Originally posted by Fugazzi:The meaning that was attributed to in the posting is not the dictionay meaning of existence and so was for the labels God, Self and ,.....
Can one find existence, one can taste it, one can expereine it, can one conceptualize it? There is no meaning excepting what the human mind defines it to be, whiich is a limitation. Emptiness as Buddha had hinted to or not is about emptying ’’ONESELF’’ and ’’partaking’’ of his beingness .... one can expereince existence,it is not something to attain, iit is already herenow, all that is being aware that one is absent to oneself..It is beyond meaning and hence the conundrum and utter confusion!
And the problem is that you fail to understand that liberation is not about 'existence', it is about realizing the NATURE of existence including its emptiness, and this requires right view.
It is not just about dropping concepts - that will fall into the category of 'disease of nonconceptuality' and you will fail to realize anatta, emptiness, the profound truths that liberate.
And no, emptiness is NOT about 'emptying oneself and partaking his beingness' - there is no beingness of Tathagata apart or inside the five aggregates. You will see that even 'existence' or 'non-existence' does not apply because a Beingness of Tathagata, or Self, cannot be established. This is the true of anatta.
Emptiness is not 'emptying oneself' but realizing there is no self, and no substance of phenomena, the twofold emptiness. It is not an accomplishment through letting go, but realizing a fact that always already is so.
No teachings except Buddhism talk about this - I mean seriously you will never find it elsewhere, including all mystical contemplative traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Sufism, Christian Mysticism and so on. Other religions talk about the Atman-Brahman, they talk about Existence, God and so on, but reify a truly existing metaphysical essence. There is a true transcendental experience and realization but falsely reified, so no true liberation can be found. I have been through those phases of insight and experience myself.
Only in Buddhism will you find no-self and emptiness.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:And the problem is that you fail to understand that liberation is not about 'existence', it is about realizing the NATURE of existence including its emptiness, and this requires right view.
It is not just about dropping concepts - that will fall into the category of 'disease of nonconceptuality' and you will fail to realize anatta, emptiness, the profound truths that liberate.
And no, emptiness is NOT about 'emptying oneself and partaking his beingness' - there is no beingness of Tathagata apart or inside the five aggregates. You will see that even 'existence' or 'non-existence' does not apply because a Beingness of Tathagata, or Self, cannot be established. This is the true of anatta.
Emptiness is not 'emptying oneself' but realizing there is no self, and no substance of phenomena, the twofold emptiness. It is not an accomplishment through letting go, but realizing a fact that always already is so.
No teachings except Buddhism talk about this - I mean seriously you will never find it elsewhere, including all mystical contemplative traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Sufism, Christian Mysticism and so on. Other religions talk about the Atman-Brahman, they talk about Existence, God and so on, but reify a truly existing metaphysical essence. There is a true transcendental experience and realization but falsely reified, so no true liberation can be found. I have been through those phases of insight and experience myself.
Only in Buddhism will you find no-self and emptiness.
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Originally posted by Weychin:You are not capable of addressing answers to the level ability of the individual,the maturity of his/her journey. We investigate according to our perceptions, there is no homogenity, but there are similiar temperaments and outlooks, thus different traditions. We deal and understand sufferings differently at our own evolutionary paths, needs to be catered at different levels. Letting go at different stages is different due to our false views at the point of time! False views changes from grosser to subtle.
Originally posted by Weychin:Participation here does’nt mean joining a secret society. Being here just means you’re interested. Beneficial if you want to help or be helped!
Originally posted by Sushism:...........................................................................................................................................
Then say so lah, why bullshit. everybody seems to be copying n pasting and when one’s stance of believing is transpiring and is threatened, one simply plays the artful dodger. When one is being empty, there is a chance, however behind the facade is of subtle deception, it is simply bullshitting One thing that is so palpable is that of constipated with concepts and all discussions seem to emnate from or is premised on this conceptualising stance. If i m afflicted with the disease as some here seem to feel so, it is fine, I m not latching onto some sutra, scripture and copying and pasting and quoting people. One is free to spout anything, I dont care much for whether it is accepted, embraced or subscribed. This is the fallacy of organized religion, can truth be organized?
..............................................................................................................................................Are you talking about yourself?
Copy and paste is Ok. It more shameless if someone plagarized from buddhism and use the same stuffs (with tricky play of poetry wordings) to attack the source of these stolen stuffs with a hidden agenda.
Ya, Buddhsim as taught by the Buddha is not a religion. It only becomes a religion when one reify and hypostasized it. Just like when Emptiness is reify, it become Allah devoid of all human conceptual descriptions (nonetheless, ironically, it can still be affirm as an existent GOD).
No one in this forum is imposing buddhism as a religion, dogma, doctrine or view on anyone else. We are just communicating the buddha dharma for the benefits of sentient beings, just like what you have been doing which you think is something noble.
Despite parroting so much, I think you are the most CLOSED MINDED.