Milk,yogurt,cheese,eggs have B12 too. But i would advise people not to take too much milk due to the amount of hormones, antibiotics, and other pollutants in milk nowadays. You should take B12 supplements. You can try this site ( ...
A vegetarian should also be careful to fortify for iodine.
I cut and paste afew informations from other sites.
Studies found that ‘trace’ amounts of B12 are present in ferments like Rejuvelac, non-pasteurized pickles, nut/seed yogurt, miso, tempeh, parsley and algae like Hijiki.
And ‘appreciable’ amounts are found in various forms of seaweeds including Kombu & Kelp, micro-algae like Chorella and nutritional yeast.
But, subsequent studies also show that the B12 found in micro-algae and seaweeds is not bio-available to the body.
Since miso is produced from an organism that makes vitamin B12, it may provide this vitamin to vegetarians. However, it should not be assumed that fermented foods, such as miso and tempeh, are excellent sources of vitamin B12. In addition to a tremendous variation in B12 content, there is some evidence that the form of B12 in these foods is not exactly the form that meets our bodily requirements. Vegetarians should take vitamin B12 supplements.
Some links:
So far according to what I have researched, there is no known reliable veg source for b12. Many of the veg sources miso, tempeh etc. also contains B12 analogs and not enough of the actual b12.
My level of b12 was on the low side, even when I supplement b12 ocassionally (having been a vegan for around 6-7 years). So I would advice esp veg to supplement b12 because it's something very important. The amount of b12 in eggs and dairy are pretty low, unless you take a considerable amount every day. Also, unless you take lots of fortified foods it's not easy to meet the daily requirement of 2.4mcg.
In fact not only veg but meat-eaters can also be affected, unfortunately this knowledge is not widely known:
Inadequate absorption or impaired utilisation
Loss of intrinsic factor, loss of gastric acid and/or other protein-digesting enzymes (contributes to 95% of known cases)4
Use of medications that suppress acid secretion, including somatostatin, cholecystokinin, atrial natriuretic peptide, and nitric oxide5
Pancreatic disease
Gastric resection, sleeve or banding surgery6
Ileal disease or ileal resection (secondary to Crohn’s disease)7
Use of metformin (oral hypoglycaemic agent)6
Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor9
Use of levodopa and catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors10
Autoimmunity to intrinsic factor
Gastric infection with Helicobacter pylori11
Atrophic gastritis
There is a B12 supplement suitable for veg in sg, Very easy to take just spray in your mouth. You can visit their website for info Tehre are other B12 supplements as well in pharmacies, but most use the cyanocobalamin form and I don't really like taking pills.
Buddhists have to eat healthily but not too consciously over foods. Buddhism teaching place emphasise on bodhi or wisdom or dharma body, and not torturing the body irresponsibly although body is emptiness, and depending on situational & condition basis, it shld not be regarded as generalization
Vitamin B12 can be stored in small amounts by the body (predominantly in the liver), with a normal amount being around 2-3mgs in adults (this amount is sufficient for 2 to 4 years). According to the British Nutrition Foundation, dietary deficiency is rare but it can sometimes be seen in vegans who obtain virtually no B12 in their diet.
ã€Šå¤§å…¬å ±ã€‹2006.5.7 å ±é�“:
æœ‰é—œç ”ç©¶å»ºè°å�ƒã€Œæ¸…齋ã€�人士æ¯�æ—¥æœ�用ç¶ä»–命B12補充ä¸�足。ä¸�é�Žï¼Œé¦™æ¸¯ç´ é£Ÿæœƒå›žæ‡‰è¡¨ç¤ºé•·æœŸèŒ¹ç´ ç™¾åˆ©ç„¡ä¸€å®³ï¼Œæ¤�物ä¸çš„æ…ˆè�‡ï¼Œå�«å¤§é‡�B12,å�ƒä¸€é¡†è¶³å¤ 10年用。
ç¾Žåœ‹åŠ å·žå¤§å¸æ´›æ�‰ç£¯åˆ†æ ¡å‰¯æ•™æŽˆã€�美國特é¯é†«å¸é™¢å®¶åºé†«å¸ç³»å‰¯ä¸»ä»»é¡�裕åºèªªï¼šã€Œå�ƒç´ 的人如果抽煙,尤應補充ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12ï¼Œå› ç…™å…§æ‰€å�«çš„æ°°é…¸é�žè³´ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12ä¸�能解毒。ã€�
其實,ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12å�¯ä»¥åœ¨é«”內儲å˜å¾ˆä¹…,份é‡�也ä¸�必多,而食物殘渣在大腸內經細è�Œçš„發酵作用,亦å�¯å½¢æˆ�ç¶ä»–命B12( è…¸ä¸çš„å¾®ç”Ÿç‰©è£½é€ )。而且,胃å£�細胞å�¯åˆ†æ³Œä¸€ç¨®ç³–è›‹ç™½ï¼Œç¨±ç‚ºå…§å› å�( intrinsic factor ),它與ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12çµ�å�ˆæˆ�一種化å�ˆç‰©ï¼Œå�¯ä¿ƒä½¿è…¸é�“å�¸æ”¶ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12。å�Œæ™‚,人類的腸臟善於å†�度å�¸æ”¶äººé«”排出來的ç¶ä»–命B12,能把它一用å†�用的ä¿�留在體內,而ä¸�容易出ç�¾åŒ±ä¹�çš„ç�¾è±¡ã€‚
一般而言,缺ä¹�ç¶ä»–命B12需è¦�å¹¾å¹´æ™‚é–“çš„ç™¼å±•ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œç´ 食者å�ªé ˆæ³¨æ„�é�©ç•¶åœ°è£œå……ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12,å•�題便迎刃而解了。專家建è°ï¼Œä¸€å€‹æˆ�年人æ¯�æ—¥ç¶ä»–命B12çš„æ”�å�–é‡�為2.4微毫克。
å�¦å¤–,一些å�¥åº·é£²å“�如「好立克ã€�( Horlicks )ã€�「阿è�¯ç”°ã€�( Ovaltine )ç‰ï¼Œä¹ƒè‡³ã€Œç‡Ÿé¤Šç²‰ã€�ã€�「精力湯ã€�ä¹‹é¡žï¼Œå¾ˆå¤šéƒ½åŠ å…¥äº†ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12,å�¯ä¾›ç´ 食者補充營養。
å½¼å¾—è¾›æ ¼( Peter Singer )的《動物解放》( Animal Liberation )說:「為了ä¿�è‰ä¸�致缺ä¹�,簡單而便宜的辦法就是å�ƒå�«æœ‰B12çš„ç¶ç”Ÿç´ 片。ã€�
Product (and serving size) B12
Sosmix and Sosmix Country herb (175g sachet- around six sausages) 0.26
Marmite (typical 4g serving- enough for one slice of toast) 0.6
Meridian Yeast Extract (typical 4g serving - enough for one slice of toast) 2.0
Vecon vegetable stock (5g serving - one small teaspoonful) 0.65
Pure Soya and Pure Sunflower spread (typical 10g serving - enough for two pieces of toast) 0.5
Alpro soya milk with B12 (200ml glass) 1.0
Bonus: Turmeric
Lately I have been reading more and more on Turmeric, and since I’m writing about vegetarian diet and herb supplements, I thought I’d share some of its most impressive qualities.
Turmeric has been used for an estimated 4,000 years, and today it is thought to have countless health benefits. The plant is a relative of ginger. Grown in Southern Asia, it is the primary ingredient in Indian curry and the source of the distinctive yellow color.
There is a lot of evidence that Turmeric may be a powerful cancer fighter and some people are testing its potential to treat autism.
In a list Health Diary’s Top 20 Reason’s to add Turmeric to your diet, the first ten reasons alone are remarkable:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. In test mice, it prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs.
4. It may prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. It may Reduce the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. It is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. It may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
8. It may prevent metastases from occurring it different forms of cancer.
9. It is a natural anti-inflamatory.
10. In test mice, it has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules.
Contraindications: Turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or bile obstruction. Though turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.
人體ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12的需求é‡�並ä¸�高,就算完全ä¸�å�ƒçš„情æ³�下,約也è¦�10年的時間æ‰�會完全æµ�失體內的ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12。
æ�±æ–¹é†«å¸ä¹ŸæŒ‡å‡ºä¾‹å¦‚當æ¸ã€�明日葉ã€�康復力ç‰ä¸è�‰è—¥éƒ½å�«æœ‰ç¶ä»–命B12,日常食å“�ä¸ï¼Œä¹³é…ª(尤其是發酵é�Žçš„)ã€�牛奶å�Šå…¶è£½å“�(例如:優酪乳)ã€�全麥ã€�糙米ã€�æµ·è—»ã€�å°�麥è�‰ã€�ç±³ç³ ã€�é››è�Šã€�香è�‡ã€�大豆ã€�泡è�œã€�å�„種發酵的豆製å“�(例如:日本麵豉ã€�è…�乳與豆豉)和酵æ¯�è¡�生食物(例如:無酒精啤酒)ç‰ä¹Ÿéƒ½å�«æœ‰ç¶ä»–命B12ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ç´ é£Ÿè€…ä¸�用擔心ç¶ä»–命B12ä¸�足,上天賜給我們充分的供應,就看我們是å�¦æœ‰è¶³å¤ 的智慧來打開那無窮的寶è—�。
å…¶å¯¦ï¼Œç„¡è«–æ˜¯ç´ é£Ÿè€…æˆ–è‚‰é£Ÿè€…ï¼Œå�ªè¦�是å�¥åº·çš„æˆ�人,å�ªéœ€è¦�很少é‡�çš„ç¶ä»–命B12,便足以ç¶æŒ�身體å�¥åº·ã€‚å¥‡å¦™çš„æ˜¯ï¼Œæœ‰ç ”ç©¶å ±å‘ŠæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œä¸–ç•Œä¸ŠæŸ�些地方的人å�¯èƒ½å�¯ä»¥è‡ªå·±ç”¢ç”Ÿç¶ä»–命B12,例如,å�°åº¦ç´ 食者的腸內細è�Œæ¸¬é©—就顯示,潛ä¼�åœ¨ä»–å€‘é«”å…§çš„å¾®ç”Ÿç‰©èƒ½å¤ ç”¢ç”Ÿé€™ç¨®ç¶ç”Ÿç´ 。
Originally posted by bycai:人體ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12的需求é‡�並ä¸�高,就算完全ä¸�å�ƒçš„情æ³�下,約也è¦�10年的時間æ‰�會完全æµ�失體內的ç¶ç”Ÿç´ B12。
i see. first to read.
For all vegetarians/vegans out there, one of the things you have to look out for is the possibility of a lack of iodine which leads to thyroid problems. Another factor that exacerbates the problem of iodine deficiency is the intake of fluoride which the thyroid gland takes up in place of iodine which harms its function.
If you have this problem, you may want to look at the possibility of filtering out fluoride on your water supply for both drinking and washing (as fluoride can be absorbed through the skin too) and also to switch to non-fluoride based toothpaste.