We regret to inform that Little Bodhi Student Care (a community project by NTU Buddhist Society Alumni) is facing impending closure by end of this year. It has been a good 10 years in operations. We have been in talks with several Buddhist groups to transfer the centre over but unfortunately this has not materialise.
If U know of any Buddhist org. who may be interested in taking over the running of the centre or if U wish to step forward to do your bit to keep the centre going. Do contact us asap. We are open to all possibilities.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Originally posted by DailyFreeGames.com:what is the running cost per month?
I have no idea. I received this via email (Dharma News). Feel free to write to them and ask. I believe they welcome all enquires.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:I have no idea. I received this via email (Dharma News). Feel free to write to them and ask. I believe they welcome all enquires.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:I have no idea. I received this via email (Dharma News). Feel free to write to them and ask. I believe they welcome all enquires.
Closure means all attained Buddhaness, should be a rejoice for all. However, if all attained Buddha, it should not be ended up in closure as there will be more rejoicing moment along the journey sharing bliss together :D _/\_