Do you find death as a scary thing? should it be openly discussed or still made a taboo considering the new generation of people in singapore? please let us know your views! (:
By Jacques Choron.
The Macmillan Co. 276 pages. $6.95.
Jacques Choron, who teaches philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York, has been studying philosophers' views on death for a long time. Last year he published an account of these entitled "Death and Western Thought" and has now followed up with the present volume which gives his own evaluation of this evidence.
As may be imagined, his conclusions on death, immortality, and the meaning of life are subjective and inconclusive, especially as there is nothing scientific in this attitude and he generally ignores any scientific work on the subject.
He has concerned himself almost exclusively with the lucubrations of subjective philosophers and psychoanalysts, with a peppering of references to poets and novelists. Freud is quoted more than any other writer.
Choron's standard for evaluating ideas on death is much more concerned with logic than with scientific observation. The work of the psychical researchers is ignored; there are constant references to obscure German philosophers, while the outstanding writer on the subject in the English language (Frederic W. H. Myers, whose "Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death," published in two volumes in 1903) is not mentioned and is apparently unknown.
The evidence of research scientists, such as that of Dr. Duncan MacDougall at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1906 (showing that the body at the moment of death lost three-quarters of an ounce in weight in six measured cases) or the studies of W. J. Kilner, Hereward Carrington, and others on the aura, methods of observing it, and its disappearance at the moment of death, are not mentioned.
Goggle " The Tibetan Book of the Death" on line and read.
Death is a scary thing because people dun know that death is actually the body taking another happy form of living. In science, they called it another dimension. There is no actual death instead. By and large, everyone will face "wearing out of energy (like battery lifespan)" either earlier or later, is a matter of time in the context of knowledge on time If it would to be explained on the context of a scary notion that just this life, oldies having strong family and nation bonding or bedridden or in the context of hell etc bad realms, it is very scary for many people. It ought not to be a taboo, but fact of happy journey and it has to be exercised skilfully and compassionately, depending on the flair of individual, and patient is important
Buddhists were taught to get ready for death anytime. If the time is up, whether you talk or don't talk about death, you will also die. So, no taboo. If you don't liberate from the cycle of rebirth, death is just the beginning, it is not the end.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Buddhists were taught to get ready for death anytime. If the time is up, whether you talk or don't talk about death, you will also die. So, no taboo. If you don't liberate from the cycle of rebirth, death is just the beginning, it is not the end.
Well said! Never a taboo in Buddhism! For Buddhists it is happy ending and radically lovely beginning to be liberated from cycle of rebirth into Pure Land Amitabha, to continue the journey of learning and simultaneously liberating sentient beings down from Bodhisavattas to samsaric beings.
Kudos Amitoufo! Om
" Birth and death is just a notion. There is no birth and death . "
I will
Originally posted by SOULUTIONS:Do you find death as a scary thing? should it be openly discussed or still made a taboo considering the new generation of people in singapore? please let us know your views! (:
I don't think many people think about death as long as they are young, strong and alive. When i was young, i was brainwashed by the media about horror of death and dealing with uncertainity of death.
Well, we all know death is inevitable and happen to anybody at anytime. It can't be controlled. Though we are in a modern society. One still has to be skillful and cautious on talking about death as not everyone can accept death. Some may grow more paranoid which may not be healthy, while some may take it in a positive light.
aiya Death is just go to sleep and wake up somewhere else.