Once a disciple asked a living Buddha, what will happen to his teachings and the religion if he were to pass away because they will be without a leader. The disciple was worried that the religion will die a natural death without a chrismatic leader.
The Buddha gave him such an answer;
Take a drop of water and throw it into the ocean
It becomes the ocean
As long as the ocean exists, the drop of water exists
Therefore, as long as you find any part of the teachings under any religious label
Regardless of the name of the religion
The teachings still exists and survives
Then the disciple asked Buddha another question;
After you pass away, how will generations remember you? Should we make an idol of you? What material should we use? Should we use gold, silver or bronze?
To this the Buddha answered;
There is no need for an idol to be made
If you wish to, it can also be made of mud even
As long as my teachings are practised with heart
Then the Buddha exists in everyone and everywhere
----hope that you also 悟��佛 like me (Syakamuni). Otherwise, your future opportunity to meet Buddha is the next in line Buddha appearing about 56 billions years later....plse laugh hahaha as you never die hahaha
Buddha exist in one's heart.
Chanting will make one's feel closer to Buddha for he will protect you from being harm and being safe.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Actually the Buddha did not say anything like that and I wonder who that “living Buddha” eludes to.
There is no Buddha other than Shakyamuni Buddha in our age.
The term Living Buddha is thus kind of misleading.
Also, what that guy said is wrong, because if only certain parts of Buddhism survives, like say the precepts and so on, then it is no longer Buddhism because all other religions teaches morality.
Only Buddhism teaches how to attain enlightenment and liberate oneself from suffering and afflictions.
"Living Buddha"? True Religion or Cult are only separaterd by a thin veil... Personally i find the post rather distorted, a misrepresentation of Buddhism in a way. "Form is Emptiness; Emptiness is Form". No need Gold, Silver or Bronze, neither Idol nor Mud, Buddha is Omnipresent.
the living is only as dead as an ignorant system
Originally posted by Fcukpap:the living is only as dead as an ignorant system
At times Ignorance is a Bliss, Be glad you are living & not dead...
Therefore, as long as you find any part of the teachings under any religious label Regardless of the name of the religion The teachings still exists and survives
Parts of Pagnism teachings and practice are found in Islam, can we conclude that Paganism survives in Islam or Islam is Pagnism????? Hahahahhah........ Hheehheheehheeheh
Originally posted by Sushism:Parts of Pagnism teachings and practice are found in Islam, can we conclude that Paganism survives in Islam or Islam is Pagnism????? Hahahahhah........ Hheehheheehheeheh
Paganism??? So the Angels in Qur'an add a Christian flavor??? What conclusion do you have?
Posting this quote for AEN who's having problems posting from his handphone.
"In whatsoever Dhamma and Discipline, Subhadda, there is not found the Noble Eightfold Path, neither is there found a true ascetic of the first, second, third, or fourth degree of saintliness. But in whatsoever Dhamma and Discipline there is found the Noble Eightfold Path, there is found a true ascetic of the first, second, third, and fourth degrees of saintliness. Now in this Dhamma and Discipline, Subhadda, is found the Noble Eightfold Path; and in it alone are also found true ascetics of the first, second, third, and fourth degrees of saintliness. Devoid of true ascetics are the systems of other teachers."
~ Buddha, Digha Nikaya 16
Important to note is that the entirety of the Noble Eightfold Path - and not just one part - must be taught in order for there to be Enlightenment.
if you want a change in buddhism then you should use your handphone wisely and only surf buddhist forums
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:if you want a change in buddhism then you should use your handphone wisely and only surf buddhist forums
Thumbs up!
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:if you want a change in buddhism then you should use your handphone wisely and only surf buddhist forums
Thumbs up.
The future of Buddhism lies in the teaching of Nichiren Buddhism....
Read the Lotus Sutra carefully......
The water supporting a ship can also upset it. (水能载舟,亦能覆舟)
the other way around, 水能覆舟,亦能载舟.
Originally posted by Amitayus48:
----hope that you also 悟��佛 like me (Syakamuni). Otherwise, your future opportunity to meet Buddha is the next in line Buddha appearing about 56 billions years later....plse laugh hahaha as you never die hahaha
Therefore, in Pureland of Amitabha Buddha, the condition factor of Buddha is always present like 3000 years ago where Buddha Sakyamuni was there for all. In view of Buddha personal guidance, the attainment is super-fast. As far as future of Buddhism is concern, it depends on the blessing of living beings. Buddhism never ceases since neither from the beginning nor ending, its eternal essence of all beings.