Dear I Not Stupid :If you think by refuting all evidence of past Buddhas and Bodhisattva and intending to hear the original Buddha teaching , so why not think of the condition that allow you to hear from Buddha Himself ? Do you think by posting here and starting all the semantics allow you to see Buddha and prove is His Original .Firstly, your defilement is so strong , I dont see why the Buddha will want to appear even in your dreams .
Buddha is full of Accomplished Wisdom , Compassion and Treasurehouse of countless gratitude from Countless Sentient beings .His Merits is further than your meagre posting of posting to irate or luring Him by any ugly word-semantics debate.
I therefore challenge you to purify yourself and stop posting ,and work hard on your own salvation before you can see Buddha to prove which are His teachings and which are Not .
Originally posted by bohiruci:Dear I Not Stupid :If you think by refuting all evidence of past Buddhas and Bodhisattva and intending to hear the original Buddha teaching , so why not think of the condition that allow you to hear from Buddha Himself ? Do you think by posting here and starting all the semantics allow you to see Buddha and prove is His Original .Firstly, your defilement is so strong , I dont see why the Buddha will want to appear even in your dreams .
Buddha is full of Accomplished Wisdom , Compassion and Treasurehouse of countless gratitude from Countless Sentient beings .His Merits is further than your meagre posting of posting to irate or luring Him by any ugly word-semantics debate.
I therefore challenge you to purify yourself and stop posting ,and work hard on your own salvation before you can see Buddha to prove which are His teachings and which are Not .
Your intention is certainly well meaning, but I think there is not much point in challenging another to go ‘purify oneself and stop posting’. What it will most likely going to happen, is that it is going to bring on another endless round of more justifications, postings and debates. Hopefully, I am wrong.