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  • Almond Cookies
    My answer is 1) Old testament times the only true religion is Judaism. 2) New testament times is Christianity
  • Aik TC



    In Buddhism, call it one Reality or otherwise, one big difference that make it distinct from other Faiths is that there is no one mighty God that ‘creates or destroy’.

  • mancha

    Who is there to say that that one religion is the true one?

    Every single person on this earth must agree that that religion is the true one, then only it will be the one and only true religion, there must not be even one person who disagree.

    Also this agreement must be of one's free will not by community pressure.

    Is this possible, when every religion in this world has its hybrid.

  • Dawnfirstlight

    Buddhism should not be part of the religion debate because Buddhism does not believe there is a mighty god. Let the gods' followers debate among themselves. Count the Buddhists out.

  • Almond Cookies
    Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:

    Buddhism should not be part of the religion debate because Buddhism does not believe there is a mighty god. Let the gods' followers debate among themselves. Count the Buddhists out.

    The TS is Amitayus. He even posted Koran verses in another thread.
  • Susanteo2011



    those that believe got God is becoz of their wishful thinking......................becoz got heaven mah.................



    if got no heaven leh.....................who gives a shit about God...............

  • An Eternal Now
    Buddhism teaches there is no God. There is simply dependent origination, and therefore nothing is created or independent.
  • Almond Cookies
    Originally posted by An Eternal Now:

    Buddhism teaches there is no God. There is simply dependent origination, and therefore nothing is created or independent.

    I think God causes the big bang. And the universe expand from a small explosion until no big now. Still expanding.
  • Almond Cookies
    how did the universe start? explore the how and why of the big bang . The universe is our vast, complex and mysterious home. Science has discovered a lot about it, including how it grew from the initial big bang to what we see today. But how it started remains a mystery. Check out some of the details and some of the big questions. what science says Fifty years ago, many scientists thought it possible that the universe had always existed. The two main theories were "steady state" (the continual creation of matter at the centre of an expanding universe so the universe appears the same for all time) and "pulsating" (the universe goes through regular cycles of expansion and contraction for all time). However these theories are no longer believed by most scientists, and it is generally considered "proven" that the universe began about 14 billion years ago with the "big bang". in the beginning In the big bang, all the matter, energy, space and time which we can observe were apparently created in an instant. Initially concentrated in a very small point ( see note 1, below), the universe expanded outwards rapidly with enormous energy. This was not like an explosion into empty space, but expansion of space itself. In the first fractions of a second, when current laws of physics did not apply, particles began to form out of the enormous energy - first small particles like quarks, gluons and leptons, later the more familiar protons, neutrons and electrons. The four fundamental forces or interactions (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force) developed gradually, because scientists believe that these forces are actually caused by an exchange of very small particles (bosons). At this stage the universe was so small that there was no space for more than minor irregularities, which was important for the later structure of the universe. rapid growth in the first few minutes As the age of the universe moved beyond seconds to minutes, and it grew in size to about 1015 kilometres across, nuclear fusion formed the first of the nuclei we know about today - Hydrogen and Helium - in proportions that proved necessary for the universe as we know it to form. The universe was still incredibly hot. atoms, stars, supernova and planets After several hundred thousand years, conditions had stabilised enough for the first atoms to form; after several hundred million years, the first stars, and later the first galaxies, began to form by gravitational attraction. Supernova stars created many of the heavier elements out of the lighter elements, and then exploded them out into space, making them available for planets which later formed, thus allowing the complexity of chemistry on earth necessary for life. The universe is still expanding today, and scientists are able to (a) extrapolate backwards and describe the early moments of the big bang mathematically, (b) predict outcomes of their theory which can be verified by observation of the universe, and (c) show mathematically that the alternative theories have significant flaws. Thus it has been demonstrated that the big bang origin is almost certain. What caused the big bang? Read more + links: 1 2 note 1: Scientists cannot observe the big bang, so they have to rely on mathematical models to understand what probably happened. These models cannot tell us whether the universe is finite (in which case the whole universe began in that one very small point) or infinite (in which case only the part we can see was concentrated in that point). But if there was and is more than we can observe, we cannot know. The models can only be extrapolated back so far, and then they reach what is known in mathematics as a "singularity", where the size of the universe is infinitely small and the density infinitely large, and the maths can go no further. http://home.exetel.com.au/h2bh/clues/universe.shtml
  • SoulDivine

    The Nature of Creation

    God created
    ALL THAT IS, including all universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, life forms, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy, spirits e.t.c.

    Everything is of God. Everything is God.

    God exists within and outside of time. God exists in the void. God is beyond time and space.

  • Almond Cookies
    Originally posted by SoulDivine:

    The Nature of Creation

    God created
    ALL THAT IS, including all universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, life forms, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy, spirits e.t.c.

    Everything is of God. Everything is God.

    God exists within and outside of time. God exists in the void. God is beyond time and space.

    Wow souldivine gt wisdom in believing in a creator. Thumb up !!!
  • Almond Cookies
    Originally posted by SoulDivine:

    The Nature of Creation

    God created
    ALL THAT IS, including all universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, life forms, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy, spirits e.t.c.

    Everything is of God. Everything is God.

    God exists within and outside of time. God exists in the void. God is beyond time and space.

    Not everything is God though. Created things like atoms and electrons are not God.
  • An Eternal Now
    Many masters and teachers even in Buddhism mistook hinduism's brahman with buddhism's nature of reality (emptiness, dependent origination). Please read my third article (draft article still unsubmitted) here to understand the differences (those are articles based on my experiences and realisations, others like thusness and simpo also speak from similar stages of experiences): http://awakeningtoreality.blogspot.com/p/chinese-articles.html Sorry these are all written in chinese, I have english ones but I'm using phone now so not convenient for me to find.
  • An Eternal Now
    Originally posted by SoulDivine:

    The Nature of Creation

    God created
    ALL THAT IS, including all universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, life forms, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy, spirits e.t.c.

    Everything is of God. Everything is God.

    God exists within and outside of time. God exists in the void. God is beyond time and space.

    Though this understanding is better than the understanding of a personal God, if it is merely a belief or repetition of what others have said, it is useless - it is useless whether you believe in a god as an old man with white beard, or an all pervading essence, etc because all these are just beliefs, just concepts.

    To transform an entire being one needs to have a realisation, a quantum shift in perception, and true experience of what god and the nature of being is. Such a realisation is known as god-realisation, which is none other than self-realisation.

    Speaking from experience, such realisations is not really difficult to get if one is earnest and has a deep desire to get to the bottom of one's being. Contrary to some old dogmas and misconceptions that self-realisation is only reserved for highly advanced or special persons, people who attain self-realisation are usually very ordinary people, and it is the birthright of every person to realise their essence. A large number of people was, is and are awakening to this, and quite a few even in this forum can speak from experience. All it takes is an earnest interest, effort (the effort actually is natural once a deep desire to know one's being arises so it is not a chore or a routine practice sort of thing but an ongoing inquiry) and right pointers.

    A direct path to self-realisation is the practice of self-inquiry. It took me less than two years of self-inquiry practice to reach self-realisation, even though it took many others much shorter, and there are those who reached self-realisation immediately upon their first self-inquiry (e.g. Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, etc). My ebook discusses on how to practice self-inquiry, self-realisation and the various stages of realisations I have gone through: http://awakeningtoreality.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-e-booke-journal.html

    When one has self-realisation one realises their fundamental mind-essence as being all-pervasive, luminous, cognitive, space-like, pure presence and conscoousness. It is the innermost essence of existence and consciousness in its pristine state. This realisation is being reified into a ground of being, a source of all experiences. It looks like a background of all phenomenon, a fundamental ground of everything that remains unchanged while things arise and subside in it like a huge container. This ground of being is seen as God or Source. At this stage one has achieved self-realisation.

    But there is an even subtler realisation, which is nondual realisation. It is the realisation that there is no division of subject and object, therefore god/source is in fact its manifestation. At this stage it is perceived that consciousness is the One Mind transforming into its myriad forms, which means everything is simply an expression of God, and everything is God. So consciousness, god is no longer seen as being outside of manifestation, or a background of manifestation, but as being/expressing itself as all manifestations itself. This is not the end. Even though this realisation breaks the view of subject and object, in contrast to merely self-realisation where consciousness is mistaken to be the eternal witness/presence/subject behind objects, the view of inherency has not dissolved. This is also the peak of non-buddhist religions: where traditions describe their final step of realisation... For example, advaita vedanta: the world is illusory, brahman alone is real (self-realisation), brahman is the world (non-dual realisation). Kashmir shaivism: all manifestations are real as Shiva/consciousness. (Non-dual realism) This is still not buddhism.

    Then comes the realisation of anatta, where it is realised that in seeing there is just the seen, seeing is just the scenery, hearing is just the sound. Effectively awareness is simply the self-luminous manifestation without knower, the entire process knows and rolls. Here the view of consciousness as being permanent, independent, and ultimate breaks down as consciousness simply is all manifestation. The view of consciousness as source or god also breaks down because there is only the process itself.

    Then comes an even subtler realisation, the realisation of emptiness. Actually anatta is also a form of emptiness. There are twofold emptinesses: the emptiness of self (arhats/hinayana stop here), and the emptiness of objects (entered bhumi bodhisattvas realises both). It is these twofold emptinesses that are perculiar to Buddhism. Anatta is the emptiness of self, but now I am talking about the emptiness of objects. Not only is there no self, no agent, no knower or controller of things, there is also no independent objects. It is realised in real time that mind, thoughts and sense perceptions are really like an illusion but not an illusion - they are pristinely clear, vivid and alive and undeniably displayed, and yet where is the thought or perception located? Nowhere! Like a magician's trick! Where did it come from? Nowhere! Where does it go to? Nowhere! Everything is just like a dream - where does the dream monster come from? Nowhere! Yet vividly shown. Thus everything in waking or sleep is simply mind display, like an illusion. They interdependently originate and thus are merely apparitional appearances without core and inherent existence that is graspable or locatable. Realising this, everything is seen to be non-arising. It is also directly experienced how everything is the entire universe interacting interdependently to manifest this action, this experience, without any internal (self) or external agent (god) involved at all. Everything is an interaction of causes and conditions coming together to manifest as this. All are empty yet not denying the luminosity and appearances of things. Which means the pure, luminous clarity and cognitive aspect, and the diverse appearances... The emptiness, luminosity and appearances are inseparable.

    Each insight is vital and important and does not negate the previous insight and experience, but refines the view... And more and more liberation, bliss and clarity is discovered. A true freedom from all suffering, afflictions, and delusions is possible.

  • Fcukpap

    again, all religions are true...true to the words they have written for posterity..

    it is, then, a question of how true humans are to the words which make that religion truest 

  • shanfan
    Originally posted by Almond Cookies:

    Not everything is God though. Created things like atoms and electrons are not God.

    Created things like atoms and electrons are not God. --:  Who do you think you are to make this statement?   Nincompoo!

  • Almond Cookies
    Originally posted by shanfan:

    Created things like atoms and electrons are not God. --:  Who do you think you are to make this statement?   Nincompoo!

    God creates apple but God is not an apple. If God is an apple that blashphemy. As long as u have common sense you can say this statement.
  • An Eternal Now
    To fcukpap: it would be naïve to say all religions.and religious texts are true. I say, don't blindly believe in everything you read. Take the advice of kalama sutta: "Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness' — then you should enter & remain in them.
  • Fcukpap

    when i say all religions, of course i do not refer to some other cultish or such other minor religions....just to clarify 

    surely one wouldn't be so naive as that...religions that teach the common good should be valued as truest...in my view...



  • Fcukpap

    the harmony of all such religions is the key to sustaining world peace and human fraternity 

  • geis
    Originally posted by Almond Cookies:

    God creates apple but God is not an apple. If God is an apple that blashphemy. As long as u have common sense you can say this statement.

    Does one really know what is God? If one cannot see God in that apple, how can one be sure it's created by God? If one has common sense one will ascertain the truth with direct experience before making any statement.

  • geis

    Practice, question, practice, question until what is left is undoubtly clear. See perfection in all the imperfections in this world.


  • An Eternal Now
    Originally posted by Fcukpap:

    when i say all religions, of course i do not refer to some other cultish or such other minor religions....just to clarify 

    surely one wouldn't be so naive as that...religions that teach the common good should be valued as truest...in my view...



    first of all, morality is not the province of religion as it is already being imparted by families, society and education. Religion cannot claim monopoly over the teachings of morality so I don't buy the idea that the value of religions lie in "teaching the common good". Secondly how sure are you that all religious texts are good? Yes, I am talking about the main, famous religions. Do you know many of their texts advocate killing, violence and many other things? Perhaps you should do some reading up. Therefore kalama sutta still applies.
  • Aneslayer

    True religion? How very arbitrary.... Like how everyone is different, inherently biased & pick and choose which ever elements that suited self... Please be honest with own self, or are you still a zombie sheep?