What does the mantra mean?
What are the benefits of chanting the mantra.
Conze's translation reads: "gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, oh what an awakening, All hail!"
A tradition which seems to originate with Atiśa (982-1054) relates the parts of the mantra to the stages of the path as set out in the Abhisamayalamkara (attributed to Maitreya):
gate :- Path of merit / accumulation
gate :- Path of preparation
paragate :- Path of insight (1st Bodhisattva bhumi)
parasamgate :- Path of meditation (2nd to 10th Bodhisattva bhumis)
bodhi :- Buddhahood
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There are many translating of this mantra. This is one I found where the interpretation is different from that posted by sinweiy.
The Heart Sutra
Commentary by Zen Master Seung Sahn
Adapted from The Compass of Zen.
Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha!
So there is yet one more step. If you attain emptiness, and then attain truth, how does this world’s truth function to help other beings? All buddhas attain anuttara samyak sambodhi, or unexcelled perfect enlightenment. This means that they attain truth. They can see that the sky is blue, and the tree is green. At the end of the sutra we are told that there is a great transcendent mantra, a great bright mantra, an utmost mantra, a supreme mantra: Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha. It can be translated as “Gone, gone, gone to the other shore beyond.” So this mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra means only action. Up until this point, everything is just speech and words about attaining emptiness and truth. It is all a lot of very interesting description. But this mantra means you must just do it. Some kind of action is necessary if you want to help this world. For the bodhisattva, there is only bodhisattva action. When you attain unexcelled perfect enlightenment, you must attain the function of this enlightenment in the world. That is what we call moment world. From moment to moment, perceive suffering in this world and only help all beings. That is a very important point.
Attaining truth alone is not enough. If someone is thirsty, give them something to drink. If someone is hungry, give them food. When a suffering person appears before you, you only help, with no thinking or checking. The early part of this sutra has no “do-it,” just good speech about attainment and no-attainment. But if you attain something, you must do it. That is the meaning behind Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha. Step by step, we attain how to function compassionately for others, to use truth for others, spontaneously, from moment to moment. This is the whole point of the Heart Sutra. From moment to moment, when you are doing something, just do it.
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