Can anyone tell me where can i mourn for my dead baby?
Hi Christina,
Just in case you weren't aware... It's probably not such a good idea to burn joss paper, joss sticks, paper houses, etc.
But most certainly you can consider doing some meritorious deeds such as giving alms to others, donating money for building schools, temples, orphanages, libraries, hospitals, printing religious books for free distribution and similar charitable deeds. Then, dedicate those merits to your departed child.
Also, radiating loving-kindness directly to your child will be helpful.
Perhaps the people at Poh Ern Shih can give you more advice.
With Metta.
Sorry to hear that. 7th month is the best time to "chao du" 超度your departed child. Almost all Buddhist temple are having 超度法会. Temples like Buddhist Lodge or Poh Ern Shih are charging very low per departed loved one. Can be as low as $10 per name. Most of the Buddhist temples are chanting 地��every day. It will be better that you join in the chanting and dedicate merits to your departed child. I'm glad that you know the importance of doing something good for your departed child.