Hi all, I have a question here. Hope i can get some thoughtful responses from your understanding and experience.
Recently, in my friendship with an older dharma friend, i found that i was reacting to this person in ways that were not rational and more impulse-based. After thinking deeply about it, i realised that there was always the same kind of dynamic in our friendship with my friend. That i always had an impulse to control my friend in a certain way and would be quite frustrated if i did not get the responses i wanted. I began to see the recurring pattern of thinking i had which was quite particular towards this friend only and it began to feel to me like something karmic or from a habitual tendency built up over long time maybe beginning from the past lives.
Sorry for lohso intro, but my question is, (1) how do we resolve such karmic patterns or 'knots'? Instead of letting it continue forever into the future and maybe have to come back in future lives to have the same kind of game going on again under different identities.
Also, (2) how do we know when the karmic pattern has been truly resolved, instead of being buried in our subconsciousness only, waiting to surface in the future?
Another topic related to this is that i have read about past lives regression thru hypnosis and usually when the person goes through regression to recall a certain usually carthartic or significant event, he releases that karmic 'knot' and when he comes out of the hypnosis, the problem in his life, whether it is in a relationship or in an illness will be suddenly be resolved. As far as i can observe, it is just a revisiting of the event in his memory. My question is (3) Why is it the revisiting of the event in his memory can resolve the karmic pattern in the present. Is that what is meant by purification?
Last question (4) is for any spiritual path to liberation, is it necessary to resolve all karmic patterns and release all 'knots'? Is that what is meant by the karmic debts? The reason for my asking this question is because in the stories i read, the person usually becomes more uplifted, open, happier, at ease and spiritually elevated as they release more and more 'knots' through hypnosis...
The book i read is Many Masters Many LIves...
Thank you for reading through my questions.
With regards to your first concern about resolving habitual patterns...
Rather than giving yourself the burden of thinking your problem is a karmic one stemming from past lives, I would suggest thinking of it as an ingrained habit. Afterall, this habit of yours may or may not stem from any past life issues. Treat a habitual tendency as being just that, regardless of where/when it stems.
I would tentatively offer the opinion that you can try building a new habit to antidote the originally ingrained (but unwholesome) one. I can testify that when certain habits of relating to others are ingrained, it really takes effort and a lot of mindfulness to reverse. However as mentioned, effort and mindfulness are what is needed and you can summon those, so all is not lost. Also expect that it may take some time to break the pattern. If you really want to though, you can.
Just my 2 cents for now. I'm sure others will give you input too.
é™¤ä¹ æ°”çš„è¿‡ç¨‹---å¾�æ�’志居士  
实践佛法的过程, 也就是é™�ä¼�ã€�æ–é™¤çƒ¦æƒ‘ä¹ æ°”çš„è¿‡ç¨‹, ä¹ æ°”é™¤åˆ°æ€Žæ ·çš„ç¨‹åº¦, 就是开å�‘佛知佛è§�åˆ°äº†æ€Žæ ·ç¨‹åº¦ã€‚æ‰€è°“ä¹ æ°”, 原是自心的虚妄作用, 有善ã€�æ�¶ã€�æ— è®°çš„ä¸‰æ€§, 是由å…尘缘影的妄心, æ•°æ•°ç†�ä¹ é€ ä½œè€Œæˆ�。我们现在既è¦�æ–除烦æ�¼ä¹ æ°”, 还得从烦æ�¼ä¹ 气上下手, 躲é�¿åŽ‹åˆ¶æ˜¯ç»�å¯¹æ— ç”¨çš„ï¼›è€Œä¸”ä¹ æ°”æ˜¯å¾€å¾€éš�人事而å�‘露, å› æ¤å€Ÿä¸€åˆ‡é¡ºé€†äººäº‹æ�¥ç£¨ç»ƒ, 把病苦作良è�¯, 把患难作解脱, 甚至“å�—æ�¶éª‚如饮甘露, é�‡æ¨ªé€†å¦‚获至å®�”, 历境验心, 刻苦å¿�å�—, å®žæ˜¯é™¤ä¹ æ°”çš„é‡�è¦�关键。二祖开悟以å�Ž, 韬光混迹, 或入酒肆, æˆ–ä¹ è¡—è°ˆ, æ£æ˜¯å�šè¿™ä¸ªé™¤ä¹ æ°”åŠŸå¤«ã€‚æˆ‘ä»¬å¹³æ—¶çš„ä¹ æ€§, ä¸�论好å��å–„æ�¶, 凡是执著ä¸�èˆ�, ä¸�易化除的, 就是苦æ�¼ç”Ÿæ»çš„æ ¹æœ¬, 便应用大精进力ã€�大å¿�è€�力, å¸¸å¸¸ä¸Žè‡ªå·±ä¹ æ°”æˆ˜æ–—, ç»ƒä¸ªæ— ä½�æ— ç�€çš„功夫, ç”±å°�战而大战, ç”±å°�胜而大胜, å¦ä¹ å†�å¦ä¹ , 深入å�ˆæ·±å…¥, æ‰�是æˆ�ä½›ä½œç¥–çš„æ ·å�。《å�Žä¸¥ç»�》说:“善观诸法, æ…§æ ¹å¢žé•¿, 勇猛精进, 摧ä¼�ä¼—é”, æ— é‡�智慧, å¨�光炽盛。”“ç�†å�¯é¡¿æ‚Ÿ, 事须æ¸�ä¿®”, é™¤ä¹ æ°”å½“ç„¶ä¸�是一件简å�•çš„事情, 而且在实践过程ä¸, 功力愈深, ä¹ æ°”ç¿»è…¾å‡ºæ�¥ä¹Ÿæ„ˆå¤š, 它常会忽然而æ�¥, çª�然兴起, 如果ä¸�ç»�过长久的努力磨练, ç�£é¥¬ç…§é¡¾, 决ä¸�能一觉便直下顿消, 必得用ç§�ç§�善巧方便, 使它销è�½, è¿™æ£æ˜¯åŠ›é‡�和功夫的问题。概括说æ�¥, é™¤ä¹ æ°”æœ‰ä¸‹åˆ—çš„è¿‡ç¨‹ï¼šä¸€èˆ¬äººä»¬ç»ˆæ—¥çƒ¦æ�¼å¦„想, 认妄作真, 总是å� 入于主观的迷阵而ä¸�è‡ªçŸ¥ã€‚ä¸€æ—¦å› ç—›è‹¦è€Œæ„Ÿè§‰, çŸ¥å¦„æƒ³ä¹ æ°”ä¸ºå®³ä¸�æµ…, æ–¹è‚¯ä¿®ä¹ ä½›æ³•, æ�¥ä½œå¯¹æ²»ã€‚但在åˆ�修时, å…¶æ„�境必定是å�Šä¿¡å�Šç–‘, 忽明忽昧, å�ªæœ‰ç�†è§£, 没有事è¯�, 说戒则å��于事相, 说定则执于æ»å®š, 说慧则用禅门的å�£ä¹ , ä¹ æ°”æ�¥æ—¶, ä»�æ— åŠ›å’Œå®ƒç›¸æŠ—, æ£æ˜¯“说时则有, ç”¨æ—¶åˆ™æ— ”。ç»�è¿‡ä¸“ç²¾åœ°ä¿®ä¹ ä½›æ³•, å�ƒç™¾æ¬¡çš„磨练ã€�抵抗之å�Ž, æ„�境é€�æ¥å¼€æœ—, 力é‡�é€�æ¥å……足, 便能悟è§�自己本æ�¥çš„体性。这时便知一切是é�žã€�顺逆ã€�美丑ã€�憎爱ç‰ç‰, æ— é�žéƒ½æ˜¯è‡ªå¿ƒçš„虚妄分别作用, 而能ä¸�éš�å…¶æµ�转, 并é€�æ¥ç�é™¤è‡ªå·±çš„ä¹ æ°”ï¼šç”±ç²—é‡�转轻微;由长时转çŸæ—¶ï¼›ç”±æµ“厚转平淡;由大事转å°�äº‹ï¼›ç”±å‹‰å¼ºè½¬è‡ªç„¶ï¼›ç”±æ— åŠ›è½¬æœ‰åŠ›ï¼›ç”±ç�€æ„�转ä¸�觉。总之, ä¹ æ°”ä¹‹æ ¹, å·²ç»�æ‹”æ�¾, ä¸�象过去的å�šå›ºæ‰§è‘—ã€‚è¿™æ ·, å†�继ç»ä¸�æ–ä»¥èˆ¬è‹¥æ‰«é™¤ä¹ æ°”, 定慧力便日益强盛, 有沛然莫之能御的情况, å¯¹è‡ªå·±ä¹ æ°”, 能处处圆照, 时时æˆ�觉, 自性æ¸�æ¸�æˆ�为一浑然圆明的整体, å¯‚å¯‚ç„¶äº†æ— ä¸€å¿µ, å�´å�ˆæ´»æ³¼æ³¼åœ°ä¸�å�¯æ€�è®®, ä¸�必去ç�€æ„�收摄, 自然能心ä¸�散乱, ä¹ æ°”æ�¥æ—¶, 一转就了ä¸�å�¯å¾—, æ— å�¯æ�‰æ¨¡, 迷固æ�‰ä¸�ç�€, 觉也摸ä¸�到, æ— åŠ¨æ— é�™, é�žå‡¡é�žåœ£, 超然于æ€�议之外, è¿™æ£æ˜¯æ‰€è°““圆觉”。   修一切法门, 离ä¸�开觉照, å› å¿ƒå’Œå¢ƒç›¸æŽ¥æ—¶, ä¸�照就ä¸�转, ä¸�转就ä¸�空, ä¸�空就ä¸�定, ä¸�定就ä¸�æ…§ã€‚åœ¨æ‰«é™¤ä¹ æ°”è¿‡ç¨‹ä¸, 觉照力é‡�çš„è¿›æ¥, å�¯åˆ†ä¸ºä¸‹åˆ—å‡ ä¸ªå±‚æ¬¡ï¼šä¸€ã€�心起在å‰�, 觉照在å�Ž, 且必须ç«åŠ›æ��起;二ã€�虽觉照在起心之å�Ž, 但æ��èµ·å�¯ä¸�甚费力;三ã€�起心时就能觉照, 但还是略有先å�Žï¼›å››ã€�起心时, 觉照也å�Œæ—¶è€Œèµ·ï¼›äº”ã€�觉照在å‰�, 心念在å�Ž, 但也有时忘照;å…ã€�觉照能时时在å‰�, 但还是顾å�Šè§‰ç…§ï¼ˆä»¥ä¸Šåœ¨ç”¨åŠŸåœ°ï¼‰ï¼›ä¸ƒã€�ä¸�知有照, å�´æœªç¦»ç…§, 明知有境, 本æ�¥æ— ç¢�;八ã€�入于常寂常照的地æ¥ã€‚我们å�¯ä»¥è€ƒé—®è‡ªå·±, 究竟到了那一ç§�境界。
can help translate the main points?
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:Last question (4) is for any spiritual path to liberation, is it necessary to resolve all karmic patterns and release all 'knots'?
Buddha after his Enlightenment also felt headache or got a family refuse offering alms to him, but to one of his disciple.
Originally posted by sinweiy:烦æ�¼ä¸Žä¹ æ°”—-圣严法师
人都会有烦æ�¼ï¼Œå½“æˆ�ä¸ºä¹ æƒ¯å�Žï¼Œçƒ¦æ�¼çš„感觉就æ¸�æ¸�ä¸�å˜åœ¨äº†ï¼Œå�ªä¼šç•™ä¸‹çƒ¦æ�¼çš„çŽ°è±¡ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯ä¹ æ°”ã€‚ä¾‹å¦‚ä¸€ä¸ªè§†é’±å¦‚å‘½çš„äººï¼Œçœ‹åˆ°äº†é’±å°±å¦‚é¥¥å¦‚æ¸´ï¼Œä¸€çœ‹åˆ°é’žç¥¨å°±æƒ³è¦�å� 为己有,这ç§�饥渴的感觉就是烦æ�¼ã€‚如果一个人ç»�常有这ç§�饥渴的感觉,看到钱就想拿,而且完全ä¸�ç�†ä¼šæ˜¯ä¸�是该拿,这时已ç»�å�˜æˆ�是一ç§�è´ªçš„ä¹ æ°”ï¼Œè€Œä¸�是贪的烦æ�¼ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¹ 气和烦æ�¼æ˜¯ä¸�å¤ªä¸€æ ·çš„ã€‚
烦æ�¼ä¸�但会伤害自己,有时也会伤害别人。如果烦æ�¼ç”Ÿèµ·çš„时候,ä¸�表现出æ�¥ï¼Œä¹Ÿè®¸åˆ«äººä¸�会å�—伤,å�´ä¼šä¼¤å®³åˆ°è‡ªå·±ï¼Œè®©è‡ªå·±å¾ˆç—›è‹¦ã€‚例如一个å�•ç›¸æ€�çš„ç”·å©ï¼Œå¿ƒé‡Œæ€»æ˜¯æƒ³ç�€å–œæ¬¢çš„女å©ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯å¯¹æ–¹æ ¹æœ¬ä¸�知é�“是怎么一回事,而男å©çš„内心å�´åœ¨çƒ¦æ�¼ã€‚他虽然没有伤害到其他的人,å�´å·²ç»�伤害到自己。或者说,这个男å©ä¸�管对方爱ä¸�爱他,总是追ç�€å¯¹æ–¹ä¸�放,把别人烦得痛苦æž�了,让对方觉得åƒ�是一æ�¡ç”©ä¸�æŽ‰çš„è›‡ï¼Œè¿™æ ·å½±å“�到别人,使别人å�—到伤害,也是带给别人烦æ�¼ã€‚
è€Œä¹ æ°”å¾€å¾€æ˜¯åœ¨ä¸�知ä¸�觉ä¸å…»æˆ�的,自己并ä¸�觉得在伤害人,也ä¸�觉这是烦æ�¼ã€‚例如有一些人,和他一起å�ƒé¥æ—¶ï¼Œä»–ä¼šä¹ æƒ¯åœ°çœ‹çœ‹åˆ«äººçš„ç¢—é‡Œç©¶ç«Ÿå�ƒäº›ä»€ä¹ˆï¼Œçœ‹å¾—别人很ä¸�舒æœ�;或是ä¸�管别人的感觉,咳嗽的时候ä¸�æ�‚嘴巴,甚至对ç�€äººä¸€è¾¹è°ˆè¯�一边咳。他并ä¸�知é�“这些行为会让别人感到ä¸�舒æœ�ï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–æ˜¯æ— å¿ƒçš„ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¸�觉烦æ�¼ï¼Œè€Œä»–çš„æ— å¿ƒå�´ä¼¤å®³åˆ°äººã€‚è¿™ç§�è®©åˆ«äººè®¨åŽŒçš„æ— å¿ƒæ€ªä¹ æƒ¯ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ä¹ æ°”ã€‚
ä¹ æ°”é‡�的人,ç»�å¸¸è®©äººæ„Ÿåˆ°è®¨åŽŒï¼›ä½†ä¹Ÿæœ‰ä¸€äº›ä¹ æ°”ï¼Œå��而让人觉得有趣。åƒ�有ä½�高僧æ�¥è®¿æ—¶ï¼Œä»–在公共场å�ˆå¸¸å¸¸ä¸€è¾¹è®²è¯�,一边拉拉衣æœ�或是摸摸鼻å�,å°�动作满多的。他ä¸�ç®¡åˆ«äººçš„æ„Ÿè§‰æ€Žæ ·ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯å› ä¸ºæ˜¯ä»Žè¿™ä½�高僧的身上表现出æ�¥ï¼Œå��而让人觉得很å�¯çˆ±ã€‚
有一次我在å�°åŒ—çš„å›½çˆ¶çºªå¿µé¦†æ¼”è®²ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè¡£æœ�穿得满多的,觉得很çƒï¼Œå½“下我也ä¸�ç®¡åˆ«äººæ„Ÿè§‰æ€Žä¹ˆæ ·ï¼Œå°±è¯´ï¼š“对ä¸�èµ·ï¼�我很çƒã€‚”然å�Žå°±æŠŠå¤–è¢�脱掉,现场的å�¬ä¼—则觉得这ä½�法师很自在ã€�很亲切。虽然我没有åƒ�é‚£ä½�é«˜åƒ§é‚£æ ·æ´’è„±ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯æˆ‘ä¹Ÿè§‰å¾—æ²¡æœ‰å¿…è¦�在身体痒的时候,强迫自己ä¸�管它,或是ä¸�去抓它。身体痒的时候当然å�¯ä»¥æŠ“一抓,å��太久也å�¯ä»¥åŠ¨ä¸€åŠ¨ï¼Œä¸�需è¦�什么事都一æ�¿ä¸€çœ¼çš„ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè¿™æ ·ä¹Ÿæ˜¯ä¸€ç§�痛苦。
人所表现出æ�¥çš„ä¹ æ°”ï¼Œæœ‰çš„å¾ˆå�¯çˆ±ï¼Œæœ‰çš„å�´è®©äººè®¨åŽŒã€‚å› æ¤ä¹ 气是必然的,但还是è¦�注æ„�è‡ªå·±æ˜¯åœ¨ä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„åœºå�ˆã€�æ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„èº«åˆ†ï¼Œå�ƒä¸‡ä¸�è¦�把自己的舒æœ�建立在别人的痛苦上。å�¦åˆ™è‡ªå·±æ²¡çƒ¦æ�¼ï¼Œå�´é€ æˆ�别人的烦æ�¼ï¼Œé‚£å°±ä¸�好了。
Translated into English the gist of the article by Ch'an Master Sheng Yen. The second article is a little more deep and I don't know if I fully understand it. Maybe someone else can help with translating that.
We all have afflictions, but once these afflictions become repetitive, it forms a habitual tendency. For example, a greedy person grabs money whenever he can. If he repeatedly behaves in this way, not considering whether such behaviour is unwholesome, he creates a habitual tendency. His affliction has therefore taken on the momentum of habit.
Our afflictions, if expressed can hurt others. However, even if we don't express them we could end up hurting ourselves too. An example would be in the case of a boy who secretly likes a girl but doesn't express it. However, because he can't get over it, his persistent attachment has actually caused himself harm. Alternatively, the boy could keep pestering the girl, causing her to feel vexed and frustrated.
In expressing our habits, we need to be mindful of whether we make others feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, it may be the case that we didn't mean to upset others, but nevertheless, our habits have caused others to feel uncomfortable.
Some habits may be somewhat endearing and comical. Some are simply naturally conditioned reflexes which do not need to be tempered. If there is an itch, scratch it without feeling like one must suppress such a natural urge. Afterall, we shouldn't be too contrived in our actions either.
In all, we need to be mindful of how our habits impact others. Always be mindful of the social setting we are in and behave accordingly. Do not let our habitual tendencies end up hurting others.
After reading the article above, it occurred to me that: The motivation to not cause harm to others, is useful for helping us overcome unwholesome habitual tendencies.
Mindfulness my friend can take care of most things.
I am against past life exploration. You do not remember it for a good reason.
Originally posted by realization:
Translated into English the gist of the article by Ch'an Master Sheng Yen. The second article is a little more deep and I don't know if I fully understand it. Maybe someone else can help with translating that.
We all have afflictions, but once these afflictions become repetitive, it forms a habitual tendency. For example, a greedy person grabs money whenever he can. If he repeatedly behaves in this way, not considering whether such behaviour is unwholesome, he creates a habitual tendency. His affliction has therefore taken on the momentum of habit.
Our afflictions, if expressed can hurt others. However, even if we don't express them we could end up hurting ourselves too. An example would be in the case of a boy who secretly likes a girl but doesn't express it. However, because he can't get over it, his persistent attachment has actually caused himself harm. Alternatively, the boy could keep pestering the girl, causing her to feel vexed and frustrated.
In expressing our habits, we need to be mindful of whether we make others feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, it may be the case that we didn't mean to upset others, but nevertheless, our habits have caused others to feel uncomfortable.
Some habits may be somewhat endearing and comical. Some are simply naturally conditioned reflexes which do not need to be tempered. If there is an itch, scratch it without feeling like one must suppress such a natural urge. Afterall, we shouldn't be too contrived in our actions either.
In all, we need to be mindful of how our habits impact others. Always be mindful of the social setting we are in and behave accordingly. Do not let our habitual tendencies end up hurting others.
After reading the article above, it occurred to me that: The motivation to not cause harm to others, is useful for helping us overcome unwholesome habitual tendencies.
Realization u can be a good translator u know :)
Just a sharing...
IMO, knots cannot be sufficiently released if there are no realisations. This is because, the knot is at the 'I' level. 'I' implies self-other duality.
Knots are release at that precise moments insight of no-self/emptiness. Awareness realises the grasping of being someone, 'returns' to the awareness of selflessness and immediately releases the knot.
Originally posted by simpo_:Hi,
Just a sharing...
IMO, knots cannot be sufficiently released if there are no realisations. This is because, the knot is at the 'I' level. 'I' implies self-other duality.
Knots are release at that precise moments insight of no-self/emptiness. Awareness realises the grasping of being someone, 'returns' to the awareness of selflessness and immediately releases the knot.
Are all karmic knots released once insight of no-self/emptiness dawns, or is there still residue for the "heavier" knots?
Also, I heard from my teacher that people who have 明心 (become enlightened) could still have afflictions.
Originally posted by realization:Are all karmic knots released once insight of no-self/emptiness dawns, or is there still residue for the "heavier" knots?
It is an on-going process.... we have to keep practicing as the way of true seeing is unnatural to the habitual way of subject-object duality.
I think the way that was written was quite misleading. What was meant is that when the mind is absorbed in duality at that particular moment, 'awareness' cannot unknot a mental loop. For persons without the insight of no-self, all moments are lived as duality. For persons with the insight, with further effort and practice, the moments of selflessness becomes more and more.
I guess when fully enlightened, there will be no more moments with sense of self. At that stage, cannot be decieved (by duality) anymore !!
Originally posted by simpo_:It is an on-going process.... we have to keep practicing as the way of true seeing is unnatural to the habitual way of subject-object duality.
I think the way that was written was quite misleading. What was meant is that when the mind is absorbed in duality at that particular moment, 'awareness' cannot unknot a mental loop. For persons without the insight of no-self, all moments are lived as duality. For persons with the insight, with further effort and practice, the moments of selflessness becomes more and more.
I guess when fully enlightened, there will be no more moments with sense of self. At that stage, cannot be decieved (by duality) anymore !!
I see, thanks.
Originally posted by simpo_:It is an on-going process.... we have to keep practicing as the way of true seeing is unnatural to the habitual way of subject-object duality
Hi simpo, i got the impression from reading AEN's post that realisation is permanent and that non-self or non-duality is realised and does not change from then on. Do you mean to say it still flickers on and off.
thanks for your answer, i had a feeling that it needs something as thorough as insight into selflessness to unknot the pattern, otherwise it will resurface again...
However, the question remains why did those ppl who go thru the regression recover from their knots just by recall, or they did not really resolve the knots completely in the first place? Do you or anyone out there have any explanation for this?
Originally posted by realization:With regards to your first concern about resolving habitual patterns...
Rather than giving yourself the burden of thinking your problem is a karmic one stemming from past lives, I would suggest thinking of it as an ingrained habit. Afterall, this habit of yours may or may not stem from any past life issues. Treat a habitual tendency as being just that, regardless of where/when it stems.
I would tentatively offer the opinion that you can try building a new habit to antidote the originally ingrained (but unwholesome) one. I can testify that when certain habits of relating to others are ingrained, it really takes effort and a lot of mindfulness to reverse. However as mentioned, effort and mindfulness are what is needed and you can summon those, so all is not lost. Also expect that it may take some time to break the pattern. If you really want to though, you can.
Just my 2 cents for now. I'm sure others will give you input too.
hello realisation, the five minutes break between posts is quite frustrating... haha...
anyway, whether it is past life issue or not, it is a pattern from habit and you could call it karmic. i feel it affects all of us and in almost any way. i am more interested in its general working than anything particular about just this one single incident or friend.
However for my story up there. it is mainly with this friend where the force is so strong. I dun usually have this problem with others, at least not to that same degree. So this suggests something...?
dear hawk and sinweiy,
it is not about mindfulness. i was mindful that it is why i didn't just go blast off and instead noticed something about my own problem. but it is not solving the problem at the root. u see?
hawk, i'm not tat interested in past lives either. not even tat interested in my own history in this life. just all events. i prefer something more significant like understanding the truth and the workings of karma etc.
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:Hi simpo, i got the impression from reading AEN's post that realisation is permanent and that non-self or non-duality is realised and does not change from then on. Do you mean to say it still flickers on and off.
IMO, an insight is permanent understanding. But to be 100% 'be' as 'insighted' (LOL for lack of words) is extremely hard and certainly takes time. That is why there are 4 stages leading to Arahantship. IMO, the first definitive insight/direct experience of no-self is Stream entry.
After that, there can be many more minor and major insights. Some pertaining to particular situations while others overarching in their realisations.
repeat post
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:However, the question remains why did those ppl who go thru the regression recover from their knots just by recall, or they did not really resolve the knots completely in the first place? Do you or anyone out there have any explanation for this?
The feelings of past life are in the subsconscious. That is similar to saying that we do certain things without knowing why we do it. Certain feelings and desires are associated with the action... they are not discovered yet.
For example, one may be doing something like trying to save someone out of feeling of guilt. But on the surface, the guilt is not realised... so only the action is being carried out.
Perhaps, one can discern and compare what is the difference between this kind of discovery and that of an insight like no-self.
Originally posted by simpo_:The feelings of past life are in the subsconscious. That is similar to saying that we do certain things without knowing why we do it. Certain feelings and desires are associated with the action... they are not discovered yet.
For example, one may be doing something like trying to save someone out of feeling of guilt. But on the surface, the guilt is not realised... so only the action is being carried out.
Perhaps, one can discern and compare what is the difference between this kind of discovery and that of an insight like no-self.
so if your past life was a monkey, you will be hyperactive in this life, like cant keep still and always on the move?
Past and present life is interlinked.
Originally posted by simpo_:
The feelings of past life are in the subsconscious. That is similar to saying that we do certain things without knowing why we do it. Certain feelings and desires are associated with the action... they are not discovered yet.
For example, one may be doing something like trying to save someone out of feeling of guilt. But on the surface, the guilt is not realised... so only the action is being carried out.
Perhaps, one can discern and compare what is the difference between this kind of discovery and that of an insight like no-self.
I do have some questions.
Let's say I am in fact very indebted to a certain person in my past life. So, before knowing about this, I have always felt impelled to help this person or be nice to this person in this life.
Then, I somehow learn of this indebtedness via regression or I spontaneously remember it myself. At the same time, my cultivation bears fruit and I also gain insight into No-Self (lol).
How will realisation of No-Self lead to anything being different? Will not karma still have to play itself out in the manner of me continuing to be good to this person? Afterall, I now know that I owe him something.
Taking another scenario in which I discover why my friend and I innately dislike each other; how would realisation of No-Self help, other than to help me bear my friend's insults in a relaxed manner? I imagine that karma will still carry on its momentum, except that it becomes easier to bear due to a relinquishment of self-cherishing.
And then with time, due to me not reacting, the knot that binds my friend and myself to being mean to each other gets released. A bad situation that might perpetuate endlessly gets diffused. However, I feel that knowing or not knowing the past life situation, one can still do something to transmute a bad situation. What do you think?
The above comes from my own logical reasoning only... Just hoping you can share a little more with us :)
Originally posted by simpo_:The feelings of past life are in the subsconscious. That is similar to saying that we do certain things without knowing why we do it. Certain feelings and desires are associated with the action... they are not discovered yet.
For example, one may be doing something like trying to save someone out of feeling of guilt. But on the surface, the guilt is not realised... so only the action is being carried out.
Perhaps, one can discern and compare what is the difference between this kind of discovery and that of an insight like no-self.
ok thanks! i am beginning to question deeper and to observe more many of my habits and myself alot more nowadays... it is almost like i feel like there is no control really over everything... don't know how to express this more
Glad to have simpo back in action,whats keeping you away for so long?
From what you are trying to explain,can i safely assume that you too believe that there are various stages of insights some very impacting causing and some not so along the path of fully understanding whether is there a presence of a unchanging self/me thus this journey will start to begin when we start to have insights and thus even if these insights are nto deep enough to break and fully overcome the self notion(arahantship)
Upon stream entry,chances are minor habits will start to be overcomed and the person himself will also begin to reflect and try to understand/overcome the causes and how to break through his grosser/stronger habitual thinking/actions?
Originally posted by Rooney9:so if your past life was a monkey, you will be hyperactive in this life, like cant keep still and always on the move?
sorry, this is off-topic. but
This man also has some very good articles on cancer in a very innovative way. He views cancer as a form of healing. It is not killing us, it is healing us. Before you laugh, please read his stuff ...
Originally posted by Dharmadhatu:sorry, this is off-topic. but
This man also has some very good articles on cancer in a very innovative way. He views cancer as a form of healing. It is not killing us, it is healing us. Before you laugh, please read his stuff ...
off topic, but very very nice information!
now i know how the cancer group in china that was mentioned by MCK heal themselves, without any doctor's treatment. they were told by the doctors that they have short period to live. though they chanted and perhaps with the help of will power, they cured themselves.
In order to properly and completely heal from anything, one must be free of fear.