i watched THE SORCERER AND THE WHITE SNAKE. Jet Li like to implement Buddhism into his movie. Fa Hai (Jet Li), was very clinging to subdue and slay 妖demon/monsters. Xu Xian married a 1000yr white snake 妖 and they love each other very much. Fa Hai keep wanting to slay the snake.
last part, Fa Hai understood something when the sky opened up, i not quite sure, and he forgived?
He said, why i so clinging to the way/path. in the end, they are still separated. i tot that say 问世间情为�物? he must be also pondering what is love. love is not lasting. always end up suffering. yet people still do not care. wat's so wonderful?
i think got one kind of love that wouldn't end up suffering. or even if it suffer, it's not suffering to u. and that's 大慈大悲 Great compassion for all beings. from a negative love, u transform into a greater love. all negativity can be transformed into 大慈大悲.
What is 大慈大悲?
Great Compassion. :)