有朋å�‹å¾ˆé«˜å…´å¯¹æˆ‘说,他们特æ„�在佛诞放生的地方去钓鱼。一边佛å�放生,他们一边在那钓。我就对他说,佛å�放生自修功德。若太å�¦ç™½åŽ»å‘ŠçŸ¥ä»–说,这鱼儿们很å�¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä»–过去今生往生的父æ¯�. 若他心生ä¸�满或怨嗔心一起,业就更é‡�了。 ä¸�过,还是åŠ�,å�ªå°‘还有一线希望。
廣欽è€�和尚開示-世人為五欲所迷,想å�ƒå¥½çš„,殺生滋養身體,殊ä¸�知å�ƒçš„是自己的肉,å�ƒäººå®¶ä¸€æ–¤ï¼Œä¸€å®šè¦�é‚„å��å…兩,這是逃也逃ä¸�掉的。就是這樣一生皆在還債討債,æ»æ»ç”Ÿç”Ÿæ°¸é� è·³ä¸�出輪迴的圈å�,æ³�且所å�ƒçš„是以å‰�父æ¯�的肉,於心何å¿�?
ä½›è¯´ç´ é£Ÿç»�—æ–è‚‰é£Ÿç´ åœ£å…¸æ±‡ç¼– - 海涛法师选辑
So many non-vegetarian buddhists nowadays then all got karma ?
got karma (be it collective or individual) is one thing, got conditions for it to ripe is another. conditions are the 3 poisons etc.
seed + conditions = fruition
梅光羲居士《大經é‡�å�°åº�》曾æ��åˆ°ï¼Œè“®å…¬æŽ©é—œæœƒé›†ã€Šå¤§ç¶“ã€‹æœŸé–“ï¼Œç”±æ–¼ç²¾èª æ‰€æ„Ÿï¼Œå±¢ç�¾ç‘žå¾�。《心è�²éŒ„》ä¸æ‰€èªªè€�é¼ å��化的事例,å�³ç™¼ç”Ÿåœ¨è“®å…¬é–‰é—œæœŸé–“。《佛教的大光明與大安樂》一文ä¸å¦‚是æ��述其事:“動物往生,我è¦�舉å¤�è€�師的例å�。他在閉關的時候,æˆ�天繞佛念佛,繞了佛之後å��下來念,念了之後穿上鞋下去繞。後發ç�¾æœ‰ä¸€å€‹è€�é¼ ï¼Œåœ¨è€�居士繞佛時就跟著繞。ç‰è€�居士å��到座ä½�上,盤腿一å��,兩å�ªéž‹å°±æ”¾ä¸‹åŽ»äº†ï¼Œæ˜¯å…©å�ªå¾ˆå¤§çš„鞋。那è€�é¼ å°±å��在兩個鞋當ä¸ï¼Œå®ƒä¹Ÿç«¯å��。ç‰åˆ°èµ·ç«‹ç¹žä½›ï¼Œé€™å€‹è€�é¼ å�ˆè·Ÿè‘—他繞,æˆ�為常è¦�,天天如是。å�¯æ˜¯æœ‰ä¸€å¤©å…ˆå¸«èµ·ä¾†äº†ï¼Œä¸€çœ‹é‚£å�ªè€�é¼ æ²’æœ‰å‹•ã€‚ç¢°ä¸€ç¢°è€�é¼ é‚„ä¸�動,å†�一看,è€�é¼ ç«¯å��æ»åŽ»ã€‚這個è€�é¼ ï¼Œå®ƒèƒ½è·Ÿè‘—äººç¹žä½›ï¼Œè·Ÿè‘—äººå��下來,人起來它å�ˆè·Ÿï¼Œæœ€å¾Œå°±å®‰ç„¶åœ¨å…©å�ªéž‹ä¸é–“å��化了。至於它是å�¦æœƒå¿µä½›ï¼Œç„¡å¾žè¨¼æ˜Žï¼Œä½†å®ƒèƒ½åœ¨é—œæˆ¿ä¸ï¼Œç·Šè·Ÿå…ˆå¸«å�Œå��å�Œç¹žï¼Œæœ€å¾Œå®‰ç„¶å��化,決定是深入淨土法門。”
What's the karma of eating meat?
depend on which realm u is reborn into.
tear a paper angrily also karmical. dislike by another person is can also be karmical. another person treat u badly can also be karmical. karma is too complicated.
I killed countless ants when I was young. So did my childhood mates who grew up with me.
It's our fav habbit during our childhood.
i also killed them when young, before i learn Buddhism.
ants are said to be the most stubborn of all. u kill them they still reborn as ants. so the karma of them hating u is not as much as human do. ants are too ignorant.
intention also important. if don't know like u boil water or driving or walking will accidentally kill a lot of small creatures. just keep a non-hatred heart/mind. and be mindful. recite Amituofo. wish they all reborn in higher realms. then the karma is transformed positively.
Originally posted by sinweiy:i also killed them when young, before i learn Buddhism.
ants are said to be the most stubborn of all. u kill them they still reborn as ants. so the karma of them hating u is not as much as human do. ants are too ignorant.
intention also important. if don't know like u boil water or driving or walking will accidentally kill a lot of small creatures. just keep a non-hatred heart/mind. and be mindful. recite Amituofo. wish they all reborn in higher realms. then the karma is transformed positively.
I young use brain I put sweet in cup to tempt them come then pour water drown them.
I killed countless. My childhood mates also. We even compete who kill more.
Everyday eat meat got karma? How to purify?
same, just keep a non-hatred, non-greedy heart/mind. and be mindful. recite Amituofo. wish they all reborn in higher realms. then the karma is transformed positively.
be thankful also. it's the intention of the mind.
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:Thanks
You die er god bless you, if you eat meat, better try to observe one or twice a week, or half-day vegetarianism, or 10 day vegetarianism according to EarthStore Sutra. Gradually terminates to become vegetarianism for your love ones and parents haha
我ç�度å�Žï¼Œæœ«æ³•ä¹‹ä¸ï¼Œå¤šæ¤é¬¼ç¥žç‚½ç››ä¸–间。自言食肉得è�©æ��路。阿难,我令比丘食五净肉,æ¤è‚‰çš†æˆ‘ç¥žåŠ›åŒ–ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬æ— å‘½æ ¹ã€‚æ±�å©†ç½—é—¨åœ°å¤šè’¸æ¹¿ï¼ŒåŠ ä»¥æ²™çŸ³ï¼Œè�‰è�œä¸�ç”Ÿã€‚æˆ‘ä»¥å¤§æ‚²ç¥žåŠ›æ‰€åŠ ï¼Œå› å¤§æ…ˆæ‚²ï¼Œå�‡å��为肉,æ±�得其味。奈何如æ�¥ç�度之å�Žï¼Œé£Ÿä¼—生肉,å��为释å�。æ±�ç‰å½“知,是食肉人,纵得心开似三摩地,皆大罗刹,报终必沉生æ»è‹¦æµ·ï¼Œé�žä½›å¼Ÿå�。如是之人,相æ�€ç›¸å�žï¼Œç›¸é£Ÿæœªå·²ï¼Œäº‘何是人得出三界?æ±�教世人修三摩地,次æ–æ�€ç”Ÿã€‚
Originally posted by Amitayus48:You die er god bless you, if you eat meat, better try to observe one or twice a week, or half-day vegetarianism, or 10 day vegetarianism according to EarthStore Sutra. Gradually terminates to become vegetarianism for your love ones and parents haha
我ç�度å�Žï¼Œæœ«æ³•ä¹‹ä¸ï¼Œå¤šæ¤é¬¼ç¥žç‚½ç››ä¸–间。自言食肉得è�©æ��路。阿难,我令比丘食五净肉,æ¤è‚‰çš†æˆ‘ç¥žåŠ›åŒ–ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬æ— å‘½æ ¹ã€‚æ±�å©†ç½—é—¨åœ°å¤šè’¸æ¹¿ï¼ŒåŠ ä»¥æ²™çŸ³ï¼Œè�‰è�œä¸�ç”Ÿã€‚æˆ‘ä»¥å¤§æ‚²ç¥žåŠ›æ‰€åŠ ï¼Œå› å¤§æ…ˆæ‚²ï¼Œå�‡å��为肉,æ±�得其味。奈何如æ�¥ç�度之å�Žï¼Œé£Ÿä¼—生肉,å��为释å�。æ±�ç‰å½“知,是食肉人,纵得心开似三摩地,皆大罗刹,报终必沉生æ»è‹¦æµ·ï¼Œé�žä½›å¼Ÿå�。如是之人,相æ�€ç›¸å�žï¼Œç›¸é£Ÿæœªå·²ï¼Œäº‘何是人得出三界?æ±�教世人修三摩地,次æ–æ�€ç”Ÿã€‚
god, bless me?