The Buddha’s teachings offers the most satisfactory explanation of where man came from and where he is going. When we die, the mind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities and characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this life, re-establishes itself in a new being. Thus the new individual grows and develops a personality conditioned both by the mental characteristics that have been carried over from the previous life and by the new environment. The personality will change and be modified by conscious effort and conditioning factors like education, parental influence and society but once again at death, it will re-establish itself as life in a new being. This process of dying and being reborn will continue until the conditions that cause it, the mental factors of craving and ignorance, cease. When they do, instead of being reborn, the mind attains a state called Nirvana
How does the mind go from one body to another?
When a person is dying, he begins to lose conscious control of his mental processes. There comes a time when his actions and habits locked away in his memories are released. In many instances, there arises in his mind a mental image. This image is totally involuntarily and is produced by his karma or past actions. Thus depending upon the nature of the particular karma that produces this image, the person may see dark shadowy figures, frightening images, or he may see his relatives or perhaps visions of scenic beauty. Quite often, he will cry out at these visions or remark about them to his visitors. Even though the physical body may be weak these thought units are very strong as death approaches. When the body finally breaks down at the point of death these energies are released as mental energy. As energy cannot be destroyed they have to re-establish themselves in a new body thus causing the phenomenon of rebirth.
Think of it being like radio waves which are not made up of words and music but energy at different frequencies, which are transmitted, travel instantaneously through space, are picked up by the receiver from where the radio produces them as words and music. It is the same with the mind. At death, mental energy travels through space, is picked up by the fertilized egg of the future mother, is reborn as a new being and manifests as a new personality.
Thus it is important that a dying person is comforted and reminded of his good deeds. He should not be made confused and visitors should not overtly grieve in his presence. Neither should unfamiliar ideas like a new religion be introduced to him. The Buddha advises that when one is fearful, he should recall to mind the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
Is one always reborn as a human being?
No, there are several realms into which one can be reborn. Some people are reborn in heavenly planes, some are reborn in hell planes, some may be reborn as ghosts and as animals. Heaven is not a place but a state of existence where one has a subtle body and where the mind experiences mainly pleasure. Some religions strive very hard to be reborn in a heavenly existence mistakenly believing it to be a permanent state. But it is not. Like all conditioned states, heaven is impermanent and when one's life span there is finished, one could well be reborn again as a human. Hell, likewise, is not a place but a state of existence where one has a subtle body and where the mind experiences mainly anxiety and distress. Being a ghost, again, is a state of existence where the body is subtle and where the mind is continually plagued by longing and dissatisfaction. So heavenly beings experience mainly pleasure, hell beings and ghosts experience mainly pain and human beings experience usually a mixture of both. So the main difference between the human realm and other realms is the body type and the quality of experience.
"Those who imagine evil where there is none, and do not see evil where it is -- upholding false views, they go to states of woe. Those who discern the wrong as wrong and the right as right -- upholding right views, they go to realms of bliss. ~ Dhammapada 318,319"
What decides where we will be reborn?
The most important factor, but not the only one, influencing where we will be reborn and what sort of life we shall have, is karma. The word karma means 'action' and refers to our intentional mental actions. In other words, what we are is determined very much by how we have thought and acted in the past. Likewise, how we think and act now will influence how we will be in the future. Just as radio waves will be picked up by a radio tuned to its particular frequency, the mental energies released at the time of death will naturally be re-established in a new material body that most suits it. Thus, the gentle, loving type of person shall be reborn in a heavenly realm or as a human being in a comfortable environment. The anxious, worried or extremely cruel type of person is reborn in a hell realm, or as an animal, or as a human being born in extremely difficult environment.
Not only is there scientific evidence to support the phenomena of rebirth, it is the only after-life theory that has any evidence to support it. During the last 30 years parapsychologists have been studying reports that some people have vivid memories of their former lives. Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia's Department of Psychology has described dozens of cases of this type in his books. He is an accredited scientist whose 25 year study of people who remember former lives is very strong evidence for rebirth.
Following is the link :
If the state in heaven is not permanent . and If we are believer of chinese tao . does that means kwan yin . guan gong . siddharta . monkey king . da mo . na cha . zhong kwei . et cetera are constantly reborn to the world as well ?
If the state in heaven is not permanent . and If we are believer of chinese tao . does that means kwan yin . guan gong . siddharta . monkey king . da mo . na cha . zhong kwei . et cetera are constantly reborn to the world as well ?
In buddhism, rebirth in heaven is not the ultimate goal precisely because rebirth in the different levels of heaven, though are happy destinations, they are ultimately impermanent and therefore unsatisfactory.
Our goal is not rebirth in a temporary realm but to liberate ourselves from all sufferings, afflictions, end the uncontrolled cycle of rebirth and attain complete awakening. That is why buddhas 佛 and bodhisattvas �� (like 释迦牟尼佛,阿弥陀佛,观世音��) are very different from deities (神)
Many people because they have no knowledge of buddhism, are unable to differentiate between buddhas and deities (神佛�清). Buddha is known as the teacher of gods and men (天人之师) , even celestial beings and deities take Buddha as their teacher. Gods are not above samsara and suffering, only enlightened beings like the buddhas, bodhisattva, and arahant (阿罗汉)are liberated.
Deities can still have craving, anger and ignorance and suffering. Enlightened beings do not. Therefore enlightened beings are worthy of refuge, not deities, because deities have not overcome suffering and attained the highest happiness and wisdom, so how can they lead us to everlasting liberation and happiness? in fact those deities people worship in temples and communicate with are gui�shen, means they are ghost deities. ghost deities are simply ghosts with better karma, nevertheless they belong to the three lower realms, even lower than human realm - human realm is one of the three lower realms. so as my master said, if those ghost deities themselves do not have happiness, how can they truly bring happiness to others?
In fact many people are superstitious of deities, leading to a habit of reliance, superstitions, etc... This is very different from the Buddhist path of awareness and wisdom. We should not become superstitious over worldly gods.
Even today, there are living bodhisattvas and arahants. We as buddhists all aim to attain enlightenment and liberation and the highest happiness, this is truly possible... Even people in this forum have and are getting enlightened. as buddhists, we aim to develope wisdom, awareness and achieve liberation and true happiness.
im in hell???but why?????what i do??
you have countless past lives which you have forgotten.
anyway you should not dwell too much in the past but find ways to alleviate your suffering. practicing buddhism helps.
When proof of rebirth was asked, Ian Stevenson’s research was often quoted. Prior to Ian Stevenson, how was rebirth proven?
There were also claims that non-Buddhists, free-thinkers, Greek philosophers could remember previous lives not to mention Chinese emperors and Indian spiritual gurus! We know the ancient sages of India had already taught the transmigration of soul. Buddhism does not subscribe to a permanent entity such as a soul but to a mind or consciousness that can flow to another being.
That said, the concept of rebirth originated from the 2nd NT – craving for existence. I would bring also the belief in 6 realms of existence to tie in with rebirth. These realms cannot be places or states of mind (as claimed by some texts) because if you look at ‘human’ and ‘animal’ realms, it just tells you existence of beings in different planes. Buddhism regards that when a being’s lifespan in one realm is over, that being might be reborn in another realm. The moving of one realm of existence to another endlessly is called samsara. To which realm one is reborn depends on his kamma. Hence, the concept of rebirth is never taught independently of kamma, samsara and dependent origination. To me all these doctrines were developed out of the 4NTs, and are inter-related. Hence, you will hear that these doctrines formed the fundamental tenets of Buddhism and that a Buddhist must accept them as ‘truth’.
While Buddhism strenuously emphasized that rebirth is not the same as reincarnation (transmigration) in that there is no such thing as a permanent soul, the very fact that another body (container) can hold a mind (consciousness) from another source, is NOT FAR FROM the concept of reincarnation. That a body (matter) can deteriorates and disintegrates is never a question but a mind or the stream of consciousness that can continue to exist and flow to another being is opened to question. It implies that the mind is an entity, a permanent one at that! Here, I detect a flaw. Energy is not a physical thing (matter) just like consciousness but if energy can be passed to a receiver like mind can be passed to a recipient (new body), then energy or mind has to be an ‘entity’ even if one does not called it a thing! And since energy does not wane or die, it has to be ‘permanent’.
The explanation that why many people cannot recall their past life is because they are caught up with the mundane life, i.e. the mind is too preoccupied with day-to-day affairs. Another explanation is that the ‘nature of mind’ does not allow one to recollect past lives. Yet another explanation is that our minds are overpowered by 5 hindrances such that our vision is earth-bound and hence cannot visualize previous lives. I find all these explanations to be contrite.
Rebirth is purely a doctrine like this: start with craving, this force propels the mind of a dying body to seek new abode. Until nirvana is attained, rebirth keeps going. Depending on your kamma, it decides which realm you re-become. Each rebirth affords you the opportunity to re-become in a different realm. Technically, a cockroach can re-become a human. And that is what I want to know - whether Ian Stevenson’s research includes cockroaches.
Originally posted by Hitman Journal:im in hell???but why?????what i do??
In Buddhism, there is a Bodhisattva called Ksitigarbha 地�王�薩. He had made a great vow that if the hell is not empty of hell-beings, he will not become a buddha.
Most Buddhist who practised Chinese buddhism (influenced by Esoteric/Vajrayana Buddhism) will want to continuously chant the following:
Ksitigarbha Bad Karma Extinguishing Mantra:
唵, 钵 啰 末 邻 陀 � , 娑 婆 诃。
Pinyin: Om - Po La Mo Ni Tuo Nin, Suo Po He
Sanksrit: Om - Pra mardani - Svaha
There is also a famous sutra associated with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva known as
Most Chinese Buddhist temples in Singapore will have dharma services (chanting services for Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha bodhisattva) during the Hungry Ghost festivals.
Chanting these mantra and Sutra helps to relieve a person and allow him to come out of hell, lessen his bad karmic reaction and allows his bodhicitta to grow. It awakens a person if one sentient being was found to degenerate in hell.
You do see hell in the human world: a live prawn crying in pain when he was being boiled and cooked to death, a person suffering from pains of illness, a person being tortured and suffering in pain, the grounds of killing and war etc.
In fact, I just went for dharma service in my temple to chant this great sutra for ksitigarbha last Sunday and dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.
When someone die . the energy is not dead or disappear . Energy shift forms and therefore it is not permanent . because the original energy and the after results could be different form of energy all together .
say someone is dead . and is buried . and the energy from his physical body will subsequently nourish the land around where he was buried . and eventually the plants around will take nourishment from the land . and maybe the plant would be eaten by grazing cows or horses . this way the energy already shifted forms a few times . and just maybe while shifting a few times it could mix up with other energies too who knows . who can tell .
But Energy is not Permanent .
To An Eternal Now :
Deities can still have craving, anger and ignorance and suffering. Enlightened beings do not. Therefore enlightened beings are worthy of refuge, not deities, because deities have not overcome suffering and attained the highest happiness and wisdom, so how can they lead us to everlasting liberation and happiness? in fact those deities people worship in temples and communicate with are gui�shen, means they are ghost deities. ghost deities are simply ghosts with better karma, nevertheless they belong to the three lower realms, even lower than human realm
Hi . Does that mean zhong gui, kwan yin, monkey king, na cha, guan gong and other deities who are often claimed by many to have manifested in taoist mediums and communicate are gui-shen as mentioned in your post ? does that mean those deities are from lower realm than human ? I sincerely wish to learn more .
Originally posted by Kosen pang:When someone die . the energy is not dead or disappear . Energy shift forms and therefore it is not permanent . because the original energy and the after results could be different form of energy all together .
say someone is dead . and is buried . and the energy from his physical body will subsequently nourish the land around where he was buried . and eventually the plants around will take nourishment from the land . and maybe the plant would be eaten by grazing cows or horses . this way the energy already shifted forms a few times . and just maybe while shifting a few times it could mix up with other energies too who knows . who can tell .
But Energy is not Permanent .
ya, it's always changing. like we see H2O, water or raining. it rain into the river and flow into the sea, then it gets evaporated and turn into clouds and fall back as rain again. though the "abstract" element of water is always there, "Permanent". in buddhism the energy is divided into earth, water, air and heat.
Basic Abstract Elements & Characteristics :-
(1) Abstract earth (pathavi) To harden and to soften
(2) Abstract water (apo) To flow and to paste
(3) Abstract Air (vayo) To expand and to contract
(4) Abstract heat (tejo) To heat and to cool
Some says our lives ends when we die, some days we will be reborn, and some days after death come judgement.
For me, if lives ends when we die, that is fine. If we reborn, also fine. But if we are judge, I better know who is judging me.
Thus, I bet on the Lord that just the living and the death. If there is no such Lord, and if lives really end when we die, or if I am been reborn, I don't loss much.
But if there is judgement, and I am not ready, betting on reborn, or no lives after death, I will be a great loser.
What is your bet?
Originally posted by Kosen pang:To An Eternal Now :
Deities can still have craving, anger and ignorance and suffering. Enlightened beings do not. Therefore enlightened beings are worthy of refuge, not deities, because deities have not overcome suffering and attained the highest happiness and wisdom, so how can they lead us to everlasting liberation and happiness? in fact those deities people worship in temples and communicate with are gui�shen, means they are ghost deities. ghost deities are simply ghosts with better karma, nevertheless they belong to the three lower realms, even lower than human realm
Hi . Does that mean zhong gui, kwan yin, monkey king, na cha, guan gong and other deities who are often claimed by many to have manifested in taoist mediums and communicate are gui-shen as mentioned in your post ? does that mean those deities are from lower realm than human ? I sincerely wish to learn more .
yes, most are from ghost realm. but some can also be deities dwelling on earth. sort of in-betweener. zhong gui, monkey king, na cha are sort of fairy tales, man-made, so some ghosts can pretend to be them and wanted people to worship them. they "feed" on people's praying.
kwan yin and guan gong got their position in Buddhism. but kwan yin is not one but can be many as its related to anyone practicing great compassion. for example u study math in school. u can call the teacher tom, dick and harry. but Math is a subject. if u practice great compassion, u are also kwan yin! :)
guan gong is from a real life story of romance of the three kingdom, china, but he had became a Dharma protector somewhere after he died.
Originally posted by Mel.greywolf:Some says our lives ends when we die, some days we will be reborn, and some days after death come judgement.
For me, if lives ends when we die, that is fine. If we reborn, also fine. But if we are judge, I better know who is judging me.
Thus, I bet on the Lord that just the living and the death. If there is no such Lord, and if lives really end when we die, or if I am been reborn, I don't loss much.
But if there is judgement, and I am not ready, betting on reborn, or no lives after death, I will be a great loser.
What is your bet?
it's in the beholder of the committer. thus i heard,
there's a person who tot that one of the "department" in hell were too cruel and wanted Yama king to change it. but Yama king cannot change, he took him to see the "department" , but when the person went there, he cannot see the "department" as he didn't created the karma to see it.
we are the ones that creates heaven and hell. like the tale below.
A curious man once asked to visit heaven and hell. Expecting hell to be a terrible, frightening place, he was amazed to find people seated around a lovely banquet table. The table was piled high with every delicious thing one could possibly want. The man thought, “Perhaps hell is not so bad after all.”
Looking closely, however, he noticed that everyone at the table was miserable.
They were starving, because, although there was a mountain of food before them, they had been given three-foot-long chopsticks. There was no way to carry the food to their mouths with such long chopsticks, and so no one could eat a bite.
The man was then taken to heaven. To his surprise, he found the exact same situation as he had seen in hell. People were gathered around a banquet table piled with food. All the diners held a pair of three-foot-long chopsticks in their hands. But here in heaven, everyone was happily eating the delicious food, for the residents of heaven were using their extra-long chopsticks to feed one another.
Originally posted by Mel.greywolf:Some says our lives ends when we die, some days we will be reborn, and some days after death come judgement.
For me, if lives ends when we die, that is fine. If we reborn, also fine. But if we are judge, I better know who is judging me.
Thus, I bet on the Lord that just the living and the death. If there is no such Lord, and if lives really end when we die, or if I am been reborn, I don't loss much.
But if there is judgement, and I am not ready, betting on reborn, or no lives after death, I will be a great loser.
What is your bet?
Well, may be you have taken rebirth too lightly. If you fully understand what is rebirth, you will not say that it is fine. May be you are like others, have the misconception that all Buddhists aim to have a good rebirth in 6 paths. The truth is most of the Buddhists aim to end the cycle of rebirth.
I don't bet, I would rather find out what is the truth. The stake is too high.
Originally posted by Kosen pang:When someone die . the energy is not dead or disappear . Energy shift forms and therefore it is not permanent . because the original energy and the after results could be different form of energy all together .
say someone is dead . and is buried . and the energy from his physical body will subsequently nourish the land around where he was buried . and eventually the plants around will take nourishment from the land . and maybe the plant would be eaten by grazing cows or horses . this way the energy already shifted forms a few times . and just maybe while shifting a few times it could mix up with other energies too who knows . who can tell .
But Energy is not Permanent .
Do not confuse constant change with impermanence. Constant change means not fixed or static. It doesn’t matter whether change is from moment to moment or from day to day. The weather is a good example – it changes everyday and every season. However, weather has been around for such a long time! If weather is not, then we shouldn’t be expecting rain or shine tomorrow!
A human life like all natural life forms has a life-cycle. Nature is not concerned with the individual life but that of specie. In other words, one’s life will end but human specie will continue with a new birth. That’s why nature spends so much time on reproduction! In fact, that is the purpose of life!!!!
The Buddhist concept of impermanence is not only misunderstood but also VERY MUCH abused by all sort of half-baked Buddhists!
Energy is not life. Energy is generated. Wind is energy, a force generated by atmospheric pressure. Energy gets transformed. Because it does not remained as one form you can say it is not permanent in form but you cannot say it is impermanent at all!
Originally posted by I No Stupid:Do not confuse constant change with impermanence. Constant change means not fixed or static. It doesn’t matter whether change is from moment to moment or from day to day. The weather is a good example – it changes everyday and every season. However, weather has been around for such a long time! If weather is not, then we shouldn’t be expecting rain or shine tomorrow!
A human life like all natural life forms has a life-cycle. Nature is not concerned with the individual life but that of specie. In other words, one’s life will end but human specie will continue with a new birth. That’s why nature spends so much time on reproduction! In fact, that is the purpose of life!!!!
The Buddhist concept of impermanence is not only misunderstood but also VERY MUCH abused by all sort of half-baked Buddhists!
Energy is not life. Energy is generated. Wind is energy, a force generated by atmospheric pressure. Energy gets transformed. Because it does not remained as one form you can say it is not permanent in form but you cannot say it is impermanent at all!
ya, it's always changing. like we see H2O, water or raining. it rain into the river and flow into the sea, then it gets evaporated and turn into clouds and fall back as rain again. though the "abstract" element of water is always there, "Permanent".
As written by Sinweiy above . read again .
Abused or half baked is not my personal problem . as long as they understand better than you . that should suffice . you've been around and you've been annoyingly persistent to drum YOUR own dogmatic ideas into our head . we dont need that . you are .. it is very difficult to describe you you know . thus Buddha says no you and no I . just shut up .
Nobody said energy is life . but energy is part of life . and what is remained after someone is dead . and that the energy itself does not disappear but could transform into other sort of energy and that is impermanent . impermanent could be explained in a lot of definition . when I send letter thru fax machine it convert analog signal into digital signal and when it reached the other fax machine it convert back from digital to analog signal . when I use VGA cable and connect it from my laptop to a multimedia projector it convert digital signal from my laptop to data and convert it back to digital when it reached the multimedia projector . when I make a phone call my finger is pressing the number and is using my physical energy when I talk but the telephone and the satellite convert my physical energy (voice) into analog signal in order for the other person to hear my voice . but what he is hearing is not my initial energy (voice) instead it is analog signal energy .
Originally posted by Kosen pang:
ya, it's always changing. like we see H2O, water or raining. it rain into the river and flow into the sea, then it gets evaporated and turn into clouds and fall back as rain again. though the "abstract" element of water is always there, "Permanent".As written by Sinweiy above . read again .
Abused or half baked is not my personal problem . as long as they understand better than you . that should suffice . you've been around and you've been annoyingly persistent to drum YOUR own dogmatic ideas into our head . we dont need that . you are .. it is very difficult to describe you you know . thus Buddha says no you and no I . just shut up .
Nobody said energy is life . but energy is part of life . and what is remained after someone is dead . and that the energy itself does not disappear but could transform into other sort of energy and that is impermanent . impermanent could be explained in a lot of definition . when I send letter thru fax machine it convert analog signal into digital signal and when it reached the other fax machine it convert back from digital to analog signal . when I use VGA cable and connect it from my laptop to a multimedia projector it convert digital signal from my laptop to data and convert it back to digital when it reached the multimedia projector . when I make a phone call my finger is pressing the number and is using my physical energy when I talk but the telephone and the satellite convert my physical energy (voice) into analog signal in order for the other person to hear my voice . but what he is hearing is not my initial energy (voice) instead it is analog signal energy .
I read carefully what people write so as to find holes in them. Holes hold no water. Water is a compound make up of two elements - hydrogen and oxygen. Water changes form moment to moment but it is permanent as H2O. Until it breaks up its component, it is still H2O whether as ice or steam. Likewise, energy.
When explaining rebirth, some people have likened 'energy' to life. My contention is energy is not life. You make a terrible mistake by saying energy is part of life, that it remained after someone is dead and at the same time declare energy is not life. Life here is taken as living beings.
Your example of analog and digital signal is about transmission of electrical pulses. This is physical science. We are talking about natural life.
" Holes hold no water."
Wrong! Holes holds water vapour, which is water in small amount. See also water holes
"When explaining rebirth, some people have likened 'energy' to life. My contention is energy is not life. You make a terrible mistake by saying energy is part of life, that it remained after someone is dead and at the same time declare energy is not life. Life here is taken as living beings."
I believe you did not realise, matter is also energy. Anything you can think of is energy, even the very thoughts. Because energy is relative, and its everywhere.
Originally posted by I No Stupid:Do not confuse constant change with impermanence. Constant change means not fixed or static. It doesn’t matter whether change is from moment to moment or from day to day. The weather is a good example – it changes everyday and every season. However, weather has been around for such a long time! If weather is not, then we shouldn’t be expecting rain or shine tomorrow!
A human life like all natural life forms has a life-cycle. Nature is not concerned with the individual life but that of specie. In other words, one’s life will end but human specie will continue with a new birth. That’s why nature spends so much time on reproduction! In fact, that is the purpose of life!!!!
The Buddhist concept of impermanence is not only misunderstood but also VERY MUCH abused by all sort of half-baked Buddhists!
Energy is not life. Energy is generated. Wind is energy, a force generated by atmospheric pressure. Energy gets transformed. Because it does not remained as one form you can say it is not permanent in form but you cannot say it is impermanent at all!
Everything, including so called energy, is constantly arising and subsiding and arising again every single moment.
Most people wont know what happen when they die cos its a experiencial thing and it varies from person to person and the replies wont make it to this thread if they really did pass on(sorry to be lame but lets get realistic) Personally i dont know the answer also because im still alive and no encounters with return from death experiences.
To side track abit,If the change in states of water or does not deem it impermanent so there is something wrong with the dictionary? or should i blame my english and science teachers for teaching me the wrong things? perhaps i should invent a new term call half permanent or semi permanent..yeahh. Lastly if there is no change in energy of the H2O why will it change its state? the heat from H2O makes the fire hot and warmer??
Heres a trick question:is mental energy created from the brain or another aspect of a human being? so is there a way to understand and determine if this energy changes/remains/die off/whatever when one dies(physically seen body decays)? no long quote and bickering pls.
Because I no longer fear afterlife, I do not need to embrace the concept of god for insurance. By not dwelling on god, I do not need to mill around that issue anymore! So the fear of an unpleasant afterlife will slide off from a teflonlike coating!
Originally posted by Mel.greywolf:Some says our lives ends when we die, some days we will be reborn, and some days after death come judgement.
For me, if lives ends when we die, that is fine. If we reborn, also fine. But if we are judge, I better know who is judging me.
Thus, I bet on the Lord that just the living and the death. If there is no such Lord, and if lives really end when we die, or if I am been reborn, I don't loss much.
But if there is judgement, and I am not ready, betting on reborn, or no lives after death, I will be a great loser.
What is your bet?
2 weeks are too much . Im bailing out . you should too .
I read carefully what people write so as to find holes in them.
Looking for A hole ? You shouldnt look very far .
Water is a compound make up of two elements - hydrogen and oxygen. Water changes form moment to moment but it is permanent as H2O. Until it breaks up its component, it is still H2O whether as ice or steam. Likewise, energy.
Yes the water or the vapor are still H20 but it does changes forms . and therefore it is impermanent . Likewise energy is still energy but it does changes . and therefore it is impermanent .
When explaining rebirth, some people have likened 'energy' to life. My contention is energy is not life. You make a terrible mistake by saying energy is part of life, that it remained after someone is dead and at the same time declare energy is not life. Life here is taken as living beings.
I made no mistake by stating that energy is part of life . it really is . no energy no life . and yes in my opinion when someone died . the energy from his body is released but it does not disappear . it might change forms it might got mixed up with other energy . but energy will not disappear .
Your example of analog and digital signal is about transmission of electrical pulses. This is physical science. We are talking about natural life.
Analog signal and digital signal are Energy pulses . and yes during such transmission . encoding and decoding . the energy of such signals does changes from one form to the other when put in those situations I described above . those are simplest example to show that energy changes forms but it does not disappear . and because it changes forms it is not permanent .
Physical science and natural life ? how do you define those two ?