Have you guys notice that most newspaper kiosks sell tabloids that report on mediums, with mixture of bodhisattvas, deities etc...
I think it's misleading, doesn't bring any positive image to any of the religions.
But, on the other side, it provide news/insights to sociologists that study religions e.g chinese traditions and its influences in the society: old folks and the superstitious groups.
It should be banned! That's my take right now :)
long time already noticed how the News report on dead people in freak accidents. When it is a buddhist home, the cameraman will always aim at the door way or the altar to show to the viewers this bad thing happened to Buddhists/Taoists. Or show that it is a Buddhist funeral that the dead person's family is holding for the deceased.
When the bad news involved christians, i do not see them taking photos of the Christians' altars.
The small red dot along the equator functioning beautifully because of its multicultural, religious, multi-dimensional intellectual capacities on the regime of unity in diversities, based on the sole principle of peace & harmony in one's heart/mind. The living condition is quite similarly as stated in the Pure Land large sutra of infinite wisdom & blessings, although it is still very far apart as compared to Pure Land. Basically, singapore policy does not disturb tabloid that promote alternative on the well beings of people living here. For instance, there may be situation where the information on mediums is of assistance to those who read about it, and through sharing with people who suffered traumatic experience, provided solace, and saved their life. It also provided some valuable insight as alternative on a different and wider approach of interests that beyond science and sociology of secularism. I think Singapore authority would only ban tabloids that promote very violent, brainstorming against the peace & harmonious mind of individual towards Singapore or other countries etc. Buddha Sakyamuni never ban anyone or information, he focused on education of right mindset on multicuralism and religions by imparting his enlightenment experience of non-dualistical peace and harmony, so that the future living beings who aspired to be Buddha would know how to handle appropriately and amicably on information that they relishing on
Originally posted by Wiser:long time already noticed how the News report on dead people in freak accidents. When it is a buddhist home, the cameraman will always aim at the door way or the altar to show to the viewers this bad thing happened to Buddhists/Taoists. Or show that it is a Buddhist funeral that the dead person's family is holding for the deceased.
When the bad news involved christians, i do not see them taking photos of the Christians' altars.
I noticed that too but anyway it is useless for them to do so because the obituaries in the papers tell it all that prayers do not always come true. My friends who are free thinker do not believe in god religion which says prayers work because they read the obituaries and wonder why the prayers do not work for those who are young and from god religion. They believe more on karma though they are not ready to accept Buddhism yet but more incline towards Buddhism.
Originally posted by 2009novice:Have you guys notice that most newspaper kiosks sell tabloids that report on mediums, with mixture of bodhisattvas, deities etc...
I think it's misleading, doesn't bring any positive image to any of the religions.
But, on the other side, it provide news/insights to sociologists that study religions e.g chinese traditions and its influences in the society: old folks and the superstitious groups.
It should be banned! That's my take right now :)
Agree with you. Those who are not well informed will think badly of Buddhism. So, we true Buddhists should show good examples and also help to spread true Buddhism to people around us.
I do agree it's good to highlight bad things of religion to the public but why only limit to Buddhism/Taoism ?
I am sure there are also weird behaviours and cults in other faiths.
So it gives the public the impression that only Buddhism/Taoism have all these strange behaviours and other faiths are very proper and safe.