As you sit, stilling your mind and body, letting go of everything that arises, a spontaneous uninterrupted awareness of breathing will occur.
This awareness naturally expands to encompass the whole body and every single sensation.
At this time you will feel utter stillness of the body... your body is literally stilled, to the point of disappearing, to the point of becoming unhindered, numb-like (for a lack of a better words but don't take it literally).
As your power of mindfulness developes to the point of absorption, a very pleasurable physical sensation will occur. At first the sensation is weak... at this point do not analyze or get mentally excited at this bliss, what is of utmost importance is that you must let go of your sense of self, any sense of subject-object dichotomy and just delight and immerse yourself in that pleasurable sensation to the point that there is ONLY that pleasurable sensation. You will notice the rapture getting more and more intense, spreading all over your body. Your mind stabilizes on this bliss, enters into a state of absorption and mental activities subside.
You have stilled your mind and body.
With this as base, contemplate the nature of your experience until clear comprehension of the nature of experience arises.
I did not time myself. Can be entered definitely in less than half an hour.
I need to lengthen my sittings and make it more frequent.