‡Œèµ·ä¸ªå¿µå¤´ï¼Œè¿™ä¸€å¿µé‡Œå¤´æœ‰å‡ å¿µï¼Ÿå°±æ™“å¾—è¿™ä¸ªå¿µå¤´å¾ˆç²—ï¼Œè¿™ä¸€å¿µå½“ä¸æœ‰å¤šå°‘ä¸ªç»†å¿µå¤´åœ¨é‡Œå¤´ï¼Ÿæœ‰å‡ ç›¸ã€�æœ‰å‡ è¯†ï¼Ÿä½ çœ‹è¿™ä¸€å¿µé‡Œå¤´è¿™ä¹ˆå¤�æ�‚。弥勒è�©è�¨å›žç”,其实佛è�©è�¨ä¸€é—®ä¸€ç”是让我们å�¬çš„,是让我们在这里å¦ä¹ 。弥勒è�©è�¨å›žç”说,一弹指有三å��二亿百å�ƒå¿µï¼Œä¸€å¼¹æŒ‡ã€‚一弹指的时间太çŸï¼Œä¸‰å��二亿百å�ƒå¿µï¼Œå®ƒçš„å�•ä½�是百å�ƒï¼Œå��个å�ƒæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸‡ï¼Œä¸€ç™¾å�ƒæ˜¯å��万,也就是说三å��二亿乘å��万,得出这个数å—是三百二å��å…†ï¼Œä½ çœ‹ä¸€å¼¹æŒ‡æœ‰ä¸‰ç™¾äºŒå��兆这么多念头。念念æˆ�形,æˆ�å½¢å°±æ˜¯ä¸–å°Šæ‰€é—®çš„ç›¸ï¼Œé‚£æœ‰å‡ ä¸ªç›¸ï¼Œæ¯�ä¸€ä¸ªå¿µå¤´éƒ½æœ‰ç›¸ï¼Œç›¸æ˜¯ç‰©è´¨çŽ°è±¡ã€‚æœ‰å‡ è¯†ï¼Ÿè¯†æ˜¯å�—想行识,是精神现象,å�«ã€Œå¿µå¿µæˆ�形,形皆有识ã€�,这弥勒è�©è�¨è¯´çš„。 æ¯�一个现象里头都有å�—想行识。诸ä½�è¦�晓得,一弹指的三百二å��å…†åˆ†ä¹‹ä¸€ã€‚çŽ°åœ¨æˆ‘ä»¬ä¹ æƒ¯ç”¨ç§’ï¼Œé‚£æˆ‘ä»¬ä¸€ç§’é’Ÿèƒ½å¼¹å‡ æ¬¡ï¼Ÿæˆ‘èƒ½å¼¹å››æ¬¡ï¼Œæˆ‘ç›¸ä¿¡æœ‰æ¯”æˆ‘å¼¹å¾—å¿«çš„ï¼Œå¹´è½»åŠ›å£®çš„ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä»–å¼¹äº”æ¬¡ï¼Œäº”ä¹˜ä¸‰ç™¾äºŒå��,就一å�ƒå…百兆,一秒钟。一秒钟有一å�ƒå…百兆次念头,有这么多的念头,æ¯�一个念头都具足五蕴,就是色å�—想行识。物质是色,å�—想行识是精神,所以精神跟物质是分ä¸�å¼€çš„ã€‚ä½ çœ‹çœ‹é‚£ä¹ˆç»†çš„å¿µå¤´é‡Œå¤´ï¼Œå�—想行识具足。我们这æ‰�明了,《心ç»�》上讲的,观世音è�©è�¨ç…§è§�五蕴皆空。照è§�什么五蕴皆空?就是一秒钟,我们讲的是一å�ƒå…百兆分之一秒,那个念头五蕴皆空。这是什么?这是物质ã€�精神最基本的,所有一切法都是从这å�˜å‡ºæ�¥çš„。《般若ç»�》上讲「凡所有相皆是虚妄ã€�ï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰ä¸€æ³•æ˜¯çœŸçš„ï¼Œä½ çŸ¥é�“这个念念ä¸�å�¯å¾—,这是智慧。为什么?念念ä¸�å�¯å¾—ï¼Œä½ å¿ƒå°±æ”¾ä¸‹äº†ï¼Œä½ ä»€ä¹ˆå¿µå¤´éƒ½ä¸�起了。
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:The discovery proves that there's no creator which tallies with Buddha's teachings.
In the Shurangama Sutra, it is answered by Buddha on query of Ananda regarding the Goddame particle. Both Ananda and Buddha ought to be awarded with Noble Peace prize, as they are the science of the science, the ultimate scientist.
大佛顶首楞严� - Buddha answered Ananda whether Goddame Particle is
the truth basis.
阿难。如水�冰,冰还�水。�观地,粗为大地,细为微尘。至邻虚尘 (in
science as Higgs Boson or subatomic particle or elementary particle),�
间诸�化相。Buddha answered Ananda whether Goddame Particle is the
truth basis.
æ±�且观æ¤ä¸€é‚»è™šå°˜ï¼Œç”¨å‡ 虚空,和å�ˆè€Œæœ‰(how many spaces are combined to
form a subatomic particle)。�应邻虚,��邻虚 [since this subatomic
particle cannot be further divided, it cannot be stated as subatomic
particle]。å�ˆé‚»è™šå°˜ï¼Œæž�å…¥ç©ºè€…ï¼Œç”¨å‡ è‰²ç›¸ï¼Œå�ˆæˆ�虚空 (and then, how many
subatomic particles are combined together to form space)。若色�时,�色
�空 (if forms are united, it unity will not arise Space)。若空�时,�空�色
(if Spaces are being united, the unity of Spaces, will not arise form either)。
法界。éš�众生心,应所知é‡�,循业å�‘çŽ°ã€‚ä¸–é—´æ— çŸ¥ï¼Œæƒ‘ä¸ºå› ç¼˜ï¼Œå�Šè‡ªç„¶æ€§çš†æ˜¯è¯†å¿ƒ
ï¼Œåˆ†åˆ«è®¡åº¦ã€‚ä½†æœ‰è¨€è¯´ã€‚éƒ½æ— å®žä¹‰ã€‚
Was just about to quote the Shurangama! :)
Anyway, the english translation to bycai's chinese version can be found here.
from what i read,
The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics.
In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a particle not known to have substructure,[1] thus it is not known to be made up of smaller particles.
In Buddhism's the smallest particle known as 邻虚尘(neighbor of space) or �微之微, is not to be divided any more.
What is the smallest particle of matter known?
So far it looks like there is nothing smaller inside an atom than quarks. Our experiments look for evidence that quarks have some sort of shape or structure. If they do have a shape or structure rather than just being a point (which by itself is a very difficult concept to understand), then there might be some sub-quark constituents. At present there is little or no evidence of any structure to the quark. Maybe there is though! That might be something for you, the next generation, to look for and try to figure out!
For scientist and secularism, Heart Sutra is religion as there is no noble prize award Very normal lah.
subatomic particle as matter, in its smallest beyond naked eyes still could be recognizable through equipment. But subatomic of mind of the past could not be recognizable through equipment. And they have spent alot of money that has already been recognized, but without it, they may deem useless and gone senile . Same goes to practitioner that if you attained bodhi like Buddha, you will mention Alas! so it just like that arr 得來全�費功夫! Prior to that, we are just the same like this scientist researching it. Nonethless, Heart sutra advices is dont look backward as every eruption of mind has no basis and be nullified and in emptiness.