Would like to know more. Actually most Buddhists in Asia do worship Buddha as a God/Deity and also other Gods from chinese religions. (correct me if I am wrong)
But I know in theory, there is no mention of Gods in Buddhism.
If Buddha did not mention Gods, then why is it ok for a Buddhist to worship Gods?
And is Buddhism without Gods common in Asia?
Thus I have heard :D
Some are just worshippers for fortune and safety, and not from understanding of Buddhism teachings. Some have grasped of Buddhism teachings while still offering their worshipping of dieties/gods as a form of transferring merits and practice together. It does not means that a Buddhist has to discard everthing like dieties/god offering, so as to show that they are piously peace and calm. In the Flower Ornamental Sutra and Earthstore Bodhisavatta Sutra, it has many dieties/gods that represents the nature kindness of Bodhisavattas and Buddha of all living beings. Nonetheless, there are really Bodhisavattas and Buddha existence beyond naked eyes of sentient beings, unless you had attained supremeness :D _/\_
Originally posted by Tcmc:Would like to know more. Actually most Buddhists in Asia do worship Buddha as a God/Deity and also other Gods from chinese religions. (correct me if I am wrong)
But I know in theory, there is no mention of Gods in Buddhism.
If Buddha did not mention Gods, then why is it ok for a Buddhist to worship Gods?
And is Buddhism without Gods common in Asia?
those so called themselve "Buddhist", most of the time do not know what exactly is Buddhism.
first u must locate the founder of buddhism, which is Shayamuni, which didn't taught about worshiping gods for money, 4d numbers, child bearing, win toto/lottery, all and all for self benefit. most of these "buddhists" had mixed folk believes or chinese custom into their believe. in truth they are not true Buddhists.
u must differential true buddhist and folk believers. and the believe between a Creator God(without the s) and the heavenly beings/gods. true Buddhist talk about the six realms, and one of the realms is the heavenly realm of gods. there are gods in Buddhism but they still have birth and death. so no point worshiping them. we don't believe in A almighty Creator God, although one of the brahma god, "thought" that he's the creator, but there's no real creator as taught by Buddha. u can sort of say the MInd is the "creator".
pls do a quick read on buddhism in a nutshell
its better we clear some superstitions.
Nope buddhists don't worship gods. Not just Asia, any parts of the world too.
I thinking... Perhaps u mean some popular chinese deities like Guan Gong? A taoist deity but in Buddhism he is a dharma protector.
Another closer meaning to god would be the devas. Lol