I find the history of Jonang Tibetan Sect very interesting. It actually was the Sect who promoted Kalachakra and was absorbed by the Gelug Sect when the 5th Dalai Lama forced the nuns and monks to convert to Gelug due to political reason.
The Jonang school was thought to be extinct since then but recently some of their monasteries were being re-discovered and now the 14th Dalai Lama acknowledged this school as the 5th Tibetan Sect.
It is surprising how a supposingly extinct sect can quietly survived for several centuries.
The Jonang Sect is now in Singapore under Bodhicitta Dharma Centre headed by two tulku and a Ven Dr Omalpe Sobhita Thero who is against unethical conversion. ( related to the forced conversion of Jonang to Gelug ?)
Dr Thero was a MP in Sri Lanka and the forced conversion of Jonang to Gelug in the 17th century tied in with his personal conviction. lols.
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