may i know which temple offers chanting sessions for 地���圣� where i can join?
please advise if you know.. thanks
Every Thursday from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm at Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission ï¼ˆæ–°åŠ å�¡ä½›æ•™é�’年弘法团) in Clementi. You have to take bus 52, 105 or 106 from the bus stop at Clementi MRT station and alight at the 2nd bus stop. PM me if you need clearer direction. Chanting session is for 地è—�ç»�. It is usually地è—�ç»� plus 地è—�è�©è�¨åœ£å�·. I've not come across any temple that have chanting session for 地è—�è�©è�¨åœ£å�· only.
There will be many temples having daily chanting session for 地�� in the lunar 7th month. Besides Buddhist Youth Mission, Buddhist Lodge is one of the temple. See the link below :
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Every Thursday from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm at Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission ï¼ˆæ–°åŠ å�¡ä½›æ•™é�’年弘法团) in Clementi. You have to take bus 52, 105 or 106 from the bus stop at Clementi MRT station and alight at the 2nd bus stop. PM me if you need clearer direction. Chanting session is for 地è—�ç»�. It is usually地è—�ç»� plus 地è—�è�©è�¨åœ£å�·. I've not come across any temple that have chanting session for 地è—�è�©è�¨åœ£å�· only.
There will be many temples having daily chanting session for 地�� in the lunar 7th month. Besides Buddhist Youth Mission, Buddhist Lodge is one of the temple. See the link below :
thanks... i will check out temples in the east/central 'cos clementi is too far for me.
actually i m looking for chanting of 地���圣� only.
i tried to chant 地�� before but find that i can't... gets a bit too scary on the description of hell... how to overcome?
Originally posted by finn:thanks... i will check out temples in the east/central 'cos clementi is too far for me.
actually i m looking for chanting of 地���圣� only.
i tried to chant 地�� before but find that i can't... gets a bit too scary on the description of hell... how to overcome?
In the past I found the description of hell and behaviour of the spirits in the 地��scary and disgusting. I even doubted it but now I believe every word that is said in the 地��. In fact, the truth is even scarier and disgusting than what it is being described in the sutra. The sutra is using words that are considered refine if compare to the truth. I say that because there was a non Buddhist saw the behaviour the spirit similar but worse than what was described in the sutra. She was a Muslim and of course had never read 地�� before but she saw and could describe the behaviour of the spirit similar to that being described in the sutra but more disgusting and scarier. What it is written is truth, so to overcome it, you have to face the truth.
Observe the 5 Precepts... U can chant without fear Lol!
actually it's not only the fear per se. it's like the images of ghosts spirits hell death linger in the mind during and after chanting. i find it's very depressing to imbue the mind with these thoughts.
Originally posted by finn:may i know which temple offers chanting sessions for 地���圣� where i can join?
please advise if you know.. thanks
Originally posted by finn:actually it's not only the fear per se. it's like the images of ghosts spirits hell death linger in the mind during and after chanting. i find it's very depressing to imbue the mind with these thoughts.
Originally posted by finn:actually it's not only the fear per se. it's like the images of ghosts spirits hell death linger in the mind during and after chanting. i find it's very depressing to imbue the mind with these thoughts.
I was filled with fear after chanting... the descriptions are too vivid...
don't be too depressed about it... think of dedicating merits to them... you feel more positive instead
There is a method taught in the Sutra how to improve your memory. Put a cup of water in front of 地��� , chant his name for 49 days and drink the cup of water. You will be blessed by auspicious dream and your memory will be very good after that.
Chanting 地��� sutra will help any of your deceased family members/friends/relatives suffering in the haze/hell if you dedicate your merits of chanting to them.
地��� sutra is the first sutra i completed (three volumes) and i have always like it.
I chant the whole three books in a temple and the nun came to light the sandalwood sticks for me in the huge incense holder.
Originally posted by finn:thanks... i will check out temples in the east/central 'cos clementi is too far for me.
actually i m looking for chanting of 地���圣� only.
i tried to chant 地�� before but find that i can't... gets a bit too scary on the description of hell... how to overcome?
This temple main deity is Kitisargarbhva Bodhisattva.
It's a very modern temple with the first eco design in Singpore.
Poh Ern Shih (temple of thanksgiving)
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:There is a method taught in the Sutra how to improve your memory. Put a cup of water in front of 地��� , chant his name for 49 days and drink the cup of water. You will be blessed by auspicious dream and your memory will be very good after that.
Chanting 地��� sutra will help any of your deceased family members/friends/relatives suffering in the haze/hell if you dedicate your merits of chanting to them.
地��� sutra is the first sutra i completed (three volumes) and i have always like it.
I chant the whole three books in a temple and the nun came to light the sandalwood sticks for me in the huge incense holder.
Cartoon~ lol
Please watch at 2.18
Is the sutra about all kinds of spirits on earth and everywhere?
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:Wow ! informative cartoons.
Here is one for today’s Guan Yin Enlightenment Day. How did Guan Yin become a bodhisattva, the origin.
My goodness, this is totally different from what I know! I saw the movie on how Guan Shi Yin Pusa became guan shi yin pusa. Was a her. A daughter of the emperor. She chopped off her hand to cure the father. After that she became guanshi yin pusa.
一ä¹�八八年在美國首都è�¯åºœï¼Œæœ‰ä½�周廣大先生,也是在臨終å‰�三天念佛往生的。他得的病是血癌,醫生放棄治療,這時他的家人慌了,他家裡沒有一個是信仰宗教的,一家人在è�¯åºœé–‹ä¸€é–“麵包店,æ¤æ™‚家人æ‰�到處求神求佛,希望有奇蹟出ç�¾ã€‚也算他é�‹æ°£å¥½ï¼Œå› 緣殊å‹�,é�‡åˆ°è�¯åºœä½›æ•™æœƒçš„一ä½�龔振è�¯å±…å£«ã€‚é¾”å±…å£«æ˜¯å¿µä½›æœ€è™”èª çš„äººï¼Œå°ˆä¿®æ·¨åœŸï¼Œè¬›è©±å¿ƒç›´å�£å¿«ï¼Œå®¹æ˜“得罪人。周先生碰到這麼一個人。龔居士一看,他的病ä¸�å�¯èƒ½å¥½ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ç›´æˆªäº†ç•¶å‹¸ä»–ä¸�è¦�æ±‚ç—…å¥½ã€‚ä»–èªªï¼šã€Œäººåœ¨ä¸–é–“å¤ªè‹¦ï¼Œä½ å¥½äº†ä¹‹å¾Œé‚„ä¸�是一樣更苦,有甚麼æ„�義?ä¸�如往生到西方極樂世界,到那裡去作佛ã€�作è�©è–©ï¼Œå›žä¾†å†�åº¦ä½ çš„å®¶è¦ªçœ·å±¬ï¼Œé€™å¤šå¥½ï¼�ã€�周廣大一è�½å¾ˆæœ‰é�“ç�†ï¼Œç«‹åˆ»å°±ç›¸ä¿¡ï¼Œå°±æŽ¥å�—,è¦�求他的太太兒女都幫助他念佛,求往生淨土ä¸�求病好。這一個決定下得æ£ç¢ºï¼�
佛教會的å�Œä¿®ä¹Ÿæœ‰å¹¾ä½�å‰�去幫他助念,三天三夜佛號沒有å�œæ¢ã€‚念到第二天,見到地è—�è�©è–©ä¾†äº†ï¼Œä»–說出è�©è–©çš„樣å�,大家è�½ä»–講的樣å�,是地è—�è�©è–©ã€‚龔居士很難得,立刻æ��醒他,ä¸�管甚麼樣佛è�©è–©ã€�ç”šéº¼äººï¼Œä½ è¦‹åˆ°éƒ½ä¸�能跟他去,一å�¥é˜¿å½Œé™€ä½›å¿µåˆ°åº•ï¼Œä¸�見到阿彌陀佛絕å°�ä¸�å�¯ä»¥åŽ»ã€‚這一å�¥é�žå¸¸é�žå¸¸é‡�è¦�。他回é�Žé 來專心念「阿彌陀佛ã€�,念了沒多久,地è—�è�©è–©ä¸�見了。念到第三天,他說西方三è�–:阿彌陀佛ã€�觀音ã€�勢至,從雲端下來接引他ä½�生。這是ç�¾ä»£äººï¼Œé‚„æ˜¯åœ¨ç¾Žåœ‹ï¼ŒçœŸæ˜¯ç¨€æœ‰çš„å› ç·£ã€‚å‘¨å…ˆç”Ÿä¸€ç”Ÿå¾žä¾†æ²’æœ‰æŽ¥è§¸é�Žä½›æ•™ï¼Œè‡¨çµ‚æ‰�é�‡åˆ°é¾”居士,走得清清楚楚ã€�明明白白,他真的往生,絕å°�ä¸�是å�‡çš„。
For general knowledge, it depends, 地��薩 may be a demon (mara).
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:地è—�è�©è–© has his own Pureland . It is written in the 地è—�è�©è–© Sutra. The story of the dying man didn’t choose to go to 地è—�è�©è–© Pureland but wanted to go to Amitabhva Pureland as urged by his friend.
It’s very wrong to say that 地è—�è�©è–© is a mara when 地è—�è�©è–© is a Bodhisattva and has his own Pureland.
地��薩 is a Bodhisattva but at death bed, mara or karma debtors can manifest as any Bodhisattva or Buddha to deceive the person who is dying.
I've not heard of 地��薩Pureland. His place is in hell, some people vow to be with 地��薩 to help the hell beings but I guess there are very few. Most Buddhists vow to be born in Pureland.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:This temple main deity is Kitisargarbhva Bodhisattva.
It's a very modern temple with the first eco design in Singpore.
Poh Ern Shih (temple of thanksgiving)
I've been to this temple before. It is quite out of the way. It is a newly open temple. I heard from friends that the day before Kitisargarbhva Bodhisattva statue was moved in, people staying around the temple (those who stay in the landed property around the temple) saw colourful 佛光 throughout the night at the hall where the statue supposed to be. Amazing!