be it doing all the good stuff like charitable deeds/activities, donations, helping people, blah blah etc and whatever u name it...(p.s NOT saying doing all these stuffs are of no use and 1 should stop doing them)
if it's for self-interest, thinking "eh, if i do all these then next time my future rebirths will be better. i better do more."
then u're still being selfish and attached to notions of gain, basically still attachment. so that's not dharma, that still sounds samsaric to me.
Karma is not so much about actions but more on intentions. Followings are the quotes from the Sixth Patriarch Sutra :
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Karma is not so much about actions but more on intentions. Followings are the quotes from the Sixth Patriarch Sutra :
迷人修ç¦�ä¸�ä¿®é�“,å�ªè¨€ä¿®ç¦�便是é�“,布施供养ç¦�æ— è¾¹ï¼Œå¿ƒä¸ä¸‰æ�¶å…ƒæ�¥é€ 。以上是å…祖å�›ç»�里“æ— ç›¸é¢‚”çš„å‰�å››å�¥ã€‚师父开示说很多人以为布施供养就是在修行。其实ä¸�然,ä¸�是说修ç¦�供养ä¸�好。而是布施供养时,å�Œæ—¶ä¹Ÿåœ¨é€ ä¸šã€‚æ€Žä¹ˆè®²å‘¢ï¼Ÿä½ ä»¥ä»€ä¹ˆå¿ƒå¸ƒæ–½ä¾›å…»ï¼Œå�ªæœ‰ä½ 自己知é�“。有相布施供养是有æ¼�çš„åŠŸå¾·ï¼Œæ— ç›¸å¸ƒæ–½ä¾›å…»ï¼ŒåŠŸå¾·æ˜¯æ— é™�的。如果有ä¼�图的布施供养,ä¸�但没有功德,å��è€Œé€ äº†å •ä¸‰æ�¶é�“çš„å› ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯ç¬¬å››å�¥“心ä¸ä¸‰æ�¶å…ƒæ�¥é€ ”。
too cheem in mandarin. give briefly the essence of it, if possible for benefit of everyone.
btw, karma is action + intention, not just intention and not action. action can also be with intention which is karma.
yes.. doing good but with-not-so-good intentions is not so meritorious.. esp when your intentions have something to do with the 3 poisons. e.g ignorance, greed, anger
Originally posted by whylikethatah:too cheem in mandarin. give briefly the essence of it, if possible for benefit of everyone.
btw, karma is action + intention, not just intention and not action. action can also be with intention which is karma.
Oh oh...... I know the meaning but don't know how to express it exactly in English. It means many lost Buddhists thought The Way is by doing chartiable deeds etc. Actually, The Way (Buddha's Way) is not just doing charitable deeds, it is more about actions plus intentions. Some people do chartable deeds with selfish or bad intentions, they are not accumulating merits but planting seeds for rebirth in hell.
so good intention + good action = good karma?
If I'm bored; rather than stay at home and watch TV, i think to myself: i'll go and helpout at the old folks home, so that I'm contributing and doing something 'good'. So there's good intent and good action, but ultimately, yes there is the thought that i want to gain good karma.
So does that mean that in that kind of situation - i do not 'gain' anything?
Originally posted by Loor:so good intention + good action = good karma?
If I'm bored; rather than stay at home and watch TV, i think to myself: i'll go and helpout at the old folks home, so that I'm contributing and doing something 'good'. So there's good intent and good action, but ultimately, yes there is the thought that i want to gain good karma.
So does that mean that in that kind of situation - i do not 'gain' anything?
Well, that depends which intention is stronger? To pass time, to gain good karma or to help the old folks sincerely.
well in the example, the original intent was to go do something 'good'.
then once there, you just do what needs to be dome without thinking much more. So it's not like you're cursing when doing the tasks at the old folks home.
So original intent was perhaps not pure, but then your actions are still positive and the intent no longer lingers.
I'm not asking how many 'points' we get in such an exmple, but rather wonder how things like this are measured if at all. That's the beatuy of religion i guess...
迷人修��修�,- The ignorance do blessing but not practicing absolute reality
�言修�便是�,- and strongly promoting that the performance of blessing is actually Buddha nature.
布施供养ç¦�æ— è¾¹ï¼Œ- in spite of the blessing from charitable and wholesome offering deeds done is borderless
心ä¸ä¸‰æ�¶å…ƒæ�¥é€ 。- the frequencies of samsaric mind continue to erupt profusely.
Hope that the above is readable
Originally posted by Loor:so good intention + good action = good karma?
If I'm bored; rather than stay at home and watch TV, i think to myself: i'll go and helpout at the old folks home, so that I'm contributing and doing something 'good'. So there's good intent and good action, but ultimately, yes there is the thought that i want to gain good karma.
So does that mean that in that kind of situation - i do not 'gain' anything?
you should not be thinking of gaining good karma becoz there's really no one gaining anything at all.................
intention (volition) is not the same as action, therefore mutually exclusive ....
the intention may be good but the action is bad
the intention may be bad but the action is good
In terms of its qualities, or its roots, kamma can be divided into two main types. They are:
1. Akusala kamma: kamma which is unskillful, actions which are not good, or are evil; specifically, actions which are born from the akusala mula, the roots of unskillfulness, which are greed, hatred and delusion.
2. Kusala kamma: actions which are skillful or good; specifically, actions which are born from the three kusala mula, or roots of skill, which are non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion.
Alternatively, kamma can be classified according to the paths or channels through which it occurs, of which there are three. They are:
1. Bodily kamma: intentional actions through the body.
2. Verbal kamma: intentional actions through speech.
3. Mental kamma: intentional actions through the mind.
Incorporating both of the classifications described above, we have altogether six kinds of kamma: bodily, verbal and mental kamma which is unskillful; and bodily, verbal and mental kamma which is skillful.
Another way of classifying kamma is according to its results. In this classification there are four categories:
1. Black kamma, black result: This refers to bodily actions, verbal actions and mental actions which are harmful. Simple examples are killing, stealing, sexual infidelity, lying and drinking intoxicants.[d]
2. White kamma, white result: These are bodily actions, verbal actions and mental actions which are not harmful, such as practicing in accordance with the ten bases for skillful action.[e]
3. Kamma that is both black and white, giving results both black and white: Bodily actions, verbal actions and mental actions which are partly harmful, partly not.
4. Kamma which is neither black nor white, with results neither black nor white, which leads to the cessation of kamma: This is the intention to transcend the three kinds of kamma mentioned above, or specifically, developing the Seven Enlightenment Factors or the Noble Eightfold Path.
Of the three channels of kamma -- bodily, verbal and mental -- it is mental kamma which is considered the most important and far-reaching in its effects, as is given in the Pali:
"Listen, Tapassi. Of these three types of kamma so distinguished by me, I say that mental kamma has the heaviest consequences for the committing of evil deeds and the existence of evil deeds, not bodily or verbal kamma."
Mental kamma is considered to be the most significant because it is the origin of all other kamma. Thought precedes action through body and speech. Bodily and verbal deeds are derived from mental kamma.