Originally posted by BuddhistHub:My mum also suffering a lot mnow, she have stroke last year and she have another fall this year, now she cant walk because of the fall and also leg injury and cant hear well, everytime i see her she also cant sleep well, I have been chanting namo amitofo and da bei zhou, i hope she can get well soon
Originally posted by 18th Vow:
Hi buddhisthub, did u try to prepare 大悲咒水 for your mum? You can try do it for seven consecutive days or maybe long term. Everyday try to target to chant up to one hour for 大悲咒水 with sincerity n faith. Longer the better. In Tibet, the monks always prepare 甘露丸 in temple. This is the size of Bo zhai Yun pill. 甘露丸is consists of rare minerals that can only found in Tibet. These rare minerals and monk relics and herbs are grind into powered form and make into pill form. During cooking period, these lama would chant in front of it for seven consecutive day non stop, either 大悲咒, om mani padme hum or amituofu. These pills are known to have strong healing powers n benefit those sick ppl but only ppl with 缘 can get it from these lama. Of cos, there may be fake one ard oso. So since it's difficult to get such pills, so maybe can try out the 大悲咒水. No harm trying de. Ur normal routine of amituofo chanting still can carry on as per normal de. Tsfer merit to her n her karmic debtors. Best if she can chanting herself. Heaven and Guan Yin will be moved by your filial actions. Amituofo
Yeah, there are special herbs or special recipe for health in Tibet. I heard from my friend that his friend's father had cancer and doctor in Singapore told him there was no hope. He was very sad and the doctor asked him to bring his father to Tibet as there might be some hope.
I'm surprised that doctors in hospital also believed in Tibetian medicine because usually western doctors don't believe in eastern medicine or herbs. I do not know whether his father was cured or not. I understand that the doctor ever witnessed some people in Singapore went to Tibet and were cured, that was why he advised them to go Tibet to seek treatment.
I also wonder these cancer paitents seek treatments from Tibetian lamas or from the hospital in Tibet.
Have u went to temples to pray ? 太�Temples ?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Yeah, there are special herbs or special recipe for health in Tibet. I heard from my friend that his friend's father had cancer and doctor in Singapore told him there was no hope. He was very sad and the doctor asked him to bring his father to Tibet as there might be some hope.
I'm surprised that doctors in hospital also believed in Tibetian medicine because usually western doctors don't believe in eastern medicine or herbs. I do not know whether his father was cured or not. I understand that the doctor ever witnessed some people in Singapore went to Tibet and were cured, that was why he advised them to go Tibet to seek treatment.
I also wonder these cancer paitents seek treatments from Tibetian lamas or from the hospital in Tibet.
Originally posted by 18th Vow:
Hi Thank you, I give it a try for my mum..
Later I will chant and dedicate merits to TS's mom.
Cultivate on behalf of your family members also would bear good blessings.
For those out there who are suffering from health illness and could not find a cure to it.
However, medical assistance is still require even if patients are undergoing wholeheartedly on the above real life curing agent of spiritual therapy.
Hope that it is helpful to you. Nevertheless, the merits of going through it would bear awesome karmic seeds of Buddhahood and blessings.
Amitabha !
Dear all
It is very heart-warming to receive many replies on what I should/can do to improve the present situation. With your words of encouragement flowing in my mind and I hope my mum will recover soon.