His Holiness is often asked about happiness - how to achieve it and how to sustain it.
“We have so much to be happy for in Sweden. But why do we still have so much loneliness?” Westers asked.The answer was quite simple too little human contact with one another.“If you take care of your neighbour, you feel a part of them and they
feel a part of you. And this then begins to feel like community,”
replied the Dalai Lama.
He said a self-centred attitude keeps people at a distance from one
another and that breeds constant notions of loneliness, distrust,
suspicion and fear, which the hailed Holiness believes destroys the self
and one’s immune system.“There is too much competition in business, in politics, in most things
and this creates anxiety and stress. You must think more about your
inner value, which is important to bring value into life, and then
transfer that value to others. Then you will have peace of mind, healthy
body and satisfaction.”
Further charming his audience, the endearing Dalai Lama disclosed his
secret in removing barriers and connecting with people from all over the
world.“I think my smile has a little effect,” he leaned toward the audience, erupting in laughter at his joke.
“I always see people as my Human Brother or my Human Sister, no matter
if they are a king, a president or ordinary. And if I offer a genuine
smile and show an open heart, they also smile. What do you think? Does
that make sense?”
Read more at : http://www.thelocal.se/33316/20110420/