AMTF... how incredibly majestic!
Our wise Buddha is the first on earth to know and share with us this incredible worlds which is beyond our imagination. It is also beyond many heavenly gods' understanding. Each individual god can only see their own world and each claims to be the only true god.
Equivalent of Mt Sumeru on Earth is supposed to be Mount Kailas in South Western Tibet, sacred place to four religions, Jainism, Bon, Buddhism and Hinduism. It is also the abode of Lord Siva and the Buddha Demchog in Tibetan Buddhism.
no sure if its as lated 黃念祖 a 金剛上師[] refered that Mount Sumeru could be the black hole where the stars obit around it due to its great gravitational pull, like moon obiting the earth and the earth obiting the sun.
and that the black hole also obit the mind ground of Hua Yen world!
caption : Mt Kailash (6714m) 冈�波�峰
Throughout Asia, stories exist of a great mountain in the centre of the world, from which flows the four sacred rivers that give life to the area that the river passes through. This myth originates from the Hindu epics, which speak of Mt Meru, home of the gods - as a vast column 84,000 leagues high, its summit kissing the heavens and its franks composed of gold, crystal, ruby and lapis lauzli.
These Hindu accounts placed Mt Meru somewhere in the towering Himalaya but with time, Mt Meru increasing become associated with Mt Kailash. Although Mt Kailash is only 6714m, nobody have ever make it to the summit (although some nearly make it to the top but gave it up due to religious pressure) so no one can confirm if gods really reside there.
caption : The white coat of Mt Kailash after the snowstorm
Mt Kailash does indeed lie at the centre of an area that is the key to the drainage system of the Tibetan plateau. Four of the great rivers of the Indian subcontinent does indeed originate here. The Karnali, which feed into the Ganges (south), the Indus (north), the Sutlej (west) and the Brahmaputra aka Yarlung Tsangpo (east).
The four walls of Mt Kailash matches the cardinal points of the compass and its southern face is marked by the famous long vertical cleft stopping halfwaydown the horizontal lines on the rock face. This cleft is suppose to resemble a swastika (a Buddhist symbol of spiritual strength). But I find it to resemble a step ladder instead.
Mt Kailash has long been an object for worship for four major religions. For the Hindus, it's the abode of Lord Shiva. To the Buddhist, it's the abode of Demchok (a warthful manifestation of Sakyamuni). To the Jains, the mountain is the site at which their first saint was emancipated and to the ancient Bonpo religion of Tibet, Mt Kailash was the sacred Yungdrung Gutseg (Nine stacked Swastika Mountain) upon which their founder Shenrab alighted from heaven.
Mount Sumeru in Chinese is 须弥山, am I correct ?
é ˆå½Œ Sumeru, also é ˆå½Œæ¨“; 彌樓; 蘇彌樓; 修迷樓; later 蘇迷盧; the central mountain of every world, tr. as 妙高; 妙光, etc., wonderful height, wonderful brilliancy, etc.; at the top is Indra's heaven, or heavens, below them are the four devalokas; around are eight circles of mountains and between them the eight seas, the whole forming nine mountains and eight seas.
There is vast interpretations of what Mount Sumeru means.
Many people or teachers interprete it to be a real place located in this earth.
My Master Shen Kai interpretes it in terms of space and the universe - a more modern interpretation of it.
ya, so did 黃念祖 and hence MCK as the milky way.
we are southern part. :)
i kind of like, just the name, Sumeru é ˆå½Œ, without saying it is actually a "mountain" or as defined, the central "mountain" of every world. then it can be interprete as é ˆå½Œæ¨“ storey or 蘇迷盧 place. not necessary a mountain.
劫åˆ�天地欲æˆ�。大水弥满。风å�¹ç»“构。以æˆ�世界。æ¤ä¸–欲æˆ�。光音天上ç¦�行命尽æ�¥ç”Ÿä¸ºäººã€‚çš†æ‚‰åŒ–ç”Ÿæ¬¢å–œä¸ºé£Ÿã€‚èº«å…‰è‡ªåœ¨ç¥žè¶³é£žè¡Œã€‚æ— æœ‰ç”·å¥³å°Šå�‘。众共生世故å��曰众生。
å�Žä¸¥ç»�》ç‰ä½›å…¸ï¼Œè®ºè¿°äº†ä¸–界的立体结构。他说:“三å�ƒå¤§å�ƒä¸–ç•Œä»¥æ— é‡�å› ç¼˜ä¹ƒæˆ�,且如大地ä¾�水轮,水轮ä¾�风轮,风轮ä¾�ç©ºè½®ï¼Œç©ºè½®æ— æ‰€ä¾�。然众生业感世界安ä½�。
é�“世在å�Œä¹¦ã€ŠåŠ¨é‡�篇·æˆ�劫部》ä¸ï¼Œè¿˜å¼•ç”¨ã€Šèµ·ä¸–ç»�》ç‰ä½›å…¸ï¼Œå°±ä¸–界的生æˆ�过程作了论述。文说,当ç»�åŽ†æ— é‡�ä¹…è¿œã€�ä¸�å�¯è®¡æ•°å²�月的大劫之å�Žï¼Œä¸–ç•Œå�ˆç”Ÿèµ·é‡�云,é��下洪雨,一片汪洋。å�Žæœ‰å¤§é£Žå��阿那毗罗,将雨水å�¹èµ·ï¼Œæ°´æ²«é£žå�‘空ä¸ï¼Œå½¢æˆ�了庄严美妙的梵天宫殿和许多其他宫殿,如æ¤å°±é€ æˆ�他化自在天,乃至夜摩天,共æˆ�å…天。洪水退å�Žï¼Œæ°´ä¸å››æ–¹çš„浮沫厚积å…å��八亿由旬。大风å�¹èµ·æµ®æ²«å�ˆé€ æˆ�须弥山和三å��三天,并在须弥山å�Šè…¹ä¹‹é—´é€ 就日月天å�宫殿。大风å†�å�‘须弥山四é�¢å�¹èµ·æµ®æ²«ï¼Œæµ®æ²«é£˜è¿‡å››å¤§æ´²å…«ä¸‡å°�洲,形æˆ�大轮围山ç‰ç¾¤å±±ã€‚大风继ç»ç‹‚å�¹ï¼Œå¼€æŽ˜å¤§åœ°ï¼Œç”±æµ…入深,以至形æˆ�了大海。这就是“器世间”å�³ä¼—生所居的国土世界的形æˆ�。至于众生则是从光净天(光音天)辗转而æ�¥ã€‚色界的光净天寿八大劫,è�šé›†è¿‡å¤šå�Žï¼Œå±…处迫迮,难以承载,于是有的转生其他天宫,å�Žæ�¥å�ˆæœ‰çš„下生人间,å†�å�Žæ›´æœ‰çš„生为饿鬼ã€�畜生,直至下生地狱。这就是ä¸�å�Œä¼—生的形æˆ�。从é�“世对器世间形æˆ�的论述æ�¥çœ‹ï¼Œä»–认为在物质世界的形æˆ�过程ä¸ï¼Œé£Žå’Œæ°´èµ·äº†æž�大了作用,尤其是水,更是形æˆ�日月星辰ã€�山河大地ã€�天界宫殿ç‰çš„é‡�è¦�æ ¹æº�。风也作为一ç§�æ ¹æœ¬æ€§çš„åŠ¨åŠ›ï¼Œä¸�æ–推动物质世界的形æˆ�。这也就是把物质世界的形æˆ�看作是一个è¿�动的过程,物质形æ€�转化的过程,而且这一过程是有一定秩åº�的,它由上å�‘下,由高到低,å�³å…ˆå½¢æˆ�大梵天宫殿,å†�是他化自在天,一直到须弥山周围的群山大海。这里,é�“世既是从物质自身(水ç‰ï¼‰ï¼Œå�ˆæ˜¯ä»Žè¿�动过程æ�¥é˜�述物质世界的形æˆ�,强调物质世界形æˆ�的物质性ã€�秩åº�性和è¿�动性。这既是å�¤ä»£ä¸å›½ä½›æ•™å¦è€…对物质世界形æˆ�富有神秘色彩的æ��述,也是天æ‰�è€Œæœ´ç´ çš„çŒœæµ‹ã€‚
爾時太å�心自念言。我今日食一麻一米。乃至七日食一麻米。身形消瘦有若枯木。修於苦行垂滿å…年。ä¸�得解脫故知é�žé�“。ä¸�如昔在閻浮樹下。所æ€�惟法。離欲寂é�œæ˜¯æœ€çœŸæ£ã€‚今我若復以æ¤ç¾¸èº«è€Œå�–é�“者。彼諸外é�“ç•¶è¨€ã€‚è‡ªé¤“æ˜¯èˆ¬æ¶…æ§ƒå› ã€‚æˆ‘ä»Šé›–å¾©ç¯€ç¯€æœ‰é‚£ç¾…å»¶åŠ›ã€‚äº¦ä¸�以æ¤è€Œå�–é�“果。我當å�—食然後æˆ�é�“。作是念已å�³å¾žåº§èµ·ã€‚至尼連禪河入水洗浴。洗浴既畢。身體羸瘦ä¸�能自出。天神來下為æ�ºæ¨¹æž�ã€‚å¾—æ”€å‡ºæ± ã€‚æ™‚å½¼æž—å¤–æœ‰ä¸€ç‰§ç‰›å¥³äººã€‚å��難陀波羅。時淨居天來下勸言。太å�今者在於林ä¸ã€‚æ±�å�¯ä¾›é¤Šã€‚女人è�žå·²å¿ƒå¤§æ¡å–œã€‚于時地ä¸è‡ªç„¶è€Œç”Ÿå�ƒè‘‰è“®è�¯ã€‚上有乳麋。女人見æ¤ç”Ÿå¥‡ç‰¹å¿ƒã€‚å�³å�–乳麋至太å�所。é é�¢ç¦®è¶³è€Œä»¥å¥‰ä¸Šã€‚太å�å�³ä¾¿å�—彼女施而呪願之。今所施食欲令食者。得充氣力。當使施家得è´�得喜安樂無病終ä¿�年壽智慧具足。太å�å�³å¾©ä½œå¦‚是言。我為æˆ�熟一切眾生。故å�—æ¤é£Ÿã€‚呪願訖已å�³å�—é£Ÿä¹‹ã€‚èº«é«”å…‰æ‚…æ°£åŠ›å……è¶³å ªå�—è�©æ��。爾時五人既見æ¤äº‹ã€‚驚而怪之謂為退轉。å�„還所ä½�。è�©è–©ç�¨è¡Œè¶£ç•¢æ³¢ç¾…樹。自發願言。å��彼樹下。我é�“ä¸�æˆ�。è¦�終ä¸�起。è�©è–©å¾·é‡�。地ä¸�能å‹�。于時æ¥æ¥åœ°ç‚ºéœ‡å‹•å‡ºå¤§
The Buddhist scriptures described that there are "worlds shaped like flowers" - this corresponds to billowy intergalactic gas clouds (that contain billions of stars) observed by radio-telescopes. "Some are vast as the ocean, spinning like a turning wheel. Some are slender (eg. galaxies observable in Cetus, Pegasus and Hercules). Some are small. For they have countless forms. (Galaxies have countless shapes.) And they spin in various ways (Galaxies revolve around their nuclei.)... Some worlds are like a glowing wheel (Some galaxies have strong luminosity)."
Some world systems (galaxies) are described in the Buddhist scriptures to erupt violently like volcanoes. This corresponds to quasars that actively explode, ejecting incredible amounts of matter from the nuclei of galaxies.
Some cosmic worlds are described in the Buddhist scriptures to be like the "Lion's mouth" which eat everything - this corresponds to Black Holes that devour everything within its gravitational reach.
oh, "Lion's mouth"?