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å�¦å¤–还有一个世界,其ä¸ä¸€åˆ‡è™Žç‹¼ç¦½å…½ï¼Œä¹ƒè‡³è›‡è�Žï¼Œéƒ½æœ‰ç¿…翼,能够飞行。相逢时互相å�žé£Ÿï¼Œä¸�论善æ�¶ã€‚ã€�这难é�“ä¸�是秽土的起点å�—?而我们居ä½�的娑婆世界,乃与贤圣ç‰å…±å¤„ï¼Œå› æ¤å”¯æ¤æ‰�是现土的终结之处。
We are super fortunate and blessed from good karmic
Namo Amitabha!
Would you mind telling us the names of these two planets in English?
Are most buddhism text in chinese?
安�集 is one of many great books that can be reproduced. Anyone who has the wealth and means should printed. The meritocracy of this reproduction is immeasureable. Namo Amitabha!
《安ä¹�集》的作者,是隋å”�时大力弘扬净土教的大师é�“绰。æ�®å”�代著å��的佛教å�²å¦å®¶é�“宣律师所作的《ç»é«˜åƒ§ä¼ ·é�“ç»°ä¼ ã€‹è¯´ï¼Œä»–ä¿—å®¶å§“å�«ï¼Œå¹¶å·žæ±¶æ°´ï¼ˆä»Šå±±è¥¿æ–‡æ°´åŽ¿ï¼‰äººï¼ˆå�¦æ�®å”�代僧人迦æ‰�所作的《净土论》å�·ä¸‹ã€Œå¼•çŽ°å¾—往生人相貌ã€�ä¸ä½œå¹¶å·žæ™‹é˜³äººï¼‰ 。é�“绰生於北é½�æ¦å¸�(高湛)河清元年(公元五å…二年),å�’æ–¼å”�贞观å��ä¹�年(公元å…四五年),享年八å��有四。
  é�“绰幼年时以能æ�让而知å��闾里。å��å››å²�时(北é½�å�Žä¸»æ¦å¹³å…å¹´ï¼Œå…¬å…ƒäº”ä¸ƒäº”å¹´ï¼‰å¼ƒä¿—å‡ºå®¶ï¼Œå¼€å§‹è¯µä¹ ä½›æ•™ç»�典。
除了《涅盘ç»�》以外,他对大乘佛教的其他ç»�è®ºä¹Ÿæœ‰ç›¸å½“é€ è¯£ã€‚ä»–æ‰€è‘—çš„ã€Šå®‰ä¹�集》,为了åŠ�引众生归å�‘西方净土,曾广引诸部ç»�论,以申明净土教义。æ�®ç²—略统计,《安ä¹�集》ä¸æ‰€å¼•çš„å�„ç§�ç»�律论释多达五å��ä½™éƒ¨ã€‚é™¤äº†ä¸“è®²å‡€åœŸçš„ã€Šæ— é‡�寿ç»�》ã€�ã€Šè§‚æ— é‡�寿ç»�》和《阿弥陀ç»�》之外,诸如《法å�Žã€‹ã€�《般若》ã€�《å�Žä¸¥ã€‹ã€�《涅盘》ã€�《大集》ç‰ç»�,以å�Šã€Šå¤§æ™ºåº¦è®ºã€‹ã€�《大乘起信论》ã€�《俱èˆ�论》ç‰è®ºéƒ½æ›¾åŠ 以引è¯�,å�¯è§�ä»–ä½›å¦è§�识之广å�šã€‚
  é�“绰法师å�Žæ�¥å�ˆåœ¨å¤ªåŽŸå¼€åŒ–寺师从慧瓒禅师,慧瓒禅师为当时北方禅å¦å��å®¿ï¼Œæ¸…çº¦é›…ç´ ï¼Œæ…§æ‚Ÿå¼€å¤©ï¼Œé�“å��è¿œæ’。é�“ç»°åœ¨å…¶åº§ä¸‹ä¿®ä¹ ç©ºç�†ï¼Œé¢‡å¾—禅味。
Originally posted by gorgorlokaychyong:Would you mind telling us the names of these two planets in English?
Are most buddhism text in chinese?
Mandarin learning campaign now haha
Originally posted by Amitayus48:安�集 is one of many great books that can be reproduced. Anyone who has the wealth and means should printed. The meritocracy of this reproduction is immeasureable. Namo Amitabha!
《安ä¹�集》的作者,是隋å”�时大力弘扬净土教的大师é�“绰。æ�®å”�代著å��的佛教å�²å¦å®¶é�“宣律师所作的《ç»é«˜åƒ§ä¼ ·é�“ç»°ä¼ ã€‹è¯´ï¼Œä»–ä¿—å®¶å§“å�«ï¼Œå¹¶å·žæ±¶æ°´ï¼ˆä»Šå±±è¥¿æ–‡æ°´åŽ¿ï¼‰äººï¼ˆå�¦æ�®å”�代僧人迦æ‰�所作的《净土论》å�·ä¸‹ã€Œå¼•çŽ°å¾—往生人相貌ã€�ä¸ä½œå¹¶å·žæ™‹é˜³äººï¼‰ 。é�“绰生於北é½�æ¦å¸�(高湛)河清元年(公元五å…二年),å�’æ–¼å”�贞观å��ä¹�年(公元å…四五年),享年八å��有四。
é�“绰幼年时以能æ�让而知å��闾里。å��å››å²�时(北é½�å�Žä¸»æ¦å¹³å…å¹´ï¼Œå…¬å…ƒäº”ä¸ƒäº”å¹´ï¼‰å¼ƒä¿—å‡ºå®¶ï¼Œå¼€å§‹è¯µä¹ ä½›æ•™ç»�典。除了《涅盘ç»�》以外,他对大乘佛教的其他ç»�è®ºä¹Ÿæœ‰ç›¸å½“é€ è¯£ã€‚ä»–æ‰€è‘—çš„ã€Šå®‰ä¹�集》,为了åŠ�引众生归å�‘西方净土,曾广引诸部ç»�论,以申明净土教义。æ�®ç²—略统计,《安ä¹�集》ä¸æ‰€å¼•çš„å�„ç§�ç»�律论释多达五å��ä½™éƒ¨ã€‚é™¤äº†ä¸“è®²å‡€åœŸçš„ã€Šæ— é‡�寿ç»�》ã€�ã€Šè§‚æ— é‡�寿ç»�》和《阿弥陀ç»�》之外,诸如《法å�Žã€‹ã€�《般若》ã€�《å�Žä¸¥ã€‹ã€�《涅盘》ã€�《大集》ç‰ç»�,以å�Šã€Šå¤§æ™ºåº¦è®ºã€‹ã€�《大乘起信论》ã€�《俱èˆ�论》ç‰è®ºéƒ½æ›¾åŠ 以引è¯�,å�¯è§�ä»–ä½›å¦è§�识之广å�šã€‚
é�“绰法师å�Žæ�¥å�ˆåœ¨å¤ªåŽŸå¼€åŒ–寺师从慧瓒禅师,慧瓒禅师为当时北方禅å¦å��å®¿ï¼Œæ¸…çº¦é›…ç´ ï¼Œæ…§æ‚Ÿå¼€å¤©ï¼Œé�“å��è¿œæ’。é�“ç»°åœ¨å…¶åº§ä¸‹ä¿®ä¹ ç©ºç�†ï¼Œé¢‡å¾—禅味。
This is not digestable, profound. Only meant for Chinese educated or Chinese speaking buddhists.
Originally posted by gorgorlokaychyong:This is not digestable, profound. Only meant for Chinese educated or Chinese speaking buddhists.
Chinese Buddhism produces the world's largest body of Buddhist literature and sutra cannon, esp. for Mahayana Buddhism. To delve into Mahayana Buddhism, Chinese is a language that cannot be ignored, esp. if you're into Sutra studies.
斯诃 - Si He. It seems to be transliterated from Sanskrit. There is no English translation, except to find the original Sanskrit name for it. Unfortunately, I don't know Sanskrit well enough.
You're required to know Sanksrit language to study indepth into Buddhism. Most Buddhist university requires one to learn the following languages:
These are the major languages for Buddhism.
Buddhism is ahead of Science. Science will one day prove that what Buddha said were true. Buddha said there are other higher intelligence out there (三�大�世界)。. It is just a matter of time that this is proven just like bacteria and germs were proven thousands of years after Buddha said that they exist.
there are UFOs lah!
Originally posted by Amitayus48:我们所�的娑婆世界则是秽土的末处。何以得知呢?
如《æ£æ³•å¿µç»�》说:「离æ¤ä¸œåŒ—方,有一个世界å��å�«æ–¯è¯ƒã€‚其国田土ä¸å”¯æœ‰ä¸‰è§’形的沙石,一年下三次雨,一次é™�雨湿润ä¸�超过五寸地。生活於那儿的众生以果å�ä¸ºé£Ÿï¼Œä»¥æ ‘çš®ä¸ºè¡£ï¼Œæ±‚ç”Ÿä¸�得,求æ»ä¸�能。
å�¦å¤–还有一个世界,其ä¸ä¸€åˆ‡è™Žç‹¼ç¦½å…½ï¼Œä¹ƒè‡³è›‡è�Žï¼Œéƒ½æœ‰ç¿…翼,能够飞行。相逢时互相å�žé£Ÿï¼Œä¸�论善æ�¶ã€‚ã€�这难é�“ä¸�是秽土的起点å�—?而我们居ä½�的娑婆世界,乃与贤圣ç‰å…±å¤„ï¼Œå› æ¤å”¯æ¤æ‰�是现土的终结之处。
We are super fortunate and blessed from good karmic
Namo Amitabha!
i will try to translate
the land we live in ,which is saha world ,is actually the edge of the land of turpidity,how do we know that ?
如《æ£æ³•å¿µç»�》说:「离æ¤ä¸œåŒ—方,有一个世界å��å�«æ–¯è¯ƒã€‚其国田土ä¸å”¯æœ‰ä¸‰è§’形的沙石,一年下三次雨,一次é™�雨湿润ä¸�超过五寸地。生活於那儿的众生以果å�ä¸ºé£Ÿï¼Œä»¥æ ‘çš®ä¸ºè¡£ï¼Œæ±‚ç”Ÿä¸�得,求æ»ä¸�能。
as in the sutra of thoughts of righteous dharma mentioned,far from here towards the northeastern direction,there is a world known as si he .this land only have triangular rock formation .It only rain 3time a year.every time its rain ,it only enrich not more thane 5 inches of soil .living in that land ,sentient beings relied on fruits as staple meal,using tree bark as clothing,life is unbearably suffering
å�¦å¤–还有一个世界,其ä¸ä¸€åˆ‡è™Žç‹¼ç¦½å…½ï¼Œä¹ƒè‡³è›‡è�Žï¼Œéƒ½æœ‰ç¿…翼,能够飞行。相逢时互相å�žé£Ÿï¼Œä¸�论善æ�¶ã€‚ã€�这难é�“ä¸�是秽土的起点å�—?而我们居ä½�的娑婆世界,乃与贤圣ç‰å…±å¤„ï¼Œå› æ¤å”¯æ¤æ‰�是现土的终结之处。
also there is another world ,which have all kinds of ferocious beast ,scorpion and snake alike,including winged creatures.they kill each other and devour the defeated animals regardless of illwill or kindness.Isnt this the beginning of all turpid land .Our saha world ,is still with all virtuous and wise people .Thus this land(saha world) is the ending point of fruition land.
tang dynasty Pureland Patriach Tao chuo .
I heard from Venerable Jinkong saying that science only uncovers 1% of the truth of universe, compared to that from Buddhism. Buddhism is definitely beyond science.
There is a Chinese youtube video by Venerable Jinkong about UFOs and Saucer:
It's worth watching. Venerable Jinkong says UFOs are in the realms of human beings.
It seems interesting to note that we can even be reborn into other planets based on our karma, and not necessarily being reborn on the planet of earth.
Originally posted by Amitayus48:Translated splendidly
Science is about 100 years old that mentioned life existence beyond earth using technology. Buddha Gotama mentioned life existence beyond earth since 3000 years ago without technology. Buddhism is a teaching of ultimate science that deliver ultimate peace and love for mankind
Serious? Really?
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:there are UFOs lah!
Is UFO included in Buddhism?
Originally posted by winsomeea:
Is UFO included in Buddhism?
sort of can say it's one of the first seven possessions of a universal monarch, Chakravatin.
fyi, beings that still use equipment to travel, are still in the human realm. beings of heavenly realm, do not need any matter equipment to travel.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
sort of can say it's one of the first seven possessions of a universal monarch, Chakravatin.
fyi, beings that still use equipment to travel, are still in the human realm. beings of heavenly realm, do not need any matter equipment to travel.
I see. I suppose aliens are subject to karma, too.
Originally posted by gorgorlokaychyong:I see. I suppose aliens are subject to karma, too.
animals, us, those in heavenly realms are subjected to kamma. who are those who are exempted? those who attain enlightenment, this will be their last rebirth, no more subject to birth and sufferings.