got some doubts here...
is this just an intellectual understanding? did his understanding change his entire perception all the time?
What I'm going to say is not exactly related to this topic. How do we know that this body does not belong to us? If the body is ours, we should be able to control it, however, we can't stop our body from ageing, falling ill etc. Sometimes we can't even control our movements. Many people hate to go to work in the morning but we have to because we need to earn a living. So, again it is not within our control. Anything beyond our control is not ours. I strongly agree.I heard this from a Ven.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:What I'm going to say is not exactly related to this topic. How do we know that this body does not belong to us? If the body is ours, we should be able to control it, however, we can't stop our body from ageing, falling ill etc. Sometimes we can't even control our movements. Many people hate to go to work in the morning but we have to because we need to earn a living. So, again it is not within our control. Anything beyond our control is not ours. I strongly agree.I heard this from a Ven.
In the first place, Buddha is saying there is no 'us'. So the question of belonging / controlling does not arise.
The way you are saying is assuming there is a 'us'. According to how you say, even if the body does not belong / controlled by 'us', there is still a 'us' somewhere else. This is not what Buddha teaching.
Pretty incredible that no-nonsense direct pointing combined with the impersonality of the internet can bring results so quickly. I wonder if given a few more years people like Ciaran and Stephen will deepen this to the depths that buddhism has reached.
Interestingly, I was re-listening to some old buddhist geeks podcasts and an american zen monk seemed to be doing something similar for his retreats, challenging his students during interviews to just stop the bullshit and just look.
Originally posted by Jui:Pretty incredible that no-nonsense direct pointing combined with the impersonality of the internet can bring results so quickly. I wonder if given a few more years people like Ciaran and Stephen will deepen this to the depths that buddhism has reached.
Interestingly, I was re-listening to some old buddhist geeks podcasts and an american zen monk seemed to be doing something similar for his retreats, challenging his students during interviews to just stop the bullshit and just look.
i read on one of the blog, the guy had 'realised' non-self but when he went out to approach a 'hot gal', he felt fear and later he was embarrassed when he was rejected. etc etc...
I think this means that the view is still on the conceptual level.
yes, the direct approach is very good, i will be exploring the liberation unleashed website.
what i like about this approach is that it is completely open and lets everyone get a chance at liberation ... the path is not that difficult or far-away and not exclusive and everyone has a chance.
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:In the first place, Buddha is saying there is no 'us'. So the question of belonging / controlling does not arise.
The way you are saying is assuming there is a 'us'. According to how you say, even if the body does not belong / controlled by 'us', there is still a 'us' somewhere else. This is not what Buddha teaching.
I know there's no "us". 缘起性空. To convince someone there's no "us", first of all we have to convince them that the bodies are not theirs. We are just combinations å› ç¼˜å’Œå�ˆã€‚
I found an article, talking similar things ...
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:@Dawnfirstlight,
I found an article, talking similar things ...
Nice article. I copied it out for those who are interested.I talked to people who are non Buddhists, they found it difficult to understand what does Buddha mean by "no I". They began to agree with Buddha when I told them that we could not control our body from aging, falling sick etc. Though this is not the essence but only the basic. At least they agree that the bodies are not ours because we have no control over it.
Many refer to the various Buddhist practices, as well as the eastern non-Buddhist practices, as the classical approaches to Liberation. In many cases, this is seen as the only way.
The primary tool, along with morality and wisdom, in reaching the reward in these classical approaches is the practice of meditation. Meditation allows one to go within and begin the work needed to better understand what is happening with the mind and body.
Throughout the Buddhist discourses, we can find teachings that point to ultimate reality. This ultimate reality is the understanding of Anatta or non-self. In an early Buddhist discourse called the “Anattalakkhana Sutta” [SN 21.59], translated as non-self characteristic, the Buddha clearly points out that there is “no self” or no ownership of the body, our feelings, perceptions, thoughts or consciousness.
He made it clear that if we actually owned these things, we would be able to control our emotions and also have the ability to fully control sickness as well as stop the aging and death process of the body. Since everything is in continual instability, impermanent, and in a constant state of change, there cannot be any control outside of being free from the desire to be in control in the first place.
In the “Anattalakkhana Sutta” the Buddha said the realization of non-self brings about a series of mental events that lead to Liberation. This results in freedom from the desire for control. This Liberation is our freedom from suffering. The Buddha stated that once non-self is seen, there is disenchantment with the body and mind. This turns into a dispassion that produces a release.
This release is the un-fettering or un-chaining from the very things that have been preventing freedom. This is the release from the attachment to the self.
With the ending of the attachment to the self, comes the ending of striving for completion or for the personal fulfillment to become something other than what we presently are.
There is a simple saying that goes like this: “No self, no problem.” This is a true statement in the respect that when problems arise and are confronted with an absence of self, these so called problems are seen more as a situation and furthermore as simply an experience and nothing personal. The result is that it is much easier to be a part of this thing called life.
The Buddha obviously wanted everyone to realize non-self and to see through the illusion of the self. This was his life’s work.
He did this work for fifty years. He had many methods of pointing this out to people. He knew some people had to sincerely practice meditation to help them see this realization, and he also had his very effective direct approaches. It is mentioned in the “Bahiya Sutta” that at one time while the Buddha was in a hurry, he was approached by an ascetic called Bahiya who had asked for a teaching that would liberate him.
The Buddha then quickly said only what was necessary to awaken Bahiya:
In the Buddha’s quick instructions is a method for realizing non-self. Through hearing these words, Bahiya was liberated. He got the “push” that was needed at the proper time.
Getting the push at the right time seems to be the key for many practitioners. People are “Waking Up” as if they were on a razor’s edge, teetering between confusion and Liberation. Many people only need a push in the right direction to fall onto the side of clarity and truth and a realization of who they are or are not.
Each of us has a duty to fulfill. This duty is to move toward Liberation from the bindings of the identity with the self and the problems this false identity causes. This can be a part of whatever practice you currently have.
Meditation is a wonderful method to prepare one for Liberation. It seems to clear the way for selfless reality as it unfolds. Many long-time meditators report “Waking Up” quickly and suddenly by the mere insight that arises from that push in the form of a proposed question or during a dialogue.
The practice of meditation seems to help the process, but some feel it is not essential since people have “Woken Up” without any prior practice of formal meditation.
Contemplation and inquiry, whether in or out of formal meditation, seems to be very beneficial, and there are likely many other practices not mentioned here that help prepare one for Liberation.
It must be said at this time that the biggest deterrent; the greatest thing that prevents Awakening, is the belief that it cannot happen right now! With this false belief, you will not stand a chance.
Liberation. It can happen. It is happening, and it is available NOW!
This guest article was written by Shane Wilson -
It should be clarified that the point isn't in 'just looking'. It is in the investigation.
Some clarification what 'looking' means:
I'm not sure what you mean by concluding.
However when the realization that There is no You hits you, then the view of self is seen to be delusional. It is not a conclusion based on inference, but a seeing through of a delusion as delusion.
It is like realizing 'there never was santa claus!' You can no longer believe it, and it can never be unseen.
What matters here is realization.
In seeing always just the seen, the shapes colours forms, never a seer.
In hearing always just sounds, no hearer.
In thinking always just thoughts, no thinker.
One thing I have understood over the years is that practicing being Here/Now is not the same as realizing 'there is no you'.
I have read The Power of Now in 2006, have experienced Presence on and off since, but it is not only until 2010 that I have realized the truth about no-self.
When no self is realized, one does not need to place effort to maintain 'suchness'... without the sense of a seer, perceiver, agent, naturally experience becomes direct, intimate, non-dual, immediate, etc.
But it is not by cultivating the 'non-dual, immediate' but rather it is the natural result of seeing through the delusion, leaving the experience of suchness without the delusion of an experiencer.
I wonder... Fugazzi, can you please read this thread
Was going through some old convos with Thusness, found this.
Session Start: Wednesday, 18 May, 2011
(11:14 PM) Thusness: Don't over promote ruthlesstruth
many of the blue status aren't anatta
and that is not the way to teach
(11:45 PM) AEN: oic..
i do notice that many have not realized anatta
why is it not the way to teach
(11:46 PM) Thusness: what are they teaching?
everything isn't clear
how is it that u intro ppl this site here and there
instead of leading ppl to the right path with the right view
there are so many good buddhist sites with right teaching $
(11:47 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:48 PM) Thusness: some don't even have non-dual
and all these over claiming
don't mislead ppl
(11:48 PM) AEN: ic..
(11:49 PM) Thusness: how things manifest is not clear
anatta not clear
non-dual not clear
(11:49 PM) Thusness: there is not even experience of I AM
(11:49 PM) AEN: oic
yeah they dont talk about I AM
i think its a mix of ppl in impersonality, non dual, and anatta
i mean the site
(11:50 PM) Thusness: not only that...there is no clear insight
so don't anyhow claim about enlightenment
and lead ppl to enlightenment
(11:50 PM) AEN: but i think there are some who are clear about anatta there
though not as many as they claimed
(11:50 PM) Thusness: worst still overclaiming that insight of anatta arises
this is pure nonsense
what anatta...?
din i tell u experience of no-mind is not anatta?
(11:51 PM) AEN: oic
yeah ciaran isn't talking about an experience though
(11:52 PM) Thusness: from a scale of 1-10, i don't even rate it a 2
don't anyhow intro ppl... that will only mislead ppl
(11:52 PM) AEN: ic..
(11:52 PM) Thusness: not even AF
(11:52 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:53 PM) Thusness: there is no short cut
don't get mixed up and confuse
out of 10 questions asked about anatta, i don't think they can pass even 1
(11:54 PM) AEN: what qns
(11:55 PM) Thusness: lead them to the right buddhist site
(11:55 PM) AEN: oic
but in terms of anatta not exactly a lot of buddhist sites have great clarity either
(11:55 PM) Thusness: there is mahamudra
u mean ruthlesstruth has clarity?
(11:55 PM) AEN: not really
(11:55 PM) Thusness: then?
anatta must be understood with DO
(11:56 PM) AEN: oic
(11:56 PM) Thusness: don't create Buddha
u r mis-representing buddhism
I don't even dare say I understand the profound teaching of Buddha
how is anatta the end of path?
din i tell u it is only the beginning stage
and from a scale of 1-10 in the bhumis, what has one understood?
(12:00 AM) Thusness: understand clearly that it is only the bare beginning or rightly understanding liberation
(12:02 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:03 AM) Thusness: also do not give ppl the impression that anatta is the end of path
(12:04 AM) AEN: ic..
(12:05 AM) Thusness: also the releasing is still not there
as for u, release ur contraction
ur latent tendencies are still strong
despite ur realization
(12:06 AM) AEN: oic..
means sense of self?
(12:07 AM) Thusness: ur mind and body
u r unable to let go non-dually
means ur latent inherent tendencies are still very strong
(12:07 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:08 AM) Thusness: sit and let go of ur entire mind and body
meet conditions and let go
when u answer ur parents, treat it as a form of practice too
smile in ur heart
and be patient
(12:10 AM) Thusness: after realization, meditate on the 6 entries and exits
feel that whatever arises is primordially pure
then allow it to meet daily matters...
see how it arises...and understand the latent deep
that is then true practice
(12:11 AM) AEN: oic..
letting go non-dually is it like opening to everything as it is... everything is brilliantly happening but empty... there is no coming, going, movement, location, like the universe is a process of activities dissolving moment by moment... there isnt even 'a universe'...
(12:15 AM) Thusness: no
taht is completely wrong
after anatta, u r able to experience whatever arises directly
feel wholely
(12:17 AM) AEN: yea
(12:17 AM) Thusness: yet u are still contracting
ur entirely body is imprint to hold
(12:17 AM) AEN: oic
(12:18 AM) Thusness: letting go non-dually means allow whatever arises to let go
(12:19 AM) AEN: ic..
(12:19 AM) Thusness: means ur body and mind must let go
by its own accord, non-dually
not by disassociation
practice this
(12:21 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:21 AM) Thusness: ur mind, ur thoughts, ur body
without ground, without center, without essence
like painting on a pond
Another conversation with Thusness.
AEN: Simpo advise people to go straight to realise anatta and bypass I AM. Do u think it is advisable?
Thusness: This is one area I hv been thinking. The main issue is the degree of luminosity. But in no mind or AF, we see such experience too.
AEN: Oic... I realise anatta in ruthlesstruth is rare. Most people are talking about impersonality, not even non dual. After talking with them, I find that people still don't experience or realize no dualistic separation.
Thusness: Anatta is about right view...
AEN: Ic.. Ciaran realized no self right. Except most of his students don't... Not even non dual
Thusness: Yes. Unfortunately, he cannot clearly discern the grayscale of no-self (comments: i.e. impersonality, non-dual, anatta)
AEN: yeah
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:
Another conversation with Thusness.
AEN: Simpo advise people to go straight to realise anatta and bypass I AM. Do u think it is advisable?
He he..
My theory is that i wasted too much time in I AM phase. Had someone pointed out earlier, i wouldn't have beat around the bush for so long. As for Thusness's pointing out, I am very grateful.. because it opened up a pathway for further progress. I just don't wish someone go through such wasteful journey as mine :)
Personally, my thinking is that I AM phase has its importance in getting one to realised the all-pervading and 'deathless' nature. As for someone realising no-self (straight), he/she may not have the benefit of such a strong conviction in deathlessness. However, my idea is that for such practitioners, they will eventually come face to face with deathlessness... in the later stage of the path. For the pure I AM realiser, this definite realisation of deathlessness comes first.
Just my opinion only.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Was going through some old convos with Thusness, found this.
Session Start: Wednesday, 18 May, 2011
(11:14 PM) Thusness: Don't over promote ruthlesstruth
many of the blue status aren't anatta
and that is not the way to teach
(11:45 PM) AEN: oic..
i do notice that many have not realized anatta
why is it not the way to teach
(11:46 PM) Thusness: what are they teaching?
everything isn't clear
how is it that u intro ppl this site here and there
instead of leading ppl to the right path with the right view
there are so many good buddhist sites with right teaching $
(11:47 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:48 PM) Thusness: some don't even have non-dual
and all these over claiming
don't mislead ppl
(11:48 PM) AEN: ic..
(11:49 PM) Thusness: how things manifest is not clear
anatta not clear
non-dual not clear
(11:49 PM) Thusness: there is not even experience of I AM
(11:49 PM) AEN: oic
yeah they dont talk about I AM
i think its a mix of ppl in impersonality, non dual, and anatta
i mean the site
(11:50 PM) Thusness: not only that...there is no clear insight
so don't anyhow claim about enlightenment
and lead ppl to enlightenment
(11:50 PM) AEN: but i think there are some who are clear about anatta there
though not as many as they claimed
(11:50 PM) Thusness: worst still overclaiming that insight of anatta arises
this is pure nonsense
what anatta...?
din i tell u experience of no-mind is not anatta?
(11:51 PM) AEN: oic
yeah ciaran isn't talking about an experience though
(11:52 PM) Thusness: from a scale of 1-10, i don't even rate it a 2
don't anyhow intro ppl... that will only mislead ppl
(11:52 PM) AEN: ic..
(11:52 PM) Thusness: not even AF
(11:52 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:53 PM) Thusness: there is no short cut
don't get mixed up and confuse
out of 10 questions asked about anatta, i don't think they can pass even 1
(11:54 PM) AEN: what qns
(11:55 PM) Thusness: lead them to the right buddhist site
(11:55 PM) AEN: oic
but in terms of anatta not exactly a lot of buddhist sites have great clarity either
(11:55 PM) Thusness: there is mahamudra
u mean ruthlesstruth has clarity?
(11:55 PM) AEN: not really
(11:55 PM) Thusness: then?
anatta must be understood with DO
(11:56 PM) AEN: oic
(11:56 PM) Thusness: don't create Buddha
u r mis-representing buddhism
I don't even dare say I understand the profound teaching of Buddha
how is anatta the end of path?
din i tell u it is only the beginning stage
and from a scale of 1-10 in the bhumis, what has one understood?
(12:00 AM) Thusness: understand clearly that it is only the bare beginning or rightly understanding liberation
(12:02 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:03 AM) Thusness: also do not give ppl the impression that anatta is the end of path
(12:04 AM) AEN: ic..
(12:05 AM) Thusness: also the releasing is still not there
as for u, release ur contraction
ur latent tendencies are still strong
despite ur realization
(12:06 AM) AEN: oic..
means sense of self?
(12:07 AM) Thusness: ur mind and body
u r unable to let go non-dually
means ur latent inherent tendencies are still very strong
(12:07 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:08 AM) Thusness: sit and let go of ur entire mind and body
meet conditions and let go
when u answer ur parents, treat it as a form of practice too
smile in ur heart
and be patient
(12:10 AM) Thusness: after realization, meditate on the 6 entries and exits
feel that whatever arises is primordially pure
then allow it to meet daily matters...
see how it arises...and understand the latent deep
that is then true practice
(12:11 AM) AEN: oic..
letting go non-dually is it like opening to everything as it is... everything is brilliantly happening but empty... there is no coming, going, movement, location, like the universe is a process of activities dissolving moment by moment... there isnt even 'a universe'...
(12:15 AM) Thusness: no
taht is completely wrong
after anatta, u r able to experience whatever arises directly
feel wholely
(12:17 AM) AEN: yea
(12:17 AM) Thusness: yet u are still contracting
ur entirely body is imprint to hold
(12:17 AM) AEN: oic
(12:18 AM) Thusness: letting go non-dually means allow whatever arises to let go
(12:19 AM) AEN: ic..
(12:19 AM) Thusness: means ur body and mind must let go
by its own accord, non-dually
not by disassociation
practice this
(12:21 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:21 AM) Thusness: ur mind, ur thoughts, ur body
without ground, without center, without essence
like painting on a pond
Another conversation with Thusness.
AEN: Simpo advise people to go straight to realise anatta and bypass I AM. Do u think it is advisable?
Thusness: This is one area I hv been thinking. The main issue is the degree of luminosity. But in no mind or AF, we see such experience too.
AEN: Oic... I realise anatta in ruthlesstruth is rare. Most people are talking about impersonality, not even non dual. After talking with them, I find that people still don't experience or realize no dualistic separation.
Thusness: Anatta is about right view...
AEN: Ic.. Ciaran realized no self right. Except most of his students don't... Not even non dual
Thusness: Yes. Unfortunately, he cannot clearly discern the grayscale of no-self (comments: i.e. impersonality, non-dual, anatta)
AEN: yeah
@AEN, what's no-mind? Can you explain or any articles?
@Simpo: Good points.. :)
@Dharmadhatu: Yes. In my recent article