How Even The Gods May Fall
Whoever has accumulated much merit, after his rebirth in the Deva-realms [heavenly planes of gods], lives there till the end of the life-span of that realm is attained. If, however, the force of the meritorious deed [good karma] that caused his rebirth onto that realm [which is limited] is exhausted before the end of the life-span of that realm, is reached, he dies [and resume rebirth within Samsara, if not yet enlightened]. Some devas sometimes so indulge themselves in the pleasures and enjoyments of the Deva-realms, that they forget to take their food at the due and proper time. Consequently, at last, they come in for a fainting fit and then pass away. Some others die due to extreme anger caused by jealousy against another’s prosperity. That is because their subtle bodies cannot endure the burning that their anger generates within themselves, so their bodies are consumed and wither. (This description is given in the story of Ghosaka in the commentary of the Dhammapada.)
In describing the actual manner in which death occurs in these Deva-realms, we are told that when death is approaching and a deva is destined to fall away (die), five signs of warning are shown to him: (1) His garland fades, (2) his garments become soiled, (3) sweat exudes from his arm pits, (4) his body becomes ill-coloured, and (5) he feels no delight in his seat even as he remains seated.
It is also of interest and significance to note that from the moment of birth in a Deva-realm to the moment of death, neither the decaying and breaking of teeth, nor the greying of hair seems to occur. A heavenly female being (devi) for instance, maintains the appearance of a sixteen year old maiden all throughout her life, and a male has the appearance of a twenty year old youth. At the last moments preceding death, however, their bodies lose their colour, they feel exhausted and faint. Up to this last moment they never feel tired. When they near death, they begin to yawn… Only a few of the devas who are the wisest among them know what is about to happen… When devas die, their mansions too vanish and no residue remains, just as when a piece of camphor is burnt.
[Editor: As such, the mere doing of good to create merits for heavenly rebirths is dangerous, while the safest place for rebirth is a Buddha's Pure Land, where enlightenment will be eventual, where there is no possibility of sensual indulgence, rise of defilements like anger, spiritual complacency, ageing, disease or untimely death.]
Thanks for sharing. Interesting! Ist time reading about deva-realms. Indeed, reborn in heaven is not safe. I'm lucky to learn that heaven is still within the 6 rebirth paths. Hope that more people will learn about it.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Thanks for sharing. Interesting! Ist time reading about deva-realms. Indeed, reborn in heaven is not safe. I'm lucky to learn that heaven is still within the 6 rebirth paths. Hope that more people will learn about it.
just copy paste only... there was once an incident I remembered... during the 7th month I chatted with a canteen uncle manager lol. Can't remember the topic at first... and he told me he is able to see unseen beings... (of coz i took with a pinch of salt at first.... )
I joked with him, can you see the deities...? He claimed that he saw the deities... like NeZha (his fav lol) and other deities (those ending with gong, e.g tua pek gong etc)
Avg height 2.5m, muscular, full of mettle- some of the descriptions he gave... I was like "huh...?!" thinking the reason why the asuras/demons canot win the devas lol. NeZha himself is around 2m... probably because he is still a child
But anyway... just sharing only. I remember AEN posted in some thread that the devas are also made of light
ya, unless one is reborn in the inner court of Tusita heaven, where Bodhisattva Maitreya is, to learn Dharma. but one need to practice Mind-only school and achieved Mind-only samadhi 唯心是定. not easy.
think there's also a hall in Trayastrimsa where Buddhas/bodhisattva go to teach dharma, but one must have affinity with Dharma.
Or one can reach stream entry arhanthood or higher and be reborn in one of the pure abode heavens.
born in long life heavens are one of the few disadvantage of learning Buddhadharma along side with disability, reborn in places and time where there's no Buddhism, etc. as in heaven , one would be too blissful and enjoying heavenly life that u won't be able to practice Buddhism.
八難 The eight conditions in which it is difficult to see a Buddha or hear his dharma: in the hells: as hungry ghosts; as animals; in Uttarakuru (the northern continent where all is pleasant); in the long-life heavens (where life is long and easy); as deaf, blind, and dumb; as a worldly philosopher; in the intermediate period between a Buddha and his successor. Also 八無暇.