Always curious about this tall handsome looking guy at the last page of many sutras.
Googled a little about him. His name is also wei-tuo (Dawn u are right)
韦陀(韦驮)è�©è�¨ï¼Œå�ˆç§°éŸ¦é™€å¤©ï¼Œæ¢µå��音译为ç§�建陀æ��婆,韦驮è�©è�¨çŽ°å¤©å¤§å°†å†›èº«æ—¶ï¼Œä¸ºå››å¤©çŽ‹åº§ä¸‹ä¸‰å��二将之首,也是大家所熟悉的佛教护法神。ä¸å›½ä½›æ•™å¯ºé™¢ä¸ï¼ŒéŸ¦é©®è�©è�¨åƒ�常å¨�æ¦åœ°ç«‹äºŽæœ€é� 近寺院门å�£çš„四天王殿内,é�¢å�‘著寺院,以守护伽è“�(å�³é�“场之æ„�)。其形åƒ�大多为身穿甲胄的雄壮æ¦å°†ï¼Œæ‰‹æŒ�金刚æ�µï¼Œæˆ–以æ�µæŸ±åœ°ï¼Œæˆ–å�Œæ‰‹å�ˆå��,将æ�µæ��于肘间。韦驼è�©è�¨çŽ°å¤©å¤§å°†å†›èº«æ‹…当佛教ä¸é©±é™¤é‚ªé”,ä¿�护佛法的é‡�任,为佛教ä¸æŠ¤æ³•é‡‘刚力士的代表之一。
ã€€ã€€ç›¸ä¼ é‡Šè¿¦ç‰Ÿå°¼æ¶…ç›˜æ—¶ï¼Œè¯¸å¤©å’Œä¼—çŽ‹æŠŠä½›é™€ç�«åŒ–å�Žçš„èˆ�利å�分了,å�„自回去建塔供养。韦陀也分得一颗佛牙,æ£å‡†å¤‡å›žå¤©å ‚。一个æ�·ç–¾é¬¼æµ‘水摸鱼,å�·èµ°ä¸€å¯¹ä½›ç‰™èˆ�利,撒腿就跑。韦陀奋起直追,刹那间将æ�·ç–¾é¬¼æŠ“获,夺回了佛èˆ�利。诸天和众王纷纷夸奖韦陀能驱除邪é”外é�“ã€�ä¿�护佛法。于是,韦陀被人们称为护法è�©è�¨ã€‚
Wei-To is an important Deva or God in the Chinese Pantheon as his image is always present in all temples as the ‘Entry Guardian’. He is the General-in-Chief of the thirty-two heavenly generals who come under the Four Heavenly Kings and has earned such titles as the ‘Protector of the Buddhist Faith’, the ‘Protector of Monasteries’ and the ‘Protector of Dharma Books’. In all temples where his image is found, he is always placed with his back to the statue of Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Lo Fwo) so that he faces the Main or Grand Hall known as the ‘Tai Hung Pao Tien’ where the main images of the temple are installed.
According to the teaching, Wei-To was a son of a heavenly king who was so virtuous that when Sakyamuni Buddha was entering Nirvana, he instructed the prince to guard the Buddhadharma. Thus it became his duty to protect the members of the Sangha whenever they are disturbed in their cultivation by the retinue of Mara, the Tempter. And whenever a conflict arises among religious Orders, General Wei-to will discharge his duty to help bring about a peaceful settlement. His Sanskrit name is Skanda.
Quite often his images are also found in small shrines located at turning points of roads so as to afford protection against evil. It is very easy for people to be impressed with his looks which has a military bearing. He is always portrayed as a young and good looking man clad in full armour and headgear of a general, standing and leaning upon an impressive looking sword or gnarled staff with both hands, or he could be holding a scepter-shaped defensive weapon.
Just as Maitreya, who as a Bodhisattva, has earned the mark of respect of a Buddha, Wei-To, though only a Deva or God, is very often addressed as a Bodhisattva or ‘Wei-To P’usa’. This is attributed to the prediction that he will in the future become the Buddha Rucika or ‘Lou-Chi Fwo’, the last of the thousand Buddhas in our world period.
Since Vajrapani, a very popular Tibetan Buddhist Bodhisattva who is the God of Rain, and also known as the Thunderbolt-Bearer, also shares this prediction, one thus finds Wei-To being referred to as him. However he has not gained sufficient followers to become a major Deity in Buddhism. His birthday falls on the 3rd day of the 6th month which is hardly celebrated in a grand scale.
Thanks for sharing. I know him better now.
Just to share. I ever heard monks mentioned that some Dharma Protectors are very fierce looking because they have to look fiercer than demons and ghosts. Sounds logical to me.
He is mentioned in Golden Light Sutra, 金光明経,塞建駄, son of shiva who pledge to protect the practitioner. He is install in Japan monastery living quarter and kitchen area. However, as mentioned in China. He is held in high esteem in the main hall.
Actually these wrathful deities served not only as protective deities, teaching reminder symbol. Their appearance may be fierce, however they are not symbolic of evil. They serve to remind us that we need conquer the evil within ourselves, with immense effort in order to gain spiritual developement.
I think Buddha mentioned in Dhammapada,"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours.