Dharma Overground is one of those rare places where you get to chat about high level practice and experience with other highly awakened and experienced practitioners and dharma teachers openly, and even get to very fine points of phenomenological aspects of experience so all those dharma no longer remain vague theories but something 'alive' - something which you can practice, and see for yourself, and verify for yourself.
I hope more Singaporeans would engage in this sort of discussions here, or anywhere. Or rather, I hope this culture of open discussion (especially with regards to insights, experience, states, stages, or any aspects of one's practice) can really grow.
Here's a thread to an ongoing interesting discussion I am having:
Oops wrong url. updated it.
Very... chim. Still, hope to be able to contribute to these discussions eventually.
Sahaja Nirbikalpa Samadhi
11/11/11 3:44 PMHey all
you probably all know the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, and Id like to kindly ask arhatas here to share their thoughts on the subject of Sahaja Nirbikalpa Samadhi
Lets first take a look at the words of R. Maharshi:
Originally posted by Whimsy:Is asking arahats to share their thoughts on the subject...
Haha... as an interesting note, I was being labelled an arahat by one of their 'seniors' once.
It should be known that in their community, 'arahats' has two definitions: in the technical model (where phenomenological criterias are accessed for diagnosis based partly on Daniel's, Visudhimagga's, Mahasi map), and the fetter model (the Buddha's definition of the four paths).
Generally when 'arahat' is being spoken there, it refers to the technical model. To me (and many others), the technical model arahat is simply something like stream entry in the fetter model.
Another interesting hardcore dharma discussion I had there: Insight and the Pali suttas