Invent a less painful way to extract the bile.
I wish I could help...
People with contacts and connections in those countries can start movements to stop the cruelty, or do more to help the existing activist groups. If enough critical masses can come together to stop such animal abuses, we can save the poor animals...
I am helping by being a vegetarianism and also vow to liberate them upon my attainment of buddha.
Ok look if we freaking care enough why not lets show respect for these animals by not eating them, and be vegetarians instead? Living on milks and dairy products?
If not don't talk so much. Either the extreme, or don't. Period.
vegetables are good...but do top up any vitamin deficiencies...along the way ....
Please be informed that Traditional Chinese Medicine uses plant extract. Cao Yao. Just because some Chinese extract some stuff from the bear means those stuff are "main stream Chinese medicine". There are many animal extract that are selling in the "Medical Hall" in Sg. Many people relate that as TCM !
But the fact is animal extract is much more effective and have faster reaction.
Please do not accuse the TCM of being cruel.
I guess most people are familiar with "Ben Cao Gang Mu". Browse through in the book shop would help.
"Bear bile is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to reduce fever, improve eyesight, and some believe to increase sexual potency."
Above is WRONG ! The person who wrote that is NO GOOD ! BAD PEOPLE !
This sentence should be rewritten as :
Bear bile is believed by a small number of Chinese to reduce fever, improve eyesight, and some believe to increase sexual potency !
To : Weychin, your link is broken. Consulting a TCM is better.
You can join PETA for a raid.
aiya china people dun care about animals, they can kill and eat any animals in anyway they want. As long can make $$ they dun have any conscious.
By labelling bile farming is for TCM already offended a certain sector of people.
Close those involve in the capturing, farming and trading into the same cage with the bears.
Let us see if any people will report to the Gong An at all.
In China, eating dog (Xiang Rou) is common. On TV or YouTube can see.
Method of slaughtering a Rabbit is 1st, tie one of the hind leg and hang the Rabbit onto the wall. After that, use 2 hand, left hand support the chin, right hand on top of the head. Right hand push down. The rabbit is dead.
So what does Animals Asia do ? Why "s" in the word "Animals" ?
Only the Government could put a drastic stop to such thing. Eg. Sg.
If I am a mainland Chinese or Vietnamese, I will go into the bear farm to kill the bear with the rifle. With some help from my buddies. Perhaps lock those farmer with a few bear.
You guys think the Gong An will care ? Or people will report ?