External spells or charms are all in your mind. Build up a mind with strong determination and you would break free all sorts of spells or charms. Yes, 'determination' is the key word to achieve all the extraordinaries in life.
As a start, you can begin to radiate loving-kindness and compassion towards yourself, your surroundings, and all those with ill-intentions to do harm on others.
More importantly, do not grasp with the idea of spells or charms, for the more thinking of it, the more it stays in your mind. Stop grasping, and starts with opening up your mind into new horizon full with compassion.
Learn to love yourself, your neighbours, all surroundings - you'll see a drastic transformation right before your naked eyes!
Originally posted by Takso:External spells or charms are all in your mind. Build up a mind with strong determination and you would break free all sorts of spells or charms. Yes, 'determination' is the key word to achieve all the extraordinaries in life.
As a start, you can begin to radiate loving-kindness and compassion towards yourself, your surroundings, and all those with ill-intentions to do harm on others.
More importantly, do not grasp with the idea of spells or charms, for the more thinking of it, the more it stays in your mind. Stop grasping, and starts with opening up your mind into new horizon full with compassion.
Learn to love yourself, your neighbours, all surroundings - you'll see a drastic transformation right before your naked eyes!
It is as good as you did not post. If you are hungry, it is all in your mind. You just need to think of food you will be OK.
perhaps u shd release from where u got it...
thailand seems to be a hotspot for help
Originally posted by Handyplast007:I am new here in Singapore. I need to know is there anybody you can recommend who can remove spells and charms in singapore. Hindu, buddisht or islamics…anyone would do.
What type of spell and charm?
normally in most cases, they desire for something. so, the only way is to dialogue with them. firstly, be vegetarianism on behalf of them. secondly, vow to recite like 100 set of Earthstore Sutra or other sutra and name of Guan Yin etc specifically for them. normally they will agree. However, if you met with a dumb being that could not relate to you, just recite and transfer merits. In addition, you may seek monastic for assistance. In most of all religions, only buddhism provides unison compassionate service developing on unity of spell and their loving kindness. other religions are more on dispelling. All serves its desire purpose and result :D
It will be your belief, that is affecting you. If you don't believe, no effect.
Do not engage the occult. Stay clear of it.
If you think someone put a hex on you, let it be.
You on your part, don't have anything to do with it.
It is evil most vile.
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这个事情,å‰�å‡ å¹´æˆ‘ä»¬åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡äº²çœ¼çœ‹åˆ°çš„ã€‚æ–°åŠ å�¡å±…士林的è€�林长,陈光别è€�居士往生。往生的å‰�一天,我给他å�šçšˆä¾�,给他å�—了三皈五戒,他是预知时至。往生的时候,居士林的å�Œå¦ä»¬ï¼ŒåŸ¹è®ç�的出家众,我们分é…�å�Œå¦å››ä¸ªäººä¸€ç»„给他助念,二å��å››å°�æ—¶ä¸�ä¸æ–,我们四个四个æ�¢ç�,ä¸�ä¸æ–。有一天在他家里é�¢åŠ©å¿µæ—¶å€™ï¼Œå�Œå¦å›žæ�¥ï¼Œå¸¦äº†é™ˆè€�居士的冤亲债主,很多人,带了很多这些鬼众到居士林æ�¥ã€‚é™„åœ¨ä¸€ä¸ªäººçš„èº«ä¸Šï¼Œå±…å£«æž—æœ‰ä¸ªå¿µä½›å ‚ï¼Œé™„åœ¨å¿µä½›å ‚ä¸€ä¸ªå¥³å©å�的身上,她也æ�¥è§�过我,å�«æ�œç¾Žç’‡ï¼Œé™„在她身上。  附身的时候,她就æ˜�过去了,å�£é‡Œå��白沫,以å�Žå°±è¯´è¯�了,他们是陈è€�居士的冤亲债主,很多人。他们说陈è€�居士ä¸�错,