Ven Pesala:
The primary goal should be to avoid rebirth in the lower realms. To be
sure of that we should strive to attain at least the first stage of
Stream-winning in this very life. That is not nearly as difficult at to
attain Arahantship and put an end to all suffering.
I would say that most people have the ability to attain Stream-winning if they really work hard for it, but most of us just do not try hard enough. Very few individuals have
killed their own mother or father, or an Arahant, or caused a schism in
the Sangha. No one alive today could have drawn the blood of a
Tath�gata. Only these five kammas are heavy enough to make the
attainment of nibb�na impossible in this very life.
Then there are those who aspire to attain Omnscient Buddhahood. The Noblest Aspiration will prevent them from attaining nibb�na in this very life, even though
they have adequate perfections to do so if they wished to.
there are those with mental defects, commonly called mentally retarded,
who lack the wisdom facility. They are also incapable of meditating
effectively as they are incapable of controlling their minds even to the
extent of looking after their own physical needs.
Then there are
those who have obstructive kamma such as insulting a Noble One. they
can also attain nibb�na if they ask for forgiveness, but not otherwise.
That is why there is a tradition of asking for forgiveness before
undertaking a retreat. Those monks who have committed some offence, but
conceal it without confessing it are in the same position. Lay persons
who do not keep the precepts also have obstructive kamma. Those who
disparage meditation practice, or believe that it is no longer possible
to attain nibb�na in this era, also have obstructive kamma.
there are those who hold extreme wrong views such as annihilationists
and eternalists, or those who deny the Enlightenment of the Buddha or
the law of kamma. They can attain nibb�na if they straighten their wrong
views by studying the Tipitaka and questioning those learned in the
Lastly, there is one other person who is incapable of
realising nibb�na in this very life. Should I tell you who it is? That
person might be embarrassed and stop coming to waste their time posting
on Dhamma Wheel. Nevertheless I should say who it is.
The lazy person is incapable of realising nibb�na.
Nice article. Thanks for sharing :)