2002å¹´9月9日至17曰,年已115å²�的妙智å‰�å¾€ä¹�å�Žå±±ç‰å��å±±å�¤è¿¹æœ�圣,行程数å�ƒé‡Œã€‚他瞻仰了ä¹�å�Žå±±æ…ˆæ˜Žå’Œå°šçš„肉身之å�Žæ·±æœ‰æ„Ÿè§¦ï¼Œå½“晚对ä¹�å�Žå±±å¤©æ± 寺ä½�æŒ�涤尘法师说:“è€�衲将æ�¥å¾€ç”Ÿå�Žï¼Œè¯·æ³•å¸ˆå¤šå¤šå…³ç…§”。他对徒弟说:“我两手空空æ�¥è¿™é‡Œï¼Œä»¥å�Žèµ°äº†ä¹Ÿæ˜¯ä¸¤æ‰‹ç©ºç©ºï¼Œå�ªç•™è¿™èº«éª¨å¤´ç»™ä½ 。”   
æ£æœˆäºŒå��å…,他对已买好车票准备å‰�往香港的徒弟说:“ä½ èµ°å�§ï¼Œèµ°åˆ°å�Šè·¯ä½ 就得回æ�¥ã€‚”
弟å�们é�µç…§å…¶ç”Ÿå‰�ä¿�护真身的嘱å’�,请æ�¥ä¹�å�Žå±±æ³•å¸ˆï¼Œå°†å…¶è·�趺(佛教ä¸ä¿®ç¦…者的å��法)å��缸。缸ä¸é…�以木ç‚ã€�檀香木ã€�石ç�°ç‰åŽŸæ–™ï¼Œå†�密å°�缸体å�Šç Œç –å°�护。今年æ£æœˆå»¿å…«å¼€ç¼¸ï¼Œå…¶è‚‰èº«å®Œå¥½ï¼Œé¢œé�¢å¦‚生。令人称奇的是肉身竟新长出了指甲和头å�‘。厦门闽å�—ä½›å¦é™¢åœ†æ™ºæ³•å¸ˆç‰¹ä¸ºå¦™æ™ºè€�法师命å��“肉身和尚”。   
æ�®ä¼ ç¦�建漳州市龙文区至今曾有两尊“肉身和尚”。历å�²ä¸Šçš„一尊“肉身和尚”,抗日战争期间被日本人å�·èµ°ï¼ŒçŽ°ä¾›å¥‰äºŽæ—¥æœ¬æ¨ªæ»¨æ€»æŒ�寺。妙寿法师说,如果能将现供奉于日本的“肉身和尚”迎请回国,龙文区将å�Œæ—¶æ‹¥æœ‰ä¸¤å°Š“肉身和尚”。
very auspicious om mani padme hum
This thing also happens to Catholic priests/nuns. Their bodies also dont rot/decompose.
Decomposing can be slowed down because of the environment they were buried in,.
any article to prove your claim?
Catholic in modern days are known for raping choir boys. In olden time, they had a council to throw out the Reincarnation teachings by Jesus. So basically they twist the truth and lied to many generations after about no Reincarnation and one lifetime.
I am not a catholic nor a buddhist.
But you are very disgusting for generalising. Dont you know that there are cases of boys being abused by thai monks in thailand too?
Please dont generalise. I dont support catholics or buddhists. I am jsut saying there are cases of bodies of catholic/buddhist monks/nuns that do not rot.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:any article to prove your claim?
Catholic in modern days are known for raping choir boys. In olden time, they had a council to throw out the Reincarnation teachings by Jesus. So basically they twist the truth and lied to many generations after about no Reincarnation and one lifetime.
Hello, not every catholic is as you said. Don't make sweeping statement.
which part of my post up there assume that you two are catholics ? quote me the word.
I think both of your attitudes are more disgusting by your sweeping assumption and generalisation.
I ask for any youtube , any article for your claim up there and TCMC you can't even answer that properly . You are bloody rude.
This 2011 Italy movie "Habemus Papam" that i am watching now only showcases how utterly humans these Catholic Priests are.
Yet they wear the most expensive gowns, eat their meals with three crystal glasses and good food, a bunch of old people who are more cowardly and afraid of many things than those believers waiting at the courtyard " faithfully" believing in these well dressed priests.
A very good movie.
You got to grow up and be more objective in your perspectives. Yes there are bad catholics, just like there are all kinds of bad people. But there are also good catholics.
The way you put it is like saying all catholics do bad things.
Answer me: Are all catholics bad and as you described?
The information you want here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incorruptibility
so please answer my question. Are all catholics bad and as you described?
Look TCMC, grow up and be mature yourself first. How come you like to assume a lot of things and think you are right in your stupid assumption?
The mummies of monks (Sokushinbutsu) in Japan practised nyūj� (入定), which caused their own death by adhering to a wood eating diet made up of salt, nuts, seeds, roots, pine bark, and urushi tea. They were then buried alive in a pine-wood box full of salt connected by a tube for air and would ring a bell signaling they were alive. When the bell stopped ringing the air tube was removed.[4][5] Japan banned unburying in 1879 and assisted suicide, including religious suicide is now illegal.
This is something new to read. The other link is informative too.