From my master, “有很多人,å¦é—®å¾ˆå¥½ï¼ŒæŠŠä½›æ•™çš„é�“ç�†æ�¬æ�¥å†™è®ºæ–‡ï¼Œå†™æ–‡ç« ,写æ�¥å†™åŽ»ï¼Œç»“果把释迦牟尼佛所讲的三è—�å��二部ç»�典都推翻了,连自己的信心都没有了佛教是讲信解行è¯�ï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–è‡ªå·±æ²¡æœ‰ä¿®è¡Œï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰è¯�到,å�ªæ˜¯çœ‹ä¹¦æœ¬å†™æ–‡ç« ,写æ�¥å†™åŽ»ï¼Œå°±æ²¡æœ‰ä¿¡å¿ƒäº†ã€‚”
“ä½ ä¸�è¦�认为å�ªæœ‰å¤§å¦æ•™æŽˆï¼Œæˆ–å¦é—®å¥½çš„人,æ‰�å�¯ä»¥å¦ä½›ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¾ˆç¬¨
很愚痴的人,更好å¦ä½›ï¼Œå› 为有很多è�ªæ˜Žçš„人,他è�ªæ˜Žå��而被è�ªæ˜Žè¯¯ï¼Œ
他知é�“很多,ç�†è§£å¾ˆå¤šï¼Œå��而å�˜æˆ�所知障,å�˜æˆ�çŸ¥è§£æ— æ˜Žã€‚”
å¦ä½›ä¿®è¡Œï¼Œè¦�知é�“å¾ˆå®¹æ˜“ï¼Œå¸ˆçˆ¶ä¸€è®²ï¼Œä½ å°±çŸ¥é�“了,佛ç»�一看,ä½
们也就知é�“了,但是è¦�ä½ åŽ»å�šåˆ°çš„è¯�,就很困难了。为什么?一个人,
å› ä¸ºæœ‰æˆ‘ï¼Œå°±æœ‰æˆ‘æ‰€ï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰æˆ‘çŸ¥ã€�我è§�,本æ�¥è‡ªå·±å�šäº†ä¸€å¤§å †çš„å��事,
我欺骗,还ä¸�知é�“。人啊,多生累劫带下æ�¥çš„ä¸�è‰¯ä¹ æ°”ï¼Œä¸�容易改å�˜ï¼Œ
所以说,一定è¦�修行,慢慢的修。å�‡ä½¿è®¤ä¸ºä»Šå¤©æˆ‘è¯»äº†å‡ æœ¬ä¹¦ï¼Œé�“ç�†æˆ‘
有很多人,å¦é—®å¾ˆå¥½ï¼ŒæŠŠä½›æ•™çš„é�“ç�†æ�¬æ�¥å†™è®ºæ–‡ï¼Œå†™æ–‡ç« ,写æ�¥å†™
心都没有了。佛教是讲信解行è¯�ï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–è‡ªå·±æ²¡æœ‰ä¿®è¡Œï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰è¯�到,å�ª
æ˜¯çœ‹ä¹¦æœ¬å†™æ–‡ç« ï¼Œå†™æ�¥å†™åŽ»ï¼Œå°±æ²¡æœ‰ä¿¡å¿ƒäº†ã€‚所以我们è¦�知é�“,å¦ä½›è·Ÿ
å�¯ä»¥æŠŠä½›æ•™é‡Œé�¢çš„é�“ç�†ï¼Œå½“作å¦é—®ï¼Œç¿»æ�¥è¦†åŽ»ï¼Œæ¯«æ— 用处。我们è¦�相信
ä½ ä¸�è¦�认为å�ªæœ‰å¤§å¦æ•™æŽˆï¼Œæˆ–å¦é—®å¥½çš„人,æ‰�å�¯ä»¥å¦ä½›ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¾ˆç¬¨
很愚痴的人,更好å¦ä½›ï¼Œå› 为有很多è�ªæ˜Žçš„人,他è�ªæ˜Žå��而被è�ªæ˜Žè¯¯ï¼Œ
他知é�“很多,ç�†è§£å¾ˆå¤šï¼Œå��而å�˜æˆ�所知障,å�˜æˆ�çŸ¥è§£æ— æ˜Žã€‚å�‡å¦‚我们一
æˆ‘è®²ä¸€ä¸ªæ•…äº‹ç»™ä½ ä»¬å�¬ã€‚在佛陀时代,有兄弟两人一起出家,弟弟
也å�šä¸�æ�¥ï¼Œä»Šå¤©æ•™ä»–的,明天他å�ˆå¿˜è®°äº†ã€‚佛陀就采用éš�æœºç¤ºæ•™ï¼Œå› ä¸º
他什么都ä¸�会,天天å�ªæœ‰æ‰«åœ°ï¼Œä½›é™€å°±é—®ä»–:“ä½ æ‰‹é‡Œæ‹¿è¿™ä¸ªæ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œ
西啊?”他说:“这是个扫帚。”佛陀问他:“扫帚两个å—ä½ ä¼šä¸�会忘记
啊?”他说ä¸�会。佛陀说:“é‚£ä½ å¤©å¤©å¿µæ‰«å¸šå°±å¥½äº†ã€‚”他就天天念扫帚,
ä»–å› ä¸ºæ‰«åœ°ï¼Œè¯�到扫地是è¦�扫我心地,就è¯�了阿罗汉。
“我è¦�è·Ÿå¸ˆçˆ¶å›žåˆ°ä½ ä»¬ä¸å›½åŽ»ï¼Œäººä»¬ä¸€çœ‹åˆ°æˆ‘是高鼻å�,è“�眼ç�›çš„,一
定会出我的洋相。”我说没有关系,如果有人è¦�ä½ å‡ºæ�¥æ¼”è®²ï¼Œä½ å°±è®²ï¼š
我ä¸�会讲ä¸å›½è¯�,但是我å�¯ä»¥å”±ä¸€é¦–美国的扫地æŒã€‚å› æ¤å¥¹å°±æŠŠæ‰«åœ°
èƒ½ä¼ æ’到全ç�ƒã€‚我们希望全世界都知é�“这个扫地æŒæ˜¯ä¸å›½äººå�šçš„,ä¸�
希望大家常常唱扫地æŒï¼Œå¸¸å¸¸æ‰«å¿ƒåœ°ï¼Œå› 为佛教徒修行就是è¦�扫
heehee 有��
Question: I would like to ask Master why
it is easy to understand principles, but putting them into action is
With regards to Buddhist cultivation, it may be
easy to understand the principles and when the teacher explains concepts, you
can comprehend them too. Understanding the sutras is also not hard. However,
the difficulty lies in putting the teachings into practice.
Why? Because of the “I, me, mine”
concepts and view.
We may make a tonne of mistakes but fail to admit our failings. And
while it may be hard for others to deceive us, we are often deceived by this
very Illusion of a Self.
We have accumulated defilements and karmic
tendencies from eons of past lives. Therefore we need to gradually cultivate to
purify our minds. Do not be mistaken that just because we
have read a few books, it means we have conquered our bad habits or
apprehended all there is to know
There are many highly educated people who examine the teachings of the
Buddha and write long theses and articles based on them. They end up
disproving the Buddha’s teachings and in so doing, lose faith in them.
However, in Buddhism, you must first start off with faith and live out the
teachings by practice.
Those people lose faith because they are only
preoccupied with reading about the teachings of the Buddha, writing articles,
penning this thought and that opinion, but have neglected to cultivate
themselves based on the teachings. They have not realized for themselves what
the Buddha taught.
Hence, we need to be mindful that practicing Buddhism and studying it are
two separate matters. If we wish to cultivate as the Buddha did, be liberated
as he was and attain Buddhahood, we should not take Buddhist teachings as mere
knowledge. We should not take Buddhist teachings and examine it inside and out
to no avail. Instead, we must have faith that so long as we actively put the
teachings of the Buddha into practice, we will ultimately be able to enjoy the
fruits of cultivation (just as the Buddha did).
Do not think that only
university professors or well educated people can cultivate the Buddhist way.
In fact, a dull and ignorant person may be in a better person to cultivate.
Why? Because many intelligent people are stumbled by their own intelligence and
wide net of knowledge. They may be knowledgeable, but they lack wisdom to
illuminate their understanding of the subject matter. Conversely, even one who
is dull and poorly educated can reach Buddhahood, as long as he closely follows
the teachings of the Buddha.
Let me tell you a story. During the Buddha’s
time, there were two brothers who entered the monks’ order. The younger of the
two was dull and his memory was very poor. Nevertheless, the Buddha was very
concerned about him.
This young monk was unable to cope with sutra and
mantra recitations. Whatever he was taught would be forgotten by the next day.
Hence, the Buddha decided to teach him as the situation allowed.
Since this young monk
couldn’t do anything well other than sweep the floor every day, the Buddha asked
him, “What is this you have in your hand? ”
The monk answered, “This is a broom stick.”
Whereupon the Buddha asked in return, “So, will you forget the words
‘broom stick’?” The young monk assured the Buddha that he wouldn’t.
Hence, the Buddha instructed the young monk to keep repeating the words
‘broom stick’ as a recitation, and that’s just what he did. Every day he
chanted the words, “broom stick, broom stick, broom stick…”
Later on, the Buddha
switched the recitation from ‘broom stick’ to ‘rid dust’.
In the end this young
monk, through sweeping the floor and chanting these words, managed to purify his
mind to such an extent that he achieved arhatship. While sweeping the floor he
was also sweeping his mind clean.
There are these four persons found in the world. What four?
1) one with little learning who does not profit from his learning,
2) one of little learning who does profit from his learning,
3) one of great learning who does not profit from his learning,
4) and one of great learning who does profit from his learning.
And how does one with little learning not profit from his learning. In this case, a person has little learning in the discourses, he knows neither the letter nor the spirit, and he does not live in accordance with the Dhamma.
And how does one with little learning profit from his learning? In this case, a person has little learning in the discourses, but of what he knows, he understands both the letter and the spirit, and he lives in accordance with it.
How does one with great learning not profit from his learning? In this case, a person is widely learned in the discourses, but he understands neither the letter nor the spirit, and does not live in accordance with the Dhamma.
And finally, how does one with great learning profit from his learning? Here, a person is widely learned in the discourses, he understands both the letter and the spirit, and he lives in accordance with the Dhamma.
Anguttara Nikaya II.5
ya, MCK said, we are to å¦ä½› learn like the Buddha, rather than do ä½›å¦.
Yeah, recently I read a Venerable's facebook. He said he used to discuss this subject with other Venerables. The Venerables agree that they should emphasize 修行就是�扫心地 to their disciples more often. As there are more and more beginners Buddhists. Thus, he sees a need to emphasize this phrase.
I notice many new Buddhists have mistaken that 修行就是�善事. It is not wrong to do charity work but Buddhist practicing is more than just doing charity work and donations.
Yes, indeed. I am often reminded of this:
Whoever is attached to a result for this life, is not a Dharma person. The purpose of Dharma is liberation, not feeling better in this life.
The purpose of Dharma is not the cultivation of mundane compassion, and so on.
The purpose of Dharma is to control afflictions, then overcome them, and finally, to attain a state of total omniscience and freedom.
~ Loppon Namdrol
Originally posted by sinweiy:ya, MCK said, we are to å¦ä½› learn like the Buddha, rather than do ä½›å¦.
ya, in order to do that, it is essential to have insight on true nature. So that the 扫 is correct, otherwise, the sweeping is continued to gather dusts and become ä½›å¦ means intellectual.