With love and joy,
I 100% rejected it. Buddha did not say there is a creator. Buddha didn't believe in creator. Those are the original teachings of Buddha.
charlatan, misusing the name of the Buddha.
There are no soul and creator concept in Buddhism, so its either you are ignorant or misusing it.
I have no problem with your article if you are to use other names instead.
All these channelled information - better not take their claims too seriously (such as being from Guan Yin, Buddha, 'The Source', whatever). Many spirits will use the names of great masters to transmit their own messages, but it does not mean they are truly Buddha, Jesus, and so on. (And they are not necessarily right or have any real clarity all the time) They are just spirits using their names. The spirits' true identities are unknown. It's definitely much easier to say "Hey, I'm Buddha and I got a message for you" than to say "Hey, I'm an unknown spirit from an unknown universe giving a message for you" (then people will be doubtful and go like, "what? who the heck are you" etc), so they just pick a name out of convenience.
This is not very different from Taoist mediums being a medium for certain well known gods, deities, Guan Yin, etc. They are spirits (may be good intentioned for all we know) who use the names of those masters to communicate, help, do something. But this does not mean they are truly those masters themselves.
So far those channelled information rarely, very rarely have much clarity about dharma. As Simpo/Longchen himself who was once deeply involved in the new age circle commented, so far the only channelled information that has even much clarity about non-dual is Aaron (deepspring.org). Aaron is a deceased master whose immediate past life was a Thai meditation teacher, and is now guiding people through Barbara. Though I still doubt there is deep clarity about anatta and D.O., haven't really studied his teachings.
p.s. Simpo was able to discern this (that most channelled information has little clarity about non-dual, etc) after having gone through the stages of enlightenment himself.
Also, in dharma, it is best we don't rely or trust too much about the information we receive from external source. Personal direct experience and insight from meditation is much more valuable and transformational, imo. And there won't be doubts about it because it is not merely second-hand knowledge.
There is a lot of truths mixed with untruths in these kind of channelled information. This leads to confusion, not clarity...
How many prophecies being made and gone by... perhaps when 2012 (or many other dates go by) without things happening as "supposed", they should reexamine their blind belief in those channelled beings.
p.s. that said I still like a few channelled beings like Bashar because somehow he is able to communicate the non-local aspect which is quite similar to emptiness in Buddhism, however not as the form of experiential realization that Buddhism aims to.
So my point here is not that all channelled information are utterly without value, but that whatever we hear, we have to discern with wisdom, and not take it by mere belief or just because he said he is Buddha, etc.
Being in line with Kalama Sutra:
10. "Come, Kalamas. Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumour; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another's seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, 'The monk is our teacher.' Kalamas, when you yourselves know: 'These things are good; these things are not blameable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness,' enter on and abide in them.
"Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they're nice or helpful or good"
I could add
"Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they're enlightened"
"Just because someone is dead and claims to be X doesn't mean they're X"
etc etc
And I'm sure different channelled beings talk about different things, maybe even contradictory, just like men. So who's right, who's wrong? Use wisdom to discern, in the same way we use wisdom to discern a human teacher.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:All these channelled information - better not take their claims too seriously (such as being from Guan Yin, Buddha, 'The Source', whatever). Many spirits will use the names of great masters to transmit their own messages, but it does not mean they are truly Buddha, Jesus, and so on. (And they are not necessarily right or have any real clarity all the time) They are just spirits using their names. The spirits' true identities are unknown. It's definitely much easier to say "Hey, I'm Buddha and I got a message for you" than to say "Hey, I'm an unknown spirit from an unknown universe giving a message for you" (then people will be doubtful and go like, "what? who the heck are you" etc), so they just pick a name out of convenience.
This is not very different from Taoist mediums being a medium for certain well known gods, deities, Guan Yin, etc. They are spirits (may be good intentioned for all we know) who use the names of those masters to communicate, help, do something. But this does not mean they are truly those masters themselves.
So far those channelled information rarely, very rarely have much clarity about dharma. As Simpo/Longchen himself who was once deeply involved in the new age circle commented, so far the only channelled information that has even much clarity about non-dual is Aaron (deepspring.org). Aaron is a deceased master whose immediate past life was a Thai meditation teacher, and is now guiding people through Barbara. Though I still doubt there is deep clarity about anatta and D.O., haven't really studied his teachings.
p.s. Simpo was able to discern this (that most channelled information has little clarity about non-dual, etc) after having gone through the stages of enlightenment himself.
Also, in dharma, it is best we don't rely or trust too much about the information we receive from external source. Personal direct experience and insight from meditation is much more valuable and transformational, imo. And there won't be doubts about it because it is not merely second-hand knowledge.
what happened to Simpo? Is he still posting in this forum?
Yes he is still around but not posting much.
Yep... am still around.
yea, got involved (2012 Unlimited) during younger time when still seeking truth. funny got 'pull' out by X'tian. before moving into Buddhism and so on. Buddha-dharma is still Unmatched. heard from lated Ven Shen Kai, that there are still many stuff in Buddhism truth that can be studied and are not reviewed to the doubtful people as yet, and that he would wish to come back and continue it. i first read about 'aliens' and hollow earth stuff from them, but i also heard it from late Ven Shen Kai too. maybe he knew it from spiritual knowledge.
I am aware that channelled messages are not 100% accurate even if the intent is clear and good. However, I will strongly disagree if you think that nobody on Earth right now can channel messages from Lord Buddha, you just need to find the right person, that's all.
Next, I want to know something...
Is there anyone in this forum that can have direct telepathic communications with any of the following Ascended Masters:
1. Lord Buddha
2. Lord Sananda
3. Lord Maitreya
4. Guan Yin
If yes, you can directly verify with any of the above to check whether Lord Buddha is the Planetory Logos; this means that Lord Buddha is the overseer of the planetary level of the Creator’s universe.
If no, then how/where do you get up-to-date news/information from the Great White Brotherhood? Do you have any monks from Tibet willing to pass new information around?
If you seek the truth, why not put in more effort to find it?
I dun think your channelled messages has any link to buddhism. maybe to other religions perhaps
By definition, any teachings that comes from Buddha is the dharma. Correct me if I am wrong.
If the teachings do not accord with the dharma seals and the fundamental teachings of Buddha then it cannot be considered to be from Buddha.
All these channeled information has little at all to do with the teachings of the four noble truths, the truth of dependent origination, the three dharma seals, etc.
If you are familiar with Buddhist doctrines you'll easily see what is Buddhist and what is not.
Buddha is not the 'overseer of the planetary level of the Creator's universe', firstly this seems like the job of some powerful worldly spirit, secondly Buddha taught dependent origination and negated a creator.
The Buddha's sole concern and teaching is about the ending of suffering and ignorance in sentient beings, so the entire teaching of his is about suffering and how to end suffering through the noble eightfold path. His is not about mundane and worldly concerns.
The new buddhists will not know what is the real teaching.
Best of Truths is the 4 Noble Truths (dun think its simple and easy to understand, cos it is not. dun look at the words and meanings, read beyond it and realise. its the realisation that existence is suffering, what are the causes of our continued existence, which are craving and ignorance. there is a way and path to end of your suffering)
Best of Paths is the Noble Eightfold Path
Dependent Origination (nothing exists entirely on its own)
No Self or Soul (Anatta) - False sense of self, soul or ego, which is the cause of ignorance.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:I am aware that channelled messages are not 100% accurate even if the intent is clear and good. However, I will strongly disagree if you think that nobody on Earth right now can channel messages from Lord Buddha, you just need to find the right person, that's all.
Next, I want to know something...
Is there anyone in this forum that can have direct telepathic communications with any of the following Ascended Masters:
1. Lord Buddha
2. Lord Sananda
3. Lord Maitreya
4. Guan Yin
If yes, you can directly verify with any of the above to check whether Lord Buddha is the Planetory Logos; this means that Lord Buddha is the overseer of the planetary level of the Creator’s universe.
If no, then how/where do you get up-to-date news/information from the Great White Brotherhood? Do you have any monks from Tibet willing to pass new information around?
If you seek the truth, why not put in more effort to find it?
u must try to have more commonsense and analysis. The source say it is so-and-so, doesn't mean true rite? if on internet, someone say he is ABC, do you 100% believe? Just bcos this is a supernatural psychic vibe, don't think they can't play tricks on you. Spirits also have character traits like mischievous, want to have fun, bored. why don't you try to suspect your source of info abit? this will stop u from wasting time on the GWbrotherhood and all those things. Monks in Tibet don't trust in just any disembodied beings unless confirmed by high enlightened masters and match with Buddha's teachings. They are very cynical about all these. i think this is healthy cynicism. sometimes, even high masters can get deceived by these things... so what abt us? These things can be very smart hor! They can make you spin round their little finger.
When wisdom eye (aka third eye, but not what most people think of) is not open, you will not be able to discern truth with clarity.... if your wisdom eye is open, you will discern truth and untruth from true experiential wisdom and grasp the essence directly.
Before that, be well versed in dharma, know the essence and fundamentals of dharma at least in knowledge so you will not be lost and confused as to what others say, and strive to gain direct experience and wisdom.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:When wisdom eye (aka third eye, but not what most people of) is not open, you will not be able to discern truth with clarity.... if your wisdom eye is open, you will discern truth and untruth from true experiential wisdom and grasp the essence directly.
Before that, be well versed in dharma, know the essence and fundamentals of dharma at least in knowledge so you will not be lost and confused as to what others say, and strive to gain direct experience and wisdom.
huh? opening of eye what has that do with wisdom, that is taoism.
It is not what most people think of... most people think of third eye as simply spirit eye that sees ghosts and spirit realm. I am talking about wisdom eye.
there is no lore in sufferin
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:It is not what most people think of... most people think of third eye as simply spirit eye that sees ghosts and spirit realm. I am talking about wisdom eye.
so is your wisdom eye opened up already?
Aiyo... why you care so much about other people's attainment lah. It is not skilful to discuss these things in public.
Confusing. Is third eye and wisdom eye the same?