What are some common misperceptions about Buddhism? (probably not a new topic, but I guess it doesn't hurt to re-visit topics once in while since we are all at different stages of cultivation.)
Offhand I can think of one which I used to have, and which some of my friends still continue to have.
It is: The concept of karma couched in fatalistic terms. You commit a bad action and the "punishment" and "judgement" for it will come surely at a later time. There is no room for making one's life better or liberation from suffering. All is cast in stone and predestined.
What are some other misconceptions about Buddhism which you have come across in the course of talking to friends and family?
The biggest misconception about Buddhism is probably the idea of vegetarianism is mandatory in Buddhism and also animal liberations.
Wrong ideas about nirvana, also that Buddha's declaration that life is suffering is pessimistic.
Originally posted by realization:What are some common misperceptions about Buddhism? (probably not a new topic, but I guess it doesn't hurt to re-visit topics once in while since we are all at different stages of cultivation.)
Offhand I can think of one which I used to have, and which some of my friends still continue to have.
It is: The concept of karma couched in fatalistic terms. You commit a bad action and the "punishment" and "judgement" for it will come surely at a later time. There is no room for making one's life better or liberation from suffering. All is cast in stone and predestined.
What are some other misconceptions about Buddhism which you have come across in the course of talking to friends and family?
Erm common misconception is u share with believers of other faiths like muslim and christians.
Both will say buddhism is satanic and buddhists pray to idols ( buddha statues)
When you share with taoists they say Buddha is a diety and can give them wealth.
Another one is buddhist cannot eat beef which is hinduism.
My friend ah ma tot buddhist cannot eat beef so she abstain from beef but still eat other meat. She tot only beef cannot.
Another mis conception is nothing exists. We dont exist.
Another misconception is fatalism.
Originally posted by realization:What are some common misperceptions about Buddhism? (probably not a new topic, but I guess it doesn't hurt to re-visit topics once in while since we are all at different stages of cultivation.)
Offhand I can think of one which I used to have, and which some of my friends still continue to have.
It is: The concept of karma couched in fatalistic terms. You commit a bad action and the "punishment" and "judgement" for it will come surely at a later time. There is no room for making one's life better or liberation from suffering. All is cast in stone and predestined.
What are some other misconceptions about Buddhism which you have come across in the course of talking to friends and family?
Another misconception is Guan Ying Pu sa is a Diety.
四大皆空是酒色财气is another misconception.
It means four great elements are empty not 酒色财气.
From the post above...
Are you sure this is a misconception? → "All Buddhists believe in reincarnation"
Originally posted by realization:From the post above...
Are you sure this is a misconception? → "All Buddhists believe in reincarnation"
I din read through all of the article then I posted.
Sorry and paiseh.
Originally posted by Synasta:Wrong ideas about nirvana, also that Buddha's declaration that life is suffering is pessimistic.
What sort of wrong ideas about nirvana?
Non Buddhists thought Buddha was an ordinary human being. Their concept is how can an ordinary human being be more powerful than god. In actual fact, Buddha was enlightened, different from ordinary human being.
That it is non-existence, or that it is just another term for their idea of an eternal heaven.
it is from human nature and sufferings that religions begin...it cannot be separated from humanity
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Non Buddhists thought Buddha was an ordinary human being. Their concept is how can an ordinary human being be more powerful than god. In actual fact, Buddha was enlightened, different from ordinary human being.
Yes. Perhaps it is good to discuss what is 'ordinary human being': 'ordinary human beings' are beings that are deluded, who are attached to the notion of a Self, who are attached to things, who cannot perceive the nature of reality, and experiences craving, anger, fear, sorrow, suffering, and all manners of passionate feelings. How has Buddha transcended the human condition while living as this human body? It is the realization of the nature of reality (the twofold emptiness, of self and objects) and the transcendence of the source of craving itself. In fact the Buddha was not the only one who has transcended the human conditions: countless has done the same since him, even today.
Gods have not overcome their 'human/god condition' which is to be entrapped in craving, attachments, ignorance. Only aryas (enlightened beings) have.
As for fcukpap: that is right, and I'd go on to say that Buddhism has the most indepth understanding of the human condition, what are the conditions for humans to experience suffering, and the way to overcome suffering/the human condition. How to end the source of suffering, how to end war, murder, torture, rape, domestic violence, corruption, suffering, sorrow, anger, desire, fear, and so on by the eradication of those passionate cravings and attachments and delusions.
One more misconception is That Budda borrowed from Hinduism beliefs/teachings when creating his religion.
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:One more misconception is That Budda borrowed from Hinduism beliefs/teachings when creating his religion.
This is not a misconception. Buddha did incalculate some of the Hindu teachings into Buddhism. Don't forget he learnt from various Brahman teachers (hindu teachers) on his spiritual journey.
Originally posted by Wiser:This is not a misconception. Buddha did incalculate some of the Hindu teachings into Buddhism. Don't forget he learnt from various Brahman teachers (hindu teachers) on his spiritual journey.
And what specific Hindu teachings are you talking about?
Even the teachings of 'reincarnation' (that supposes a soul) and 'karma' (which is deterministic in hinduism) is different from Buddhism's rebirth and karma.
In terms of love, compassion, and some moral values, of course Buddhism and other religions - not just Hinduism but also Christianity, Islam, etc, share.
But that doesn't mean Buddhism absorbed certain teachings from Hinduism.
Buddhism is a very unique teaching. In some sense Buddhism is 180 degrees diametrically opposite of Hinduism (for example: atman and anatta).
Originally posted by Wiser:This is not a misconception. Buddha did incalculate some of the Hindu teachings into Buddhism. Don't forget he learnt from various Brahman teachers (hindu teachers) on his spiritual journey.
In that era 3000 years ago, indeed, in the course of searching for the true liberation from suffering for all beings, Buddha embarked on the journey to learn from any "tom dick harry" whoever commanded great respect and awe from the King down to commoners, for the true source of origin. It is only the right approach to do his research with Brahmans then as they were super ascetic practitioners that achieved super high level of meditational peace, which linked them to various six-realms of phenomena. Unfortunately, Buddha practiced together with them and achieved the same level still could not satisfy his path of liberation, until he let go whatever he has learned and practiced by ceasing all his thoughts and ponder. Somehow or rather, the stars he pondered on work, it twinkled to the his enlightenment, and delivers the Flower Adornment replendent virtue of all beings in his meditational stance under the bodhi tree.
Anything that is against joys & bliss is misconception, likewise to bliss against serenity. The most unscrupulously misconception is that living beings and any idolized statues are not buddha. At the end of the moment, it just Ah/\Ha...have a good laugh...hahaha