The 10th Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace 2011
with Offering of Dharma Texts and Sangha Bags to 10,000 Sangha
in Generation of Limitless Merits
The Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace was initiated by the late Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche in Year 2001. It has since been successfully held annually at Nangchen, Qinghai, China (Except for Year 2008). Each year, the Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace attracts Sangha members from all over to gather together praying for World Peace and Well-being. Last year, the 9th Grand Prayer Puja was attended by 8000 over Sangha members and 100,000 over devotees.
By making an offering to the Sangha members, gathered for such an auspicious event, will help one to generate limitless merits and create good connections with Dharma. Such an act is praised in the sutras as a way to generate limitless merits: The act of offering a sip of water to a Sangha member will enable one to receive more merits than all the water in the oceans.
The Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace will be held during 17-24 Nov 2011. This year, Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche made the aspiration to print precious Dharma texts and make Sangha Bags for the attending Sangha members. The Dharma text will be including the instructions and realizations of Indian Mahasiddhas and the precious teachings and advice given by the lineage masters from the four main traditions in Tibetan Buddhism. 10,000 copies of the Dharma text will be printed while 9,000 pieces of Sangha bags will be made this year.
Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche from Gongya Monastery is the organizer of the Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace. With his pure aspiration and collective effort, 8,000 pieces of Yellow Ritual Robes and 8000 sets of Red Robes, 8000 pieces of Yellow Sangha Clothes have successfully been offered to the Sangha members during the Grand Prayer Puja in Year 2006, 2007 & 2009.
During this year’s Puja, similar to the previous years, offerings of meals to Sangha members, lamp offering, obstacle-clearing puja and puja for the deceased will be made. Those who would like to rejoice at this grand Puja with a pure intention, may make offerings, dedicating to those family and friends you wish for obstacles to be cleared or for liberation of those who have passed away.
All Dharma Brothers and sisters, you may wish to make these auspicious offerings from your heart, and may all sentient beings benefit from the limitless merits generated, may there be peace and harmony in the world and may Buddha Dharma live long and remain strong.
Tashi Delek!
Goh Yee Chin
Sangha Bag & Printing of Dharma Texts - $20 per set.
Food Offering - $15 per set (for seven days).
Lamp Offering - $5 per lamp.
Obstacle Clearing - $5 per name.
(Prayer for the deceased) Transference - $5 per name.
Monastery Website
Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche
Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche was recognized by H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche and the late Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche. Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche had this disciple close at his heart and gave him many empowerments, oral transmissions and precious teachings. He received the Bodhisattva Vow from H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche. He also received the Tantrayana teachings from Adhi Rinpoche and other great teachers. Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche went into a three year retreat to meditate on the Six Yogas of Naropa. He has also achieved a high deep understanding of Mahamudra after receiving pointing out instruction from Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche.
Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche prophesized that Palchen (Ba Jin) will be his representative and that he will bring tremendous benefit for Dharma teachings. One day when Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, in his aspiration to locate the reincarnation of his teacher, Sonam Zangpo Rinpoche, asked Jamgon Tai Situ Rinpoche about the whereabouts of his reincarnation. Tai Situ Rinpoche answered that the reincarnation of Sonam Zangpo Rinpoche is none other than his close disciple, Palchen (Ba Jin), who will be able to benefit Buddha Dharma greatly.
Following the words of his teachers close to his heart, with the support of overseas and local devotees, Rinpoche has led the Sanghas of Gongya Monastery to organize the Grand Prayer Puja for World Peace successfully every year. Fulfilling his teacher’s wishes, Rinpoche has completed the construction of the Prayer Hall for the World Peace, rebuilt the retreat centre which has been destroyed by a landslide, established the shrine hall of Dzogchen nunnery, completed the main structure of the Guru Rinpoche’s Palace, continued building of the Buddhist Institute and rebuilding the Yang Ling Nunnery. Rinpoche has painstakingly set up a charitable school for the orphans and the children in poverty in 2002. Eight years since it was set up, the study and living conditions for the children have been improved greatly; currently 150 over students live and study there. Upon the requests of his overseas students, Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche occasionally goes to Southeast Asia to spread the Buddha Dharma and bring benefit to whoever is connected.
Gongya Monastery
Gongya Monastery is located at a very auspicious location in Nangchen County, Qinghai, China between two holy mountains. The great terton, the 1st Chokgyur Lingpa said that the land is the mandala of Lord Avalokiteshvara and the holy land of the Vajravarahi. One day, when he was travelling past the Monastery, he saw Lord Shakyamuni Buddha appearing above the monastery surrounded with a thousand Buddhas and many Bodhisattvas, emanating boundless light. In the space above the monastery, he had the vision of the Buddha activities of all the reincarnations of His Holiness Karmapa, including His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche’s minds are connected.
Gongya Monastery has been one of the ten main monasteries in the area. It is a Karma Kagyu Monastery, upholding both Kagyu and Nyingma traditions. The present Gongya Monastery has several buildings including the Prayer Hall for the World Peace, The old Shrine Hall, a Buddhist Institute, Guru Rinpoche’s Palace, three retreat centres, two nunneries and a charitable school. The monastery has nine teachers including the reincarnation of the late Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, Palchen (Ba Jin) Rinpoche, Benpa rinpoche, Pema Rinpoche, as well as 300 over lamas, 200 over nuns and 100 over young lamas.
第�届世界和平祈愿大法会 2011
供养万僧 �典僧袋
殊胜�田 广积资粮
ä¸å›½é�’海的世界和平祈愿大法会,由尊贵的公雅寺已故桑æ�°ä¸¹å¢žä»�波切å�‘起,自2001年起在é�’æµ·çœ�çŽ‰æ ‘å·žå›Šè°¦åŽ¿æ¯�å¹´æˆ�功举办(除2008å¹´å› æ•…å»¶æœŸï¼‰ã€‚åŽ†å±Šä¸–ç•Œå’Œå¹³ç¥ˆæ„¿æ³•ä¼šéƒ½å�¸å¼•æ�¥è‡ªå››é�¢å…«æ–¹çš„广大僧众,å�Œå¿ƒå�Œå¾·ç¥ˆæ„¿ä¸–界和平,国泰民安。去年的第ä¹�届世界和平祈愿大法会有八å�ƒå¤šä½�出家僧众å�‚åŠ ã€�å��多万信众å�‚与。
值æ¤ç››ä¼šæœŸé—´ï¼Œä¾›å…»è¯¸å¤šåƒ§ä¼—,是难得的殊胜良机:既å�¯å¹¿æ¤�ç¦�田,累积功德,å�ˆå�¯éš�å–œæ³•ä¼šï¼Œé•¿å…»å–„æ ¹ã€‚ä½›é™€æ›¾äº‘ï¼šè¯¸æ³•å› ç¼˜ç”Ÿï¼Œå®‰ä½�希求æ„�念ä¸ï¼Œä¸ºå½¼æ‚‰ä½œä½•ç¥ˆæ„¿ï¼Œå�³å¾—如是之æˆ�果。å�ˆã€Žèµžåƒ§åŠŸå¾·ç»�ã€�云:殊胜妙å®�大德僧,长养众生功德ç§�ï¼Œèƒ½ä¸Žäººå¤©èƒœæžœè€…ï¼Œæ— è¿‡ä½›æ³•åƒ§å®�众。善心僧ä¸æ–½æŽ¬æ°´ï¼ŒèŽ·ç¦�多于大海é‡�,微尘尚å�¯æœ‰ç®—期,僧ä¸æ–½å®�æ— æœ‰å°½ã€‚
本届法会,如之å‰�的历届法会,亦将包括供斋ã€�ä¾›ç�¯ã€�消ç�¾å’Œè¶…度。在以清净心éš�喜大法会的å�Œæ—¶ï¼Œæ‚¨ä¹Ÿå�¯å€ŸåŠ©å¤§æ³•ä¼šå…±ä¿®çš„强大力é‡�æ ¹æ�®ä¸ªäººçš„情况为家人朋å�‹è¿›è¡Œæ¶ˆç�¾ç¥ˆç¦�和超度å�«ç�µçš„修法。
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供养僧袋并助��书: 新�20元一份
供斋: 新�15元 一�(七天)
供�: 新�5元 一�
消ç�¾: æ–°å¸�5元一个å��å—
超度: 新�5元一个牌�
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æ¡‘æ�°ä¸¹å¢žä»�波切曾授记: “巴金是我的代表,他会对教法带æ�¥æž�大的利益。” æ¡‘æ�°ä¸¹å¢žä»�波切请求泰锡度ä»�波切认è¯�他的上师索å�—桑波的转世。泰锡度ä»�波切回å¤�é�“ç´¢å�—桑波的转世就是您的ä¾�者巴金,他将会为佛法带æ�¥å¹¿å¤§çš„利益。
在海内外善信的共å�Œæ”¯æŒ�下,巴金ä»�波切带领公雅寺的僧众æ¯�å¹´æˆ�功举办世界和平祈愿大法会;ç»�过近八年的努力建设起世界和平祈愿法会大ç»�å ‚ï¼Œå·²é‡�建了阿尼å�“钦寺的é—å…³ä¸å¿ƒå’Œç»�å ‚ï¼›å·²å®Œæˆ�莲师宫殿主体工程ã€�继ç»å»ºè®¾å…¬é›…寺佛å¦é™¢ã€�æ£åœ¨é‡�建阿尼央契林寺ç»�å ‚ï¼›åˆ›ç«‹å¤è´«æ…ˆå–„å°�å¦ï¼Œå»ºæ ¡å…«å¹´ä»¥æ�¥ä¸�æ–改善办å¦æ�¡ä»¶ï¼Œé•¿æœŸåŠ©å…»è¶…过一百五å��å��çš„å¤è´«å¦ç”Ÿï¼›å�Œæ—¶åº”广大弟å�的请求,ä»�波切ä¸�定期地到东å�—亚和内地éš�机接引度化有缘善信。
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i had registered my offerings for this event since it started. The organiser sis helen had ordained as a tibetan nun last year. bro goh will email our prayer wishes to sis helen in tibet n the amt collected to all the sponsers.
i also joining :)
eh you joining the Sangha group like Sister Helen or you flying there to join this Grand event ?
just going for offerings to event~~ :D
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